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Priscilla Ouchida’s “energy-efficient” h...

Priscilla Ouchida’s “energy-efficient” house turned out to be a horrible dream. When she and her engineer husband married a few years ago, they built a $100,000 three-bedroom home in California. Tightly sealed to prevent air leaks, the house was equipped with small double-paned (双层玻璃的) windows and several other energy-saving features. Problems began as soon as the couple moved in, however. Priscilla’s eyes burned. Her throat was constantly dry. She suffered from headaches and could hardly sleep. It was as though she had suddenly developed a strange illness.

Experts finally traced the cause of her illness. The level of formaldehyde (甲醛) gas in her kitchen was twice the maximum allowed by federal standards for chemical workers. The source of the gas? Her new kitchen cabinets and wall-to-wall carpeting.

The Ouchidas are victims of indoor air pollution, which is net given sufficient attention partly because of the nation’s drive to save energy. The problem itself isn’t new. “The indoor environment was dirty long before energy conservation came along,” says Moschandreas a pollution scientist at Geomet Technologies in Maryland. “Energy conservation has tended to accentuate the situation in some cases.”

The problem appears to be more troublesome in newly constructed homes rather than old ones. Back in the days when energy was cheap, home builders didn’t worry much about unsealed cracks. Because of such leaks, the air in an average home was replaced by fresh outdoor air about once an hour. As a result, the pollutants produced in most households seldom build up to dangerous levels.

1. It can be learned from the passage that the Ouchidas’ house __________

A. is well worth the money spent on its construction

B. is almost faultless from the point of energy conservation

C. failed to meet energy conservation standards

D. was designed and constructed in a scientific way

2. What made the Ouchidas’ new house a horrible dream?

A. Lack of fresh air.                                  B. Poor quality of building materials.

C. Gas leak in the kitchen.                          D. The newly painted walls.

3. The underlined word “accentuate” in the third paragraph most probably means ___________.

A. control        B. worsen               C. relieve               D. improve

4. This passage is most probably taken from an article entitled “_________”.

A. Energy Conservation                             B. Houses Building Crisis

C. Air Pollution Indoors                             D. Traps in Building Construction


 B  A  B  C 【解析】略

第三部分阅读理解 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)


Picking a Christmas tree takes most people a few minutes, a couple of hours if they head to the woods. Dave Murbach needs 11 months.

Almost every day of every year, Murbach’s thoughts turn to vision of a perfectly shaped evergreen tree that will take everyone’s breath away.

“The tree,” he says wearily. “Always the tree.”

Murbach is the man responsible for finding the towering tree that graces Manhattan’s Rockefeller Center each Christmas season.

“I’m always looking for a tree,” the center’s chief gardener says. “I look for it even when I go to the beach in the summer. It’s like a homework assignment hanging over your head.”

And if he gets it wrong, there’s nothing hiding it.

“Every day it’s up, 400,000 people go by, and 2.5 million people watch the lighting celebration on television,” he says.

This year’s tree, a 74-foot Norway spruce (云杉) from Richfield, Ohio, flown to New York on the world’s largest cargo plane, was lighted on December 2.

The arrival of the tree leads in the Christmas season in New York - a tradition dating to 1931, when the workers building Rockefeller Centre put up a small tree with decorations.

The search for the next year’s tree starts soon after the old tree is chopped up for wood chips and horse-jumping logs.

That’s not as simple as it sounds. Though forests are full of evergreens, few get enough sunlight or space to fill out. And branches in snowy regions often break under the weight, making flees uneven.

Back at the office, he sorts through hundreds of letters from people offering their trees, many addressed simply to “Mr. Christmas Tree Man.”

Despite the occasional anxiety attack and sleepless night, Murbach knows the together people you love. That’s what I hope it sets off.”

But Murbach says he’s always too worn out to celebrate Christmas.

“No card, no lights, nothing,” he says.

“No tree?”

“No tree.”

