满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

一、单词拼写(15分) 1. “Sorry, sir. Please show ...


1. “Sorry, sir. Please show me your driving p____________,” the policeman said politely.

2. You need _________________( 耐心) if you want to get served in this shop.

3. It was not our _______________ ( 错误 ) that we were late.

4. It’s best to cook vebetables in a small a___________________ of water.

5. Do you mind his s_______________________ at you ?

6. Young people like to ___________________ (寻找 ) success in life.

7. He is so r_____________________ that nobody wants to play with him.

8. Hot is the c____________________ of cold.

9. At first we thought he was poor because he was in r__________________ .     

10.Thank you very much ________________________ ( 实在;真的 ) .

11. Ten years hard life made her poor ______________________ ( 外表 ) . 

12. It’s bad  _____________________ (礼貌 ) to talk with your mouth full.

13. Mark Twain became rich because of his _________________ ( 小说 ) .

14. The ___________________ ( 人行道 ) was covered with fallen leaves.

15. When Henry left the restaurant, the owner, hostess and waiter all ______ (鞠躬) together.


1.permit    2. patience    3.fault    4.amount        5.staring        6.seek    7.rude     8.contrary    9.rags        10. indeed       11. appearance   12. manners   13. novels  14. pavement   15. Bowed 【解析】略









提示词:倒塌 collapse  灾区  disaster- stricken




八.句型转换. (每小题2分, 共10分)

81. It is obvious that he has known the truth.

_____________, he has known the truth..

82. I happened to meet an old friend in the street yesterday.

I met an old friend _____________ ____________ in the street yesterday. 

83. The problem needs discussing.

The problem needs __________ __________ ____________.

84. The government gave an order. All the victims in the earthquake of Yushu County, Qinghai Province were rescued.

The government gave an order _________________________________________________.

85. To master a foreign language is not an easy job.

_______ _______ not an easy job ___________ _________ a foreign language.




76. 过去,衣衫褴褛的工人们日以继夜地工作,但他们仍然过着悲惨的生活。

In the past, workers _____ _____ worked _____ _____ ____, but they still lived a sad life.

77. 考试作弊必予追究。

If you cheat in the exam, you will never ________ _______ _______ it.

78. 你自认为很聪明,相反,我认为你很愚蠢。

You think you’re clever; __________ _______ ________, I assure that you’re very foolish.

79. 这一周轮到我值日了.

This week, I will be on duty _______ _________ __________.

80. 夜色渐近, 远山变成了深蓝色.

Evening came slowly. The hills _________ _________ _________ turned dark blue.



六.单词拼写(每小题10 分,共10分)

66. The proud woman said she would rather s__________ than beg for food.

67. Kitty has been wondering what is in the box and finally, she opened it with c_____________.

68. The bank-note can’t be f__________. It must be genuine.

69. The robbers bit them v________. They couldn’t bear it any more and decided to fight back.

70. There are seven c____________ and four oceans in the world.

71. The whole family will _____________(聚集) for a big meal on the Eve of the New Year.

72. To have a ________________(平衡) diet is really important to everybody.

73. Slowly it turned its face and _________________ (盯着) straight at Mrs. Cousin.

74. There is no ghost in the world at all, and it only _______ (存在) in the minds of some people.

75. I was living in the _________ (附近的) town of Genzi , which is famous for Licthi (荔枝)。



The food we eat seems to have profound effects on our health. Although science has made enormous steps in making food more fit to eat, it has, at the same time, made many foods unfit to eat. Some research has shown that perhaps eighty percent of all human illnesses are related to diet and forty percent of cancer is related to the diet as well, especially cancer of the colon. Different cultures are more likely to cause certain different illnesses because of the food that is characteristic in these cultures. That food is related to illness is not a new discovery. In 1945, about 35 years ago, government researchers realized that nitrates, commonly used to preserve color in meats, and other food additives, caused cancer. Yet, these carcinogenic additives remain in our food, and it becomes more difficult all the time to know which things on the packaging labels of processed food are helpful or harmful. The additives, which we eat, are not all so direct. Farmers often give penicillin to beef and living animals, and because of this, penicillin has been found in the milk of treated cow. Sometimes similar drugs are given to animals not for medical purposes, but for financial reasons. The farmers are simply trying to fatten the animals in order to obtain a higher price on the market. Although the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has tried repeatedly to control these procedures, the practices continue.

61. What is the best possible title of the passage?

A. Drug and Food   B. Cancer and Health   C. Food and Health   D. Health and Drug 

62. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. Drugs are always given to animals for medical reasons

B. Some of the additives in our food are added to the food itself and some are given to the living animals

C. Researchers have known about the potential dangers of additives for over thirty---- five years.

D. Food may cause forty percent of cancer in world.

63. How has science done something harmful to mankind?

A. Because of science, diseases caused by polluted food have been virtually eliminated.

B. It has caused a lack of information concerning the value of food.

C. Because of the application of science, some potentially harmful substances have been added to food.

D. The scientists have preserved the color of meats, but not of vegetables.

64. What are nitrates used for?

A. They preserve flavor in packaged food.     B. They preserve the color of meats

C. They are the objects of research.         D. They cause the animals to become fatter.

65. The word “carcinogenic” most nearly means _________________

A. trouble–making  B. color– retaining C. money –making  D. cancer–causing



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