满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

It is true that shyness can be a disadva...

It is true that shyness can be a disadvantage socially for those who suffer from it seriously. I mean real shyness, not somebody who is simply quiet. Quiet people could be shy, but on the other hand, they may just be observing because they are unsure of you or others in your company. They may be capable of being extrovert (性格外向的) and sociable, but on some particular occasions, they are quiet.

I have learnt from my experience that those who observe and listen more and talk less can gain a position of strength. This means that even a very shy person, the type who is reluctant to talk in company (在交际场合) , especially new company, can become a strong person in just about anything they choose. Remember, knowledge is power, and a shy introvert (性格内向的人) is in a better position to gain knowledge than an extrovert. Introverted people can give great attention to learning, and as good listeners they can take in an enormous amount from others. Over time, people can come to respect them far more than the extrovert who speaks a lot. Usually about themselves.

What does it take , then for a very shy person to be that successful person they have always wanted to be ? They may only need one more thing to push themselves on their way. They need to dare themselves to take the leap; and when they do , they will probably find all the knowledge they have gained over the years will help them on their way to the top in their chosen field.

1.What does the first paragraph mainly want to tell us?

A. A person who is quiet may not be shy.  B. A shy person may not be a calm one.

C. Quiet people are usually doubtful.     D. Shyness is sometimes a bad feature.

2.The underlined word “reluctant” in paragraph 2 probably means ________.

A. lazy             B. careful              C. eager            D. unwilling

3.According to the author, introverted people can be successful because they usually ________.

A. have a strong will                       B. talk less and show off less

C. learn more than extroverts               D. have a good attitude to learning

4.It can be learned from the last paragraph that “one more thing” probably refers to ________.

A. energy           B. courage              C. quietness            D. knowledge


1.A 2.D 3.C 4.B 【解析】略

WASHINGTON – Barack Obama swept to victory as the first black president in the US history Tuesday night in an electoral college landslide that overcame racial barriers as old as America itself. "Change has come," he told a huge group of cheering supporters.

In his first speech as victor, Obama catalogued the challenges ahead. "The greatest of a lifetime," he said, "two wars, a planet in danger, the worst financial crisis in a century."

He added, "There are many who won't agree with every decision or policy I make as president, and we know that government can't solve every problem. But I will always be honest with you about the challenges we face."

The son of a black father from Kenya and a white mother from Kansas, the Democratic senator from Illinois sealed his historic triumph by defeating Republican Sen. John McCain in a string of wins in hard-fought battleground states -- Ohio, Florida, Virginia, Iowa and more.

In his speech, Obama invoked (引用) the words of Lincoln and echoed John F. Kennedy.

"So let us summon a new spirit of patriotism, of service and responsibility where each of us resolves to pitch in (努力投入) and work harder," he said.

He and his running mate, Joseph Biden of Delaware, will take their oaths(宣誓)of office as president and vice president on Jan. 20, 2009.

Obama will move into the Oval Office as leader of a country that is almost certainly in recession (不景气), and fighting two long wars, one in Iraq, the other in Afghanistan.

Obama has said his first order of presidential business will be to tackle the economy. He has also pledged to withdraw most US combat troops from Iraq within 16 months.

1.What is special about Barack Obama, the newly-elected president of the United States?

A. He has a black father and a white mother.

B. He is the first black president in the US history.

C. He defeated Republican Sen. John McCain easily.

D. He will move into the White Palace on Jan. 20, 2009.

2.What Obama emphasized in his first speech were ________.

  A. dangers        B. wars        C. challenges        D. financial problems

3.The first issue Obama will focus his attention on may probably be to ________.

A. withdraw most US combat troops from Iraq   B. care for environmental protection

C. declare two wars in Iraq and Afghanistan     D. deal with the problems of economy

4.According to the passage, Obama’s attitude toward the challenges he faces is ________.  

A. positive         B. negative         C. ambiguous        D. worried



A popular saying goes, “Sticks and stone may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” However, that’s not really true. Words have the power to build us up or tear us down. It doesn’t matter if the words come from someone else or ourselves – the positive and negative effects are just as lasting.

We all talk to ourselves sometimes. We’re usually too embarrassed to admit it, though. But we really shouldn’t be, because more and more experts believe talking to ourselves out loud is a healthy habit.

This “self-talk” helps us motivate ourselves, remember things, solves problems, and calm ourselves down. Beware, though, that as much as 77% of self-talk tends to be negative. So in order to stay positive, we should only speak words of encouragement to ourselves. We should also be quick to give ourselves a pat on the back. The next time you finish a project, do well in a test, or finally clean your room, join me in saying, “Good job!”

