满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

. The number 9.11 is a special number, _...


. The number 9.11 is a special number, ______, I think, that will be remembered by the Americans for ever.          

A. what        B. it        C. which        D. one


D 【解析】


 — The education system(教育体制)rather than the teachers __________ to answer for

(对、、、负责)the over-burden on the students

---I agree.  I hope the reform (改革) being carried out(进行) in our country at present will

bring about the _________ results.

  A. are; desired       B. is; desired         C. are; desiring         D. is; desiring




 The soldiers soon reached _____ was once an old temple _____ the villagers used as a school.

  A. which; where    B. what; which         C. where; which;      D. what; where




. ______ is no possibility _____ Jack will win the first place in the competition.

  A. There; that      B. It; that             C. There; whether      D. It; whether




. We all demanded the new type of machine ____________   put into use as soon as possible.

  A. refer to         B. referred to be       C. refer to be          D. referring be




It is reported that fully 95 per cent of ____ US public schools are now connected to ____ Internet.

  A. the; the         B. the;  \            C. \; the              D. \;  \



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