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第二节 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) 请认真阅读下面短文,从...


第二节 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)


   When we visit another country, differences in music and dance are   36   some of the first things that we notice. Every culture has   37   its own types of music and dance, which are very different from those of other societies.

   Each type of music usually has a distinctive rhythm and a special sound,   38   on the kinds of instruments that are used to produce it. The most common type of instruments are

  39   instruments, such as guitars and violins; wind instruments, including horns and flutes. Many different kinds of musical sounds   40   be created by using different combinations of instruments.

   The human voice is a very special kind of instrument,   41   it can produce a great number of different sounds with different   42  , ranging from loud to soft. Singing is very popular in most cultures because it allows us to   43   words and ideas with music.

   Societies coordinate body movements with musical rhythms to create   44  . Sometimes people dance for fun and individual expression. Dances can also be used to   45   ideas to an audience. Hawaiian dancers,   46  , use arm and hand movements to express the meaning of a song. In the same way, many societies use dances in religious ceremonies   47   to tell about important events.

   Music and dance are passed from one   48  to another and thus become a permanent part of the society and   49   culture. Of course, as cultures come   50   contact with each other, the music and dance of one society may be accepted by other societies, or the different styles may be combined to   51   a new kind of music or dance. Some Latin American music, for example, has taken   52   from Indian cultures and mixed them with those from European and African cultures.   53  , popular music from England and the US can be heard in countries   54   the world,   55   it has had an influence on musical tastes, especially among young people.

36. A. unlikely                     B. probably                         C. likely                                D. surely

37. A. installed                   B. developed                      C. meant                             D. established

38. A. depending               B. relying                             C. playing                            D. resting

39. A. thread                      B. cord                                 C. string                               D. band

40. A. can                            B. might                             C. must                                D. should

41. A. when                        B. since                                C. after                                D. although

42. A. heights                     B. sizes                                C. volumes                          D. tones

43. A. express                    B. explain                            C. provide                            D. compose

44. A. sounds                     B. songs                               C. dances                                      D. moves

45. A. give                           B. perform                          C. translate                        D. communicate

46. A. for example            B. such as                            C. that is                              D. on the contrary

47. A. just                            B. as                                     C. or                                      D. only

48. A. country                    B. people                             C. generation                     D. time

49. A. their                          B. the                                   C. form                                 D. its

50. A. to                               B. into                                  C. for                                    D. with

51. A. join                            B. show                                C. become                           D. form

52. A. advantages             B. styles                               C. features                          D. origins

53. A. However                  B. On the contrary            C. Besides                           D. Similarly

54. A. over                          B. across                             C. through                           D. along

55. A. where                       B. when                               C. which                               D. what


36. B         37. B        38. A         39. C         40. A        41. B         42. C         43. A         44. C         45.D          46. A        47. C        48. C        49. D       50. B        51. D         52. C        53. D         54. B         55. A 【解析】


― Have you ever talked to your fiancée about the wedding yet?

― No, I’d like to, ______.

         A. indeed                    B. yet                                    C. anyway                  D. though




I went to bed early, but I left my bedroom lamp on ______ my parents think I _______.  

A. making; would study                                        B. to make; was studying

C. to make; had studied                                               D. making; had been studying




― I'm afraid I have to give it up.

― Don't be discouraged. Remember ______ sticks to his work will succeed one day.

A. those who         B. who                        C. whoever             D. whomever




_______ is the strength of union that all the dilemmas, if any, can be dealt with.

A. That                B. It                    C. Such                     D. So




 ― I’m sorry to bother you at this time of night.

― _________. It’s just so happened that I’m not engaged right now.

A. All right           B. That’s OK                C. You’re welcome      D. Please don’t be bothered



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