满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The young man ____ drugs was sent to ho...

 The young man ____ drugs was sent to hospital yesterday.

A.was addicted to

B.addiction to

C.addicted to

D.was addiction to


C 【解析】略

----What have you been ____ these days?

----Preparing for my daughter’s wedding party.

A.up of


C.up to

D.on to



书面表达 (满分25分)



















4. 提示词汇:世博园the Export Site; 场馆pavilion; 文化遗产cultural heritage

Dear classmates, it’s a great pleasure for me to be here today and talk about what we should pay attention to when we visit the Shanghai Expo.

Thank you for listening.



任务型阅读 (共10小题;每小题l分, 满分l0分)

请认真阅读下列短文, 并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。注意: 每个空格只填1个单词。请将答案写在答题纸上相应题号的横线上。

You might think body language is universal. After all, we're the same species, right? But basics like what is considered a polite greeting and definitions of "personal space" vary widely from culture to culture. Americans, for instance, are considered rather reserved in the way they greet friends, and they define personal space more broadly than most other cultures. Knowing how another culture's basic body language differs from yours may be of use next time you travel internationally.

Mind how you meet and greet. Americans and Canadians, male and female, tend to greet each other with a nice firm handshake. In Asian countries, the polite form of greeting is to bow, and the lower you bow, the deeper respect you have for the person you are bowing to. In Spain, Portugal, Italy and Eastern Europe, men kiss each other on the cheek.

Be careful about eye contact. In America, intermittent(断断续续的) eye contact is preferable in a conversation--unless it's someone you care deeply for. In Middle Eastern countries, intense prolonged(持久的) eye contact is the norm, and the person you're speaking with will move very close to you to maintain it. The Japanese, on the other hand, consider it an invasion of privacy, and rarely look another person in the eye.

Americans, in general, smile when they meet or greet someone. Koreans, however, think it's rude for adults to smile in public--to them, smiling in public is a sign of embarrassment.

Don't point. Most Americans think nothing of pointing at an object or another person. Native Americans consider it extremely rude to point with a finger, and instead they point with their chin. It's also rude to point with a finger in China; the polite alternative is to use the whole hand, palm facing up.

Give the right amount of space. In Asian cultures, particularly China, the concept of personal space (generally defined in America as a three-to-four-foot circle for casual and business acquaintances) is nearly nonexistent. Strangers regularly touch bodies when standing in line for, say, movie tickets. People in Scandinavian countries, on the other hand, need more personal space than we do.

Title: How to (71)_______ Body Language in Different Cultures


In America

In some Asian countries

Meeting and greeting

Both male and female have a (72)_______ to greet each other with a nice firm handshake.

It’s polite for people to bow when they meet and greet.

Eye contact

People (73)_______ to make an intermittent eye contact in a conversation.

Considering intense prolonged eye contact unacceptable, Japanese won’t look another person in the eye.


It’s normal for Americans to smile when they meet and greet.

In Korean, people seldom smile in public because it represents (74)_______.


Most Americans often point at an object or another person (76)_______ native Americans.

Chinese always try to (75)_______ pointing with a finger because it’s a rude manner.

Personal space

Americans (77)_______ to keep a three-to-four-foot distance when they are with  casual and business acquaintances.

It’s almost (78)_______ in China.


People behave great differently in different culture and knowing the differences of body language may be (80)_______ when you travel abroad.



Today both English language and Internet have brought the whole world right in your drawing room. Now you can do whatever you want to without leaving the comfort of your home. So English has become a must. Nothing is imaginable without it. How to solve the problem?

No speech can be imagined without listening. Develop a habit of listening to something in English daily. I mean to say, listen to English songs, short stories, interviews and short and simple conversations regularly. Repeat listening what you have just listened. Not once but many times. How does a child become able to speak? It is simple. He/She is compelled to listen whatever their parents and people around them speak. Gradually they begin to reproduce what they have heard. So enjoy listening. Listening practice will fix correct pronunciation of the words in your mind and you'll be able to utter them as naturally and easily as a native speaker does.

Speak what you have listened, as the more you listen, the more you will be able to speak and the more learning of the language will occur. So go on practicing speaking whatever you have heard. Furthermore speaking practice will train your mouth and ears. The main ideas of what you have listened and spoken will get fixed into your memory. Once the structures of sentences, phrases get fixed in your subconscious you'll never have to fumble for words, phrases or sentences when you converse with your friends or with someone else.

When you have taken these two steps, you will find amazing change. Now you can start to put in a little time in reading and writing skills as reading and writing skills have their own importance and place in a language learning and you can develop them on the strong foundation of listening and speaking skills later.

67. What’s the purpose of the first paragraph in the passage?

A. To tell us that the world is becoming smaller than before.

B. To show us the wide use of internet in today’s world.

C. To indicate the importance of learning English.

D. To suggest that it is convenient to live in today’s world.

68. What the author thinks is the most important step in learning English?

A. Forming the habit of listening                                 B. Practicing speaking

C. Keeping on reading daily                                           D. Improving writing skills

69. A child mentioned in the second paragraph is to_______.

A. explain how he becomes able to speak

B. show he could listen whatever others speak

C. introduce he can speak whatever he hears

D. indicate the importance of listening

70. Which of the following may be the best title of the passage?

A. The Steps of Listening

B. Learn English in Two Easy Steps

C. Listening Comes Before Speaking

D. Four Skills for English Learning



Normally, kids have curiosity(好奇) about everything around them including animals. As a parent you are willing to teach everything to our children because you want to develop their EQ and IQ. But a few people have some troubles in how to introduce animals to their kids. Here I have some advice on how to do that.

1. Visiting a zoo.

This way must be the best choice to choose. If you have free time or maybe on holiday you can take your children to the zoo. Kids usually are excited to see live animals and feed them if possible. It can be an unforgettable moment for your children when they visit so many animals in a place. Parents can describe an animal to their children so they can learn something about that animal.

2. Doing a coloring activity.

If you have not free time or just have a short time, you can choose this. Actually doing animal coloring activity is mostly used by parents and teachers to tell children about an animal. You can download free animal coloring pages through the internet or you can buy your children an animal coloring book.

3. Doing a paper craft.

If it sounds difficult you can skip this method. Just forget it. Generally, the difficulty level depends on your paper craft models. You can find free animal paper crafts on the internet but make sure of the difficulty level. Remember your purpose is not about how beautiful your paper crafts are but to describe an animal to your children.

4. Story telling.

Have you heard about an animal story when you were a child? You still remember it? How about the character of those animals? Yeah! It is still in your mind. You can buy a story book of animals and read it for your children.

There are also many other ways and everything needed here is just the creativity to connect it with the children and make them enjoy and have fun with your activities.

59. What’s the purpose of this passage?

A. To satisfy the curiosity of the kids.

B. To develop children’s EQ and IQ.

C. To give parents and teachers advice on how to introduce animals to kids.

D. To introduce some activities to let parents know more about their kids.

60. In the author’s opinion, which is the best way to let a kid know something about an animal?

A. Visiting a zoo                                                      B. Doing a coloring activity

C. Doing a paper craft                                           D. Telling