满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Hillary Rodham Clinton arrived at the Wh...


Hillary Rodham Clinton arrived at the White House after serving as First Lady of Arkansas for twelve year. On many occasions, Hillary Clinton has spoken about the need to find the right balance in our lives. For her, the elements of that balance are family, work, and public service.

Hillary Diane Rodham was born in Chicago, Illinois, on October 26, 1947. An excellent student. Hillary also enjoyed sports and was always interested in politics. Graduating from Wellesley College with high honors, she entered Yale Law School, where she developed her special concern for protecting the best interests of children and their families. It was there that she met Bill Clinton, a fellow student.

In 1973, Hillary became a lawyer for the Children’s Defense Fund. In 1975 Hillary left Washington and followed her heart to Arkansas, marrying Bill Clinton. The couple taught together in the University of Arkansas. Their daughter. Chelsea, was born in 1980. As First Lady of Arkansas, Hillary continued to work tirelessly for the benefit of children and families. She introduced a program training parents to work with their preschool children. Because of her efforts, Hillary was named Arkansas Mother of the Year in 1984. Hillary Rodham Clinton brings her own special talents, experience, style and interests to the role of First Lady of the US. She played a leading part in national Health Care Reform.

Hilary Clinton was elected to the US Senate (参议院) in 2000, becoming the first Lady elected to public office and the first female senator to represent New York. In 2006, Senator Clinton won re-election to the Senate, and in 2007 she began her historic campaign for President. In 2008, she campaigned for the election of Barrack Obama and Joe Biden, and in November, she was chosen by President elect Obama as Secretary of State.

1.What do we know from the first paragraph?

         A.Hillary Rodham Clinton never finds it hard to balance herself in life.

         B.Family, work and public service are all important to Hillary Clinton.

         C.The experience as First Lady of Arkansas led her to the White House.

         D.Before entering the White House, Hillary had worked for the First Lady. 

2.Why did Hillary leave the Children’s Defense Fund?

         A.Because she wanted to marry Bill Clinton who was in Arkansas.

         B.Because she married Bill Clinton and had to move to Arkansas.

         C.Because she found she fell in love with Arkansas.

         D.Because she was offered a better job in the University of Arkansas.

3.Where did Bill Clinton get his high education?

         A.At Wellesley College.

         B.At the Children’s Defense Fund.

         C.At the University of Arkansas.

         D.At Yale Law School.

4.Which is the right order of the following events?

    a. Hillary was elected to the United States Senate.

    b. Hillary was chosen as Secretary of State.

    c. Hillary served as the First Lady.

    d. Hillary supported Obama in his presidential election.

    e. Hillary began her campaign for President.

         A.c, a, e, d, b         B.c, e, d, b, a         C.a, e, c, b, d         D.b, e, c, d, a


 B  A  D  A 【解析】


Americans are thinking about national education standards recently developed by teachers and other education experts. The National Governors Association (NGA) and the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) led the effort.

The United States, unlike other nations, has never had the same school standards across the country. What is the reason? Education is not discussed in the Constitution. That document limits the responsibilities of the federal government. Other responsibilities, like education, fall to the individual states.

Local control of education probably was a good idea two hundred years ago. People stayed in the same place and schools knew what students needed to learn. But today, people move to different cities. And some people work at jobs that did not exist even twenty years ago.

Many American educators say that getting a good education should not depend on where you live. They say that some states have lowered their standards in order to increase student scores on tests required by the No Child Left Behind Act.

Kara Schlosser is communications director for the Council of Chief State School Officers. She says the new standards clearly state what a student should be able to do to be successful in college and work.

Forty-eight states have already shown approval for the standards. Two states reject the idea. Critics(批评家) say that working toward the same standards in every state will not guarantee(保证) excellence for all. Some educators in Massachusetts say adopting the proposal will hurt their students because the state standards are even higher. Others say the change will be too costly, requiring new textbooks and different kinds of training for teachers. Still others fear federal interference or control.

Supporters say the standards are goals and do not tell states or teachers how to teach. They also say the federal government is not forcing acceptance. However, approving the standards will help states qualify(合格) for some federal grant money.

1.What would be the best title for the passage?

         A.Local Control of Education Standards out of Date

         B.American National Education Standards under Consideration

         C.Education Standards in Each State – Good or Bad

         D.Acceptance of the New Standards in the United States

2.Why is local control of education no longer a good idea today?

         A.Because local standards are limited.

         B.Because it is required by the federal government.

         C.Because people today moves among states more often than before.

         D.Because America has never has the same school standards thought the country.

3.Some people are against the national education standards because_______.

         A.the standards are higher than those of each state

         B.the are nor yet prepared for the new standards

         C.the standards may prevent some students gaining excellence

         D.they don’t want the federal government to train their teachers

4.If a state agrees to accept the motional standards, it will probably get_______.