Words possess power because of their lasting effects. Many of us regret something we once said. And we remember unkind words said to us! Before speaking, we should always ask ourselves: Is it true? Is it loving? Is it needed? If what we want to say doesn’t pass this test, then it’s better left unsaid.

Words possess power: both positive and negative. Those around us receive encouragement when we speak positively. We can offer hope, build self-esteem(自尊) and motive others to do their best. Negative words destroy all those things. Will we use our words to hurt or to heal? The choice is ours.

1.The author argues in the first paragraph that ________.

A.words will never hurt us at all       

B.words have lasting effects on us

C.positive effects last longer than negative effects

D.negative words last longer than positive effects

2.Why should we not feel embarrassed when talking to ourselves?

A.Almost everybody has the habit of talking to oneself.

B.It does harm to have “self-talk” when we are alone.

C.Talking to ourselves helps us to solve all the problems.

D.Talking to ourselves is believed to be good for our health.

3.The underlined phrase “give ourselves a pat on the back” in Paragraph 3 means _________.

A.blame ourselves    B.punish ourselves  C.praise ourselves       D.talk to ourselves

4.Which of the following statements would the author agree to?

A.It is better to think twice before talking to others.

B.It is impossible for unkind words to be forgotten.

C.Words always possess long positive effects.

D.Kind words are sometimes not needed at all.



In 1971, readers around the world were astonished by some photographs which appeared in newspapers. Hidden deep in the rainforests of an island in the Philippines, was an ethnic (种族的)  ___16___ called the Tasaday. Not until that moment did anyone have any ___17___ of these people. They didn’t have an agricultural economy; they hunted animals and  __18___ fruit from the plants in the rainforest. They carried tools made of stone, lived in  ___19__ and wore clothes made of leaves. Unknown until 1971, they    20     became world famous. After that, there were TV    21    and books about them; people said their simple lives showed that human beings could be good and kind if they were not   22    by modern life. Then after 1974 the region was closed by the government and the world    23     about them.

In 1986, a Swiss journalist, Oswald Iten, decided to visit the Tasaday. The journey   __24____ thick rainforests and across rivers was hard and dangerous. Mr. Iten was    25     killed by the soldiers, villagers and businessmen who wanted to take the wood from the rainforest. Finally, Mr. Iten    26     and found the caves of the Tasaday    27   . The people were living in nearby huts and they were all    28     jeans and T-shirts, not leaves. He thought that perhaps they were not an ethnic minority    29    .

When he    30     to Switzerland, Mr. Iten wrote about the Tasaday people in the newspapers. He said he thought that they were just ordinary farmers, poor, but not    31     from anyone else. He believed that in 1971, the government told “the Tasaday” to    32     they were native people from thousands of years ago, so that tourists---and money---would start   ___33     into the region.

One group of experts said that they really were people who had no    34     with modern life before 1971; another group said they were just    35     the part. So who are these people, really? Perhaps we’ll never really be sure.

1. A. man           B. group                C. chief                D. tradition

2. A. knowledge     B. impression           C. doubt                D. fear

3.A. grew           B. enjoyed          C. collected            D. stored

4. A. huts          B. houses               C. apartments           D. caves

5. A. certainly     B. suddenly         C. absolutely           D. privately

6. A. advertisements    B. services         C. stations         D. programs

7.A. refused            B. separated            C. spoilt               D. conquered

8.A. forgot         B. knew             C. talked               D. thought

9.A. around         B. through          C. over             D. along

10.A. once          B. almost               C. often                D. even

11.A. arrived           B. left             C. hid              D. began

12. A. dirty            B. valueless            C. accessible           D. empty

13.A. making            B. selling              C. wearing          D. designing

14.A. in all            B. at all               C. after all            D. above all

15.A. returned          B. went             C. traveled         D. drove

16.A. absent            B. secure               C. different            D. free

17.A. agree         B. pretend          C. admit                D. consider

18.A. looking           B. falling              C. turning          D. pouring

19.A. contact           B. competition          C. agreement            D. patience

20.A. learning          B. forming          C. acting               D. missing



— Did Jack come back early last night?

   — Yes. It was not yet eight o’clock ________ he arrived home.

 A. before          B. when             C. that             D. until



— Who should be responsible for the accident?

   — The boss, not the workers. They just carry out the order ________.

 A. as told         B. as are told          C. as telling           D. as they told



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