满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

四、语法填空 (20分) May Day is coming. Our clas...

四、语法填空 (20分)

May Day is coming. Our class have had a __1__about what to do during the holiday. Some are in favour of staying at __2__. They think it’s both convenient and   3  . What’ more, they can save___4___for other purposes. But they will lose the chance of getting to know the outside world.

___5___, others prefer to go out for traveling since it can increase their____6___ and broaden their horizons. But they will spend more money and meet some difficulties while  7 .

In my opinion, it would be much __8__to stay at home , for I can do_9__I like, such as reading books, watching TV, and helping my parents _10__housework.


1. discussion     2. home       3. comfortable   4. money     5. However 6. knowledge     7. traveling    8. better        9. what       10. with 【解析】略

三、完成句子 (10分)

1. Mr Robert wanted to spend ________________ ( 余生 ) in the countryside.

2. A kilometre _____________________________ ( 等于 ) 100 metres.

3. Waiter, please ________________________________(为这位先生点菜  ).

4. Henry tried to use the bank-note but not ___________________ (惹麻烦 ).

5.__________________________________( 在过去的二十年里), she has led a hard life.



二、句型转换 ( 10分)

1. They pretended that they were barbers.

They pretended ____________ ______________ barber.

2. Honestly speaking, I don’t want to stay here any longer.

________ ________, I don’t want to stay here any longer .

3. In fact, I landed in Britain by accident.

In fact, I _________ ____________ land in Britain.

4. Because of the bad weather, a few students were absent from school.

The bad weather _________ __________ a few students’absence of school.

5. It would be wrong that I don’t trust a gentlman.

It would be wrong ________ me ________ _________ trust a gentlman.




1. “Sorry, sir. Please show me your driving p____________,” the policeman said politely.

2. You need _________________( 耐心) if you want to get served in this shop.

3. It was not our _______________ ( 错误 ) that we were late.

4. It’s best to cook vebetables in a small a___________________ of water.

5. Do you mind his s_______________________ at you ?

6. Young people like to ___________________ (寻找 ) success in life.

7. He is so r_____________________ that nobody wants to play with him.

8. Hot is the c____________________ of cold.

9. At first we thought he was poor because he was in r__________________ .     

10.Thank you very much ________________________ ( 实在;真的 ) .

11. Ten years hard life made her poor ______________________ ( 外表 ) . 

12. It’s bad  _____________________ (礼貌 ) to talk with your mouth full.

13. Mark Twain became rich because of his _________________ ( 小说 ) .

14. The ___________________ ( 人行道 ) was covered with fallen leaves.

15. When Henry left the restaurant, the owner, hostess and waiter all ______ (鞠躬) together.











提示词:倒塌 collapse  灾区  disaster- stricken




八.句型转换. (每小题2分, 共10分)

81. It is obvious that he has known the truth.

_____________, he has known the truth..

82. I happened to meet an old friend in the street yesterday.

I met an old friend _____________ ____________ in the street yesterday. 

83. The problem needs discussing.

The problem needs __________ __________ ____________.

84. The government gave an order. All the victims in the earthquake of Yushu County, Qinghai Province were rescued.

The government gave an order _________________________________________________.

85. To master a foreign language is not an easy job.

_______ _______ not an easy job ___________ _________ a foreign language.



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