满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

What __ public is concerned about is whe...

What __ public is concerned about is whether the scientists win be able to find _____ cram for the disease.

A.the; a

B.the; /

C./; a

D./; the


A 【解析】略


90后出生的学生,思想特殊、行为方式和价值观令人担忧。假如你是一名90后出生的学生刘林,请根据下表中所提供信息以“Do trust us—a generation born in the 90s”为题写一篇英语演讲稿,以消除人们的忧虑。













Good afternoon, everyone!

The topic of my speech today is “Do trust us—a generation born in the 90s”.

Living in an environment full of fiercer competition, we, a generation born in the 90s, are faced with more problems in entering higher schools and getting employed.  _____________________


Thank you for your listening!




Modern Manners

Philip Howard answers your questions on contemporary etiquette (礼仪)

Philip Howard,

When my friend and I (two ladies of a certain age) go out to have a meal, she always leaves an extremely large tip. At times, the tip will equal the amount of one of the main dishes—sometimes it comes to about 30 per cent of the bill. I feel 15—20 per cent is adequate for services offered and depending on the type of restaurant. At a cafe I would like to leave 15 per cent or a bit more depending on the service and etc. A larger tip would be appropriate if we are in a big city or a nicer place. My friend says “Well, I am sure they are not driving a Mercedes (奔驰汽车).” Well, neither am I, and how does she know? Who is correct and how can I make changes? I might add I do truly feel tipping should be based on good service, and also if you frequent a place and know the staff a larger tip is OK. I would never hesitate to tip a waitperson. I always leave to the higher side.  


Barbara Bade

Barbara Bade,

Americans are more generous tippers than the British. I suspect that 10 per cent for a tip is about normal in the UK. Tipping is a strange survival in our age of supposed equality and minimum wages. Your friend has a generous nature and deep purse. I do not see why you cannot let her tip whatever she wants, and do your own thing. I agree that a tip should be a reward for good service and general good feeling. If the service is rotten and the meal a disaster, we should withhold a tip and explain why we are doing so. Few of us have the chutzpah (厚颜) to do this. Sensible restaurants have a box for tips, so that they are shared out among the staff, including those in the kitchens whom we do not see. (I trust that the management does not receive the money as extra profit.) I look forward to the day when waiters and other servants are paid a good enough living wage, so that they do not have to depend on the generosity of strangers to survive. To wait at table is just as honorable a way to earn a living in this wicked world. If you are pleased with the meal and cheerful service, you should tip as handsomely as your purse affords. I don’t suppose that your waiter / waitress is driving a Mercedes, even in the States. 


Philip Howard

60. We can learn from the first letter that Barbara prefers ___________.

A. changing her own ideas on how to tip waiters

B. leaving a bigger tip to the familiar waitpersons

C. eating at a café rather than in a nice restaurant

D. saving as much money as possible for herself

61. It can be inferred that Barbara’s friend tips waiters heavily ________.

A. to show that she is well off                              B. because they are thought to be poorly paid

C. to show that she is generous                          D. because they have offered her full service

62. Besides quality of service, Philip regards __________ as principles of tipping.

A. taste of food and amount of one’s money

B. taste of food and the number of servants

C. generosity of strangers and the number of servants

D. amount of one’s money and generosity of strangers



—Sorry indeed, I ________ to your birthday party if …

—Forget it. I know you were out on business.

A.must come

B.would come

C.must have come

D.would have come




第六部分: 书面表达(满分25分)


    ① 妈妈阻止儿子去扶摔倒的女孩;

    ② 儿子对于倒了的油瓶置之不理。

    ③ 写作时要有适当发挥,语言连贯,要写出妈妈的惊诧,还要写出你对此幅漫画的感受和想法。

④ 词数:150左右。














第五部分:任务型阅读 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

There are a number of languages spoken throughout the world. Every person knows at least one language, which he learns in his childhood and is routinely used for speaking and writing. However, many people are fond of learning two or more languages, so they try to be bilingual, which means that they try to have the knowledge of two or more languages. And being bilingual can bring a person a number of benefits in various aspects. For example:

A person can get cognitive(认知的) benefits from it. The bilingual people have two or more words for each idea and object. Therefore, a bilingual person can develop a creative thinking. The bilinguals are aware of which language should be spoken with which person in a particular situation. So they are more sensitive(敏感的) to the needs of the listener than the people who only use one language: Being bilingual also improves and enriches a person's mental development.

Being bilingual has a positive effect on a person's character. The bilinguals are able to switch between different languages and talk to different people in various languages. It increases a sense of self-esteem( 自尊). Being bilingual creates a powerful link in different people from different countries.

A bilingual education offers better curriculum(课程) results. The bilinguals tend to show a higher performance in examinations and tests. The bilinguals find it quite easy to learn and speak three, four or more languages.

Being bilingual offers potential employment benefits. It offers a wider choice of jobs in various fields. The bilinguals can get a great many career opportunities in transport, tourism, public relations, marketing and sales, banking, translation, law, teaching and so on.

So it can be concluded from the above that we should try our best to learn and master two or more languages.

Title: 71.__________ of being bilingual


Having the knowledge of two or more languages.














● Make a person think 73.__________.

● Make a person more sensitive to the listener's 74.__________.

● Improve and enrich a person's mental development.



● Increase a person's sense of 76.__________.

●Create a powerful link in different people from different countries.


● Enable a person to 77.__________  better in examinations and tests.                

● Make a person easily learn and speak more languages.



● Offer a person more 79.__________ in finding jobs.


We should try our best to learn and master two or more languages.




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