1. Murbach takes his job seriously because he most likely wants _____________.

A. everyone to be happy with his work

B. to make everyone surprised at his choice

C. everyone to know his care for their happiness

D. to attract people’s attention to his special ability

2. Which is the correct order of the events in the passage?

a. Murbach’s thoughts turn to a perfectly shaped tree.

b. 2.5 million people watch the Christmas tree.

c. The tree is flown to New York.

d. it was lighted on December 2.

e. The tree is chopped up.

f. Murbach searches for the tree.

A. a, b, c, d, e, f    B. a, f, c, d, b, e            C. c, d, e, b, a, f    D. c, d, b, f, e, a

3. According to Murbach’s standard of trees, the best tree must _________.

A. be evergreen                             B. have no space between branches

C. be thick enough                          D. be equally balanced in shape

4. Which is tree about Murbach?

A. He is most devoted to his work.                     B. He is now quite tired of his work.

C. He has no loved family members.           D. He never wants to celebrate Christmas.



第二节完形填空  (共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)


The moment I knew my mother had incurable lung cancer, I realized for the first time that time will one day run out for us all.

I have determined to be with my mother as much as I possibly can. This is not out of a sense of

36  , but because I really want to be near her. But making the time to   37   with my mother has been my greatest   38   . I have a husband, a four-year-old son and a home to nm. I also hold down a(n)    39    job as a radio announcer at the BBC.

I arrived at work one day to be told we would be doing a radio series exploring “time poverty”. I’ve    40    been taken with the idea that we are time-poor. How can I - who have so many labor-saving machines and an only child – have   41   time than my mother who had six children and no  42  ?

I put this   43   a professor. He pointed out that it is because I try to keep my home much cleaner than my mother did. I admit I like to   44   to my friends. My husband says  45   that I remove all traces (痕迹) of human life    46    anyone arrives.

The professor said    47   has become the new religion. We expect work to provide us with a sense of identity and a means to secure our future. And because we   48   so much time in our working lives, we like to reward ourselves with material things. Frequently, we spend our money before it’s earned.   49  is an annoying worry, keeping us 50  to the work treadmill (跑步机).

The same professor suggested we    51   a Buddhist concept -- to enjoy each moment and activity for its own sake,   52  try to do lots of things at once. Since then I have been   53   the art of “living in the moment” whenever I get the chance. I have cleared my schedule of nonessential tasks,   54   house and garden plans, and turned down some extra work.

It is my mother’s illness, a once-in-a-lifetime event, that sets me   55   on the fact that we forget that time is a limited resource.

36. A. duty           B. guilt              C. sorrow             D. sympathy

37. A. live            B. be                 C. chat                D. go

38. A. concern         B. challenge           C. chance              D. trouble

39. A. demanding         B. critical             C. boring              D. amazing

40. A. almost          B. seldom            C. never               D. often

41. A. better          B. worse             C. less                D. more

42. A. tape-recorder    B. washing machine    C. air-conditioner       D. television

43. A. with           B. for               C. in                         D. to

44. A. show off       B. draw attention       C. look forward        D. get close

45. A. angrily          B. surprisingly         C. jokingly            D. seriously

46. A. after           B. when              C. as                 D. before

47. A. time           B. entertainment        C. work              D. family

48. A. invest         B. contribute          C. give               D. devote

49. A. Pressure        B. Expense           C. Life                D. Debt

50. A. led             B. chained            C. relied              D. focused

51. A. adopt          B. advocate            C. adapt               D. acquire

52. A. more than       B. instead of           C. rather than          D. other than

53. A. exercising      B. practicing           C. believing            D. holding

54. A. fixed          B. conducted          C. postponed           D. made

55. A. reflecting      B. thinking            C. considering          D. wondering



---I’m fed up with studying.

---What nonsense! You’ve only got one year more to do. Then you’ll have your qualification and after that _____________

A.content is better than riches

B.it is not your cup of tea

C.the world is your oyster

D.well begun is half done



To fully understand Shakespeare’s works, we must read not only between the lines of his drama, but sometimes __________ the lines.







Is it true ____________ the new drug takes effect, the child with cancer will have a slim chance of survival?




D.that when



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