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E Devon, 17, is used to paying her own c...


Devon, 17, is used to paying her own cell phone and car expenses. But lately it's been harder. The family she baby-sits for hasn’t been calling as much as usual and she couldn't find a job over the summer. Devon's dad said it's a sign of the tough economy. He told her he's feeling the pinch too and that he had to use her college fund to pay the loan(货款).

This kind of money troubles isn't strange to common families these days. In fact, it's hard to avoid news about the economy on the screen of the TV or the computers recently. It can seem a bit worry and some families are hit really hard.

For most people, the big problem is that things cost more at a time when they have less money to spend. But higher prices aren't the only problem. Many people are having a tough time making payments on some types of home loans.

Therefore, some families are cutting back on what they spend. For example, eating out less, staying home instead of going on vacation, moving to a less expensive house and so on.

However, as discouraging as things may seem now, the good news is that the economy always gets back on track after a while. Jobs may be hard to find, but the slow economy can open up new opportunities. The couple Devon babysat for might cut back on evening's out, but they could be interested in hiring her for after-school care. Perhaps it's time to sell her old toys and baby gear (设备)in the basement(地下室) or help others sell these items online if she is-good at it. She could charge them a fee to sell their old stuff(东西).

72. What does the underlined phrase in the first paragraph refer to?

A. Getting hurt.               B. Short of money.

C. Out of work.               D. Receiving less calls.

73. According to the passage, what constantly appears on the screen nowadays?

A. News on the tough economy.         B. Devon's family troubles.

C. Advertisements for babysitters.        D. Information on yard sales.

74. What do people do to overcome the tough economy?

A. To strike for high pay.      B. To open a new store to sell toys.

C. To cut down their expense.  D. To move to other places for vocations.

75. The passage is mainly about       .

A. Devon's own family money troubles    B. family troubles' made by tough economy

C. ways of solving the slow economy    D. the increasing prices and expenses


72-75 BACB 【解析】略


Are some people born clever, and others born stupid? Or is intelligence developed by our environment and experience? Strangely enough, the answer to these questions is yes. To some extent, person’s intelligence is fixed at birth, whether or not he reaches those limits will depend on his environment. This view, now held by most experts, can be supported in a number of ways.

It is easy to show that intelligence is to some extent something we are born with. The closer the blood relationship between two people, the closer they are likely to be in intelligence. Thus if we take two unrelated people at random(随意地) from the population, it is likely that their degree of intelligence will be completely different. If, on the other hand, we take two identical twins they will very likely be as intelligent as each other. Relations like brothers and sisters, parents and children, usually have similar intelligence, and this clearly suggests that intelligence depends on birth.

Imagine now that we take two identical twins and put them in different environments. We might send one, for example, to a university and the other to a factory where the work is  boring. We should soon find differences in intelligence developing, and this indicates that environment as well as birth plays a part. This conclusion is also suggested by the fact that people who live in close contact with each other, but who are not related at all are likely to have similar degree of intelligence.

68. The writer is in favor of the view that man’s intelligence is given to him

A. at birth                          B. through education

C. both at birth and through education    D. neither at birth nor through education

69. If a child is born with low intelligence, he is unlikely to      

A. become a genius so long as he or she works hard enough

B. still become a genius if he should be given special education

C. go beyond his intelligence limits even in rich surroundings

D. never reaches his intelligence limits in his life

70. The example of the twins going to a university and to a factory separately shows

A. the importance of their intelligence      

B. the role of environment on intelligence

C. the importance of their positions        

D. the part that birth plays

71. What can be the best title for the text?

A. Surroundings                           B. Intelligence

C. Dependence on Environment              D. Effect of Education




Here are two letters from our readers expressing their concern about school assessment (评价):


Students should be allowed to study without worrying about grades (学习成绩). Fortunately, most educators realize that students have different interests and abilities. However, grade-based assessment is still very common. Grades often hold back creativity. Competing for better grades causes many students to turn down opportunities to go in for music, drama and sports. Grades are also an unfair measure of a student’s ability. I do not demand, as some extremists do, that grades should no longer be recorded. However, I do believe that less importance should be placed on. grades. I hope that someday grades will become optional(可选择的) at Village High School.

Magdalena Smith, President

Drama Club


Let’s face the facts about grades. Grades perform three basic functions( 功能). First, grades get students to work at their highest level of competence  (能力 ). Second, they act as an encouragement for hard-working students and as a warming to those who are not. Finally, grades are an effective standard by which to measure students' achievement. Good grades help students to get jobs and to get into university.

I've spoken with a number of students who have jobs, and most of them say that they were hired mainly because of their grades. My grades helped me get a part-time job and will help me into university next year. I think grades are extremely important at Village High School.

Simon Harper, Member,

Science Club

64. Simon Harper writes from the viewpoint of someone who      

A. insists grades should become optional in the near future

B. believe in the advantages of assessment based on grades

C. is concerned about improving students' creativity

D. supports using students' interests to measure their abilities

65. Magdalena Smith thinks it is important for       .

A. educators to assess the students by grades

B. educators to pay more attention to grades

C. students to compete for better grades

D. students to take part in music, drama, and sports

66. According to the letters, which of the following is TRUE about Village High School?

A. Grades are effective in every way.    

B. Grades hold back students' creativity. .

C. Grades bring about unnecessary worries.

D. Grades are still in use at present.    .

67. What are the two letters mainly about?

A. The role that grades should play in assessing students.

B. The importance of art and music in students' life.

C. The need to have a standard measure for students' success.

D. The reasons why grades shouldn't be used to assess students.






A Subway Superhero

Wesley Autrey can't fly, but he is still being called a real-life Superman! Last week, the brave 50-year-old rescued Cameron Hollopeter, 20, from being hit by a train. The train was entering a subway station in New York City. The young man had fallen from the station's platform and onto the train tracks a few feet below.

