满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

As economy worsened, jobs ______ to the ...

As economy worsened, jobs ______ to the laid-off workers continued to be scarce. 






D 【解析】略

---I thought you had planned to practise the piano today.

---No. I did nothing but _____ computer games all day.

A.to play






Do I have to take this medicine? It ______ so terrible.

A.is tasting


C.is tasted

D.has tasted













第II卷 (非选择题 共35分)



76. The boy suddenly lost his b_______ and fell from the tall tree.

77. Wet weather may c_______ for 3 weeks.

78. Don’t b_______ your mother about it now; she is very tired.

79. They made a lot of scientific e_______ in this small dark room.

80. The food will d________ more quickly if you chew it well.

81. We totally  _______ (敬佩) him for what he does.

82. Although you live in Taiwan, you should remember your ________(祖先) are Chinese.

83. She eagerly _______ (撕) the envelope open and read the letter.

84. The main _______(主题) of the meeting was to reduce the air pollution.

85. You don’t know how ________(宝贵的) your friendship is to me.



Shelly Nielsen sees students fall asleep in class at least twice a week. “When I see teens asleep in my class, I wonder if I am really that boring”, said Nielsen, a teacher. “I also wonder why they are so tired.” Neilson first tried to wake up sleeping students quietly. If the snoozing (呼噜声) continues, she may call a student’s parents to find out how much sleep the students is getting at night and why.

According to a research, teens need at least nine hours of sleep to function properly during the day. And more than 90 percent of teens say they are sleeping less than that each night.

Forgetting homework, yawning in class, losing concentration --- these are the signs of a sleep-deprived (被剥夺睡眠的)student, said Dr. Carl Lawyer, a specialist. “The big problem is the social demand for homework, video games and friends. Teens don’t understand how important sleep is.”

Rebecca Lucas, another teacher agrees. “Teens are busy,” she said, noting many activities most teens are involved in during the day force them to get home pretty late.” When I see teens sleeping in my class, I feel sad, like they are not sleeping enough,” she said. “I also feel frustrated because I have so much to teach in such a short amount of time and teens sleeping in the class slows me down.”

Not sleeping the needed number of hours can affect your day very much. The effect is on school, work and driving and is very frustrating to teachers when students don’t do their best because of being so tired, Lawyer said.

Al Taylor, a teacher says sleeping is not allowed in his class. “When I see a teen sleeping in my class, I feel bad that they didn’t get enough sleep but they need to correct the issue at home,” Taylor said. “I’ve raised teenage boys myself. Teenagers like to wait to the last minute to do their homework so they often stay up late trying to finish it.”

72. What does Shelly first do when she finds students sleeping in class?

A. She wakes them up with no punishment.

B. She blames herself for giving a boring lesson.

C. She asks them to stand outside.

D. She reports it to their parents.

73. Students always feel tired and sleep in class because they __________.

A. have to stay up late to do their homework.

B. are attracted by many activities.

C. are not interested in the lessons

D. are too busy to have enough sleep

74. From the last paragraph, we can infer that Al Taylor __________.

A. can easily lose his temper

B. was a father of teenage boys

C. has no sympathy for sleeping students

D. finds a good way of giving teens more sleep

75. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Why sleep is important

B. Why teens are so tired

C. How students get enough sleep

D. How teachers manage sleeping students



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