        A.more students            B.advice on how to improve teaching

         C.better textbooks                D.money from the federal government




第四部分  阅读理解(满分 30分)

Dear Daughter,

As we drove off from Columbia, I wanted to write to tell you that is on my mind.

First, I want to tell you how proud we are. Getting into Columbia is real testament (证明) of what a great well – rounded student you are. You should be as proud of yourself as we are.

  Your college years will be the most important of your life. It is in college that you will discover what learning is about. This will be the period when you go from teacher taught to master inspired, after which you must become self – learner. So do take each subject seriously, and even if what you learn is of no practical use in real life, the learning skills you get will be something you will value forever.

  Follow your passion in college. Take courses you think you will enjoy. Don’t be bothered by what others think or say, but make up your own mind. Most importantly, make true friends and be happy. Don’t worry about their hobbies, grades, looks, or even personalities.

Start planning early what you’d like to do. Where would you like to live? What would you like to learn? I think your plan to study fashion is good, and you should decide where you want to be, and get onto the right courses. I will always be there for you, but the time has come for you to be in the driver’s seat – this is your life, and you need to be in corral. Being in control feels great. Try it, and you’ll love it!

So please treasure your college years – make the best use of your free time, become an in depended ticker in control of your destiny, and learn through your successes and challengers.

May your years at Columbia be the happiest of your life, and may you grow into just what you dream to be .


Dad (& Mom)

(Excerpt from Kai – Fu Lee’s letter to his daughter)

1.We can read between the lined that            .

        A.Dad has s strong love for his daughter

         B.Dad is very strict with his daughter

         C.Dad always worries about his daughter

         D.Dad is much concerned about his daughter’s health

2.The underlined word “destiny” in the passage is the closest in meaning to “_______”.

         A.weight        B.life      C.position      D.time

3.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

         A.Plan thing – before you do them.

         B.Self – learning as very important in college.

         C.Follow your passion and what other people say.

         D.Leading a life is just like driving a car.

4.The purpose of the author in writing the letter is to tell his daughter to_________.

        A.smile to her trouble in life B.fight till she succeeds

         C.be confident and happy    D.make the most of the college




第三部分:  完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)

My Teacher in the School of Life

I spent the opening day of school this year at DeMatha Catholic High School in much the same way I spent the first day of classes   36   30 years ago; I sat in Dr Charles E. Offutt’s British literature class, listening to him   37   what his seniors would learn and get them excited about the journey they would  38  . I’m the principal (校长) of the school now , but for a few minutes I was back in 1975,   39  what the future held.

I have been learning from Dr Offutt for 30 of the 51 years he had been teaching at DeMatha. He not only taught me to think, he   40  me, as much by example as  41  , that it was my moral duty to do so and to serve   42   .

Neither of us could know how our  43  would develop over the years. When I first came back to DeMatha to teach English. I worked for Dr Offutt, the then department chair. After several years, I was  44  department chair, and our relationship changed   45  . I thought that it might be  46  chairing the department, since all of my former English teachers were still there, but Dr Offutt   47  me throughout. He knew when to give me   48   about curriculum, texts and personnel, and when to let me design my own course.

In 1997, I needed his advice about leaving DeMatha to become principal at another school. If he had asked me to stay at DeMatha, I might have.   49   , he encouraged me to seize the new     50  .

Five years ago, I became the   51   of DeMatha. Once again, Dr Offutt was there for me, letting me know that I could   52  on him as I tried to fill such big shoes. I’ve learned from him that great teachers have a (n)   53   wealth of lessons to teach.   54  his students don’t know it yet, I know how   55   they are; I’m still one of them.

36.A.mostly            B.exactly     C.only              D.simply

37.A.explain       B.predict     C.speak           D.teach

38.A.keep               B.achieve    C.choose      D.take

39.A.preparing    B.discovering  C.wondering   D.realizing

40.A.assisted     B.reminded         C.advised     D.convinced

41.A.words      B.action         C.explanation  D.models

42.A.the others          B.everyone         C.others            D.anyone

43.A.relationship  B.position       C.situation    D.condition

44.A.pointed        B.named         C.given             D.taken

45.A.already        B.yet   C.still             D.again

46.A.foolish       B.surprising          C.uncertain            D.challenging

47.A.promoted          B.accepted C.supported D.welcomed

48.A.advice          B.information         C.notice             D.thought

49.A.Otherwise         B.Therefore          C.Furthermore  D.Instead

50.A.choice      B.opportunity       C.occupation   D.possibility

51.A.teacher     B.principal    C.officer      D.clerk

52.A.live         B.look      C.depend    D.take

53.A.rich       B.little                C.valuable            D.endless

54.A.Once              B.Even if        C.Unless     D.Until

55.A.fortunate           B.curious          C.innocent    D.satisfied




 It was reported that the ship sank three miles _____ the French coast.

    A. on       B. by        C. across         D. off




That day everyone wondered _____ the baby of four went to her mother’s office.

A. how was it that      B. how it was that   

C. how was it            D. how was that    



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