Autrey, a construction worker and Navy veteran(老兵), was with his two young daughters when he saw Hollopeter fall. Autrey made a quick decision and jumped onto the tracks. He then rolled himself and Hollopeter into a gap, or opening, between the rails. Autrey used his own body to protect the young man.

Five of the train’s cars passed over the two before stopping completely. The two men were both unharmed. Hollopeter’s stepmother, Rachel Hollopeter, called Autrey an “angel”. Autrey visited the New York Film Academy student in the hospital on Wednesday.

For his bravery, Autrey was given a hero's welcome at City Hall. New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg presented Autrey with the Bronze Medallion (铜奖章). It is the city'’s highest award for achievements by its citizens. Mayor Bloomberg called Audrey “ a great man-a man who makes us all proud to be New Yorkers."

After the ceremony at City Hall, a limousine (豪华轿车)took Autrey to a meeting with multimillionaire businessman Donald Trump. Trump awarded Autrey with $ 10,000. The heroic father also received $ 5,000 from the New York Film Academy, a trip to Disney World, and one year of free sub way rides.

Even after all this attention; Autrey still doesn't see himself as a Superman.” I did it out of a split-second reaction," Autrey said on CBS' The Early Show. "And if I had to do it again, I probably would."

56. Wesley Autrey is still being called a real-life Superman because      

A. he can rescue anybody in danger as he has the ability to fly

B. he rescued a young man from being hit by a running train

C. he protected his daughters from harm in a subway station

D. he succeeded in stopping a train from running over a passenger

57. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. When he saw Hollopeter fall, Wesley Autrey was waiting for someone alone.

B. When he saw Hollopeter fall, he thought over a long period of time before he jumped onto the tracks.

C. After he saw Hollopeter fall, he made a quick decision and pulled the young man out of the track as soon as possible.

D. After he saw Hollopeter fall, he quickly made a decision to protect Hollopeter from harm.

58. In order to honor Autrey's bravery,New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg gave Autrey_____as a reward.

A. a cheque of $10,000                    B. a limousine

C. the Bronze Medallion                   D. a cheque of $5,000

59. It can be inferred that if Autrey met with another accident like this one, he

A. would not do it again for he was afraid of losing his own life

B. would do it again for getting another piece of Bronze Medallion

C. would do it again so as to get another 15000-dollar cheque as a prize

D. would also do it out of his own conscience





It was the end of my first day as waitress in a busy New York restaurant. My cap had gone away, and my feet  36  . The loaded plates I carried  37  to be heavier and heavier. Tired and discouraged, I didn’t able to do anything  38  . As I made out a check for a family with several children who had changed their ice-cream  39  a dozen times, I was ready to stop. Then the father  40  at me as he handed me my tip. “Well done,”  he said, “you’ve   41  us really well.” Suddenly my tiredness  42  . I smiled back, and later, when the manager asked me how I'd like my first day, I said, “  43   !” Those few words of praise had  44  everything. Praise is like 45  to the human spirit; we cannot grow without it. And  46  ,while most of us are only too  47  to apply(应用)to others the cold wind of criticism (批评), we are  48  to give our fellows the warm sunshine of praise. Why---when one word of praise can bring such  49 ?

It is strange haw chary (吝啬) we are about praising. Perhaps it’s  50  few of us know how to accept it. It’s  51   rewarding (奖赏)to give praise in areas in which  52  generally goes unnoticed or unmentioned. An artist gets complimented (admired)for a glorious picture, a cook for a  53 meal. But do you ever tell your laundry manager how pleased you are when the shirts are  54 just right? In fact, to give praise  55  the giver nothing but a moment's thought and a moment's effort..

36.A. rested    B. hurt    C. broke  D. slipped

37.A. remained      B. looked       C. seemed       D. turned

38.A. new      B. special       C. nervous      D. right

39.A. order     B. price   C. material     D. chair

40.A. stared    B. smiled C. glared D. nodded

41.A. called on      B. looked after       C. passed by   D. thought of

42.A. arrived  B. continued   C. disappointed      D. developed

43.A. Oh B. Well   C. Fire    D. Terrible

44.A. made     B. changed     C. found  D. improved

45.A. heat      B. warmed      C. snowstorm  D. sunlight

46.A. then      B. thus    C. therefore    D. yet

47.A. ready    B. doubtful     C. satisfied     D. disappointed

48.A. unable   B. unwilling   C. likely  D. anxious

49.A. attention       B. choice C. pleasure     D. difficulty

50.A. because B. when  C. what   D. where

51.A. finally   B. especially   C. silly    D. fortunately

52.A. effort    B. effect  C. deed   D. feeling

53A. daily      B. light   C. perfect       D. poor

54.A. done     B. sold    C. chosen       D. given

55.A. adds      B. leaves C. offers  D. Costs



35. The national Education Department says school safety has set off alarm bells with frequent serious accidents_________students got injured or even killed.


B.in which

C.by which




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