满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

When I dropped in, his family _______at ...

When I dropped in, his family _______at the table, talking about something.


B.was sitting

C.have sat

D.were sitting


D 【解析】略

II. Multiple choices 单选 1’ * 15 = 15’

He ______ some French while he was away on a business trip in Paris.

A.made out

B.picked up

C.gave up

D.took in





1. 绝大部分青少年吸烟者认为吸烟显得很酷,也不会马上对身体产生危害,只要在危害到来之前戒掉就是了。

2. 请你驳斥这种观点,应包含以下信息:吸烟浪费金钱,浑身气味,牙齿肮脏,上瘾会致癌,患心、肺疾病;冒丧命之险追求时髦没有益处;戒烟要抓紧时间。

3. 提出一些帮助人们戒烟的建议(至少60词)。



quit smoking/give up smoking/get rid of smoking 戒烟

poison your body毒害身体

die of lung and heart disease死于心肺疾病

be addicted to cigarettes 吸烟成瘾

feel stressed.有压力的

Smoking is Not Cool and Quit it Now








Third-generation mobile phones, known as 3G, are the next big step for the telecom industry. Data speed in 3G networks is much quicker than that in present technology. This means users can have high-speed Internet access and enjoy video and CD-quality music on their phones.

“Mobile data is not a dream; it’s not an option(可选择) but a requirement,” said Len Lauer, head of a US communications company, Sprint PCS, at a 3G conference in Bangkok(曼谷) earlier this month.

With 3G, you can forget about text messages telling you yesterday’s news; a 3G phone can receive video news programs, updated four times a day. Internet access will also be much quicker, making it easier to surf the Web on your phone than on your computer at home.

Face-to-face video calls

Don’t worry about getting lost. 3G phones offer map services so you can find a new restaurant just by pressing a few keys on your handset.

However, the most impressive(印象深刻的) part of 3G technology is video calling. With live two-way video communication, you can have face-to-face talks with friends and family on your mobile phone.

Many European countries have already launched the service. In May 2000 the US Government issued(发放) five license(执照) to run 3G wireless services, while the first 3G phones arrived in Italy in March this year.

International telecom companies can’t wait to sell 3G in China, the world’s largest mobile telecommunications market. But they will have to be patient. At the moment, China is busy testing its 3G-based technologies, networks and services. This will be followed by a trial period before the phones can finally hit the shops.

“We need to create a pool of 3G customers before the large-scale commercial launch of the service,” said Fan Yunjun, marketing manager for Beijing Mobile. “We expect that the 3G licenses will be issued late next year.”

Third-generation mobile phones (3G mobile phones)

(1) ______________

a. Data speed: (2) ______________ than present technology

b. Video and (3) _____ music

c. Video news programs: (4) ________ four times a day

d. Internet access: quicker and (5) __________

Impressive functions

a. Offer (6) __________ services, helping you find your way

b. Provide two-way video (7) ____________

3G phones in China

a. China is busy (8) ________ its 3G-based technologies, networks and services.

b. 3G phones should go through a (9) _______ period before being put into market.

c. 3G phones are expected to be seen (10) _______ next year.



When former American President Bill Clinton travelled to South Korea to visit President Kim Young Sam, he repeatedly referred to the Korean president's wife as Mrs. Kim. By mistake, President Clinton’ s advisers thought that Koreans have the same naming customs as the Japanese. Clinton had not been told that, in Korea, wives keep their family names. President Kim Young Sam's wife was named Sohn Myong Suk. Therefore, she should be addressed (称谓) as Mrs. Sohn.

President Clinton arrived in Korea directly after leaving Japan and had not changed his culture gears. His failure to follow Korean customs gave the impression that Korea was not as important to him as Japan.

In addition to Koreans, some Asian husbands and wives do not share the same family names. This practice often puzzles English-speaking teachers when talking with a pupil’s parents. They become puzzled about the student's correct last name. Placing the family name first is common among a number of Asian cultures.

Mexican naming customs are different as well. When a woman marries, she keeps her family name and adds her husband's name after the word de (of). This affects how they fill in forms in the United States. When requested to fill in a middle name, they generally write the father's family name. But Mexicans are addressed by the family name of the mother. This often causes puzzlement.

Here are a few ways to deal with such difficult situations: don’t always think that a married woman uses her husband's last name. Remember that in many Asian cultures, the order of first and last names is reversed. Ask which name a person would prefer to use. If the name is difficult to pronounce, admit it, and ask the person to help you say it correctly.

67. The story of Bill Clinton is used to__________.                         

A. improve US-Korean relations                     B. introduce the topic of the text

C. describe his visit to Korea                        D. tell us how to address a person

68. The word "gears" in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to_______.             

A. action plans                                            B. naming customs    

C. travel maps                                             D. thinking patterns

69. When a woman marries in Korea, she ___________.                       

A. continues to use her family name                      B. uses her husband's given name

C. shares her husband's family name                 D. adds her husband's given name to hers

70. To address a married woman properly, you'd better______.                  

A. use her middle name                   B. use her husband's first name

C. ask her which name she likes              D. change the order of her names



Personal computers and the Internet give people new choices about how to spend their time.

Some may use this freedom to share less time with certain friends or family members, but new technology will also let them stay in closer touch with those they care most about. I know this from personal experience.

E-mail makes it easy to work at home, which is where I now spend most weekends and evenings. My working hours aren’t necessarily much shorter than they once were but I spend fewer of them at the office. This lets me share more time with my young daughter than I might have if she’d been born before electronic mail became such a practical tool.

The Internet also makes it easy to share thoughts with a group of friends. Say you do something fun -see a great movie perhaps-and there are four or five friends who might want to hear about it. If you call each one, you may tire of telling the story.

With E-mail, you just write one note about your experience, at your convenience, and address it to all the friends you think might be interested. They can read your message when they have time, and read only as much as they want to. They can reply at their convenience, and you can read what they have to say at your convenience.

E-mail is also an inexpensive way stay in close touch with people who live far away. More than a few parents use E-mail to keep in touch, even daily touch, with their children off at college.

We just have to keep in mind that computers and the Internet offer another way of staying in touch. They don’t take the place of any of the old ways.

64. The purpose of this passage is to ________.

A. explain how to use the Internet

B. describe the writer’s joy of keeping up with the latest technology

C. tell the merits(价值) and usefulness of the Internet

D. introduce the reader to basic knowledge about personal computers and the Internet

65. According to the writer, E-mail has an obvious advantage over the telephone because the former(前者) helps one _________.

A. reach a group of people at a time conveniently

B. keep one’s communication as personal as possible

C. pass on much more information than the later

D. get in touch with one’s friends faster than the later

66. The best title for this passage is ________.

A. Computer: New Technological Advances

B. Internet: New Tool to Maintain Good Friendship

C. Computers Have Made Life Easier

D. Internet: a Convenient Tool for Communication



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