满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

After several rounds of competition, the...


After several rounds of competition, the little girl ______ because of her excellent English and quick wit.

A. stood out                B. picked out                    C. turned out              D. came out


A 【解析】


Out of the crowded bus __________, who was dressed in a black suit and waving to a woman.

A. stepped a tall man in his thirties                            B. a tall man in his thirties stepped

C. did a tall man in his thirties step                            D. did a tall man step in his thirties 




―We didn’t see Robert at the opening ceremony yesterday.                          

―No, he _______ it.

         A. mustn’t have attended                                    B. needn’t have attended

         C. needn’t attend                                                   D. didn’t need to attend




To my mind, she is the most wonderful teacher that I’ve ever known, _________ is able to get across to her students ________ she really thinks and means.

A. which; that     B. that; as             C. who; what         D. who; that     




 I feel sure that ______ qualification, ability and experience, you are abundantly suited to the position we have in mind.

A. on account of    B. in spite of                 C. in terms of                       D. by means of




Even though they have worked side by side in the same office for 9 years, the two ladies ______ on good terms.

         A. are not                            B. were not                         C. have not been               D. will not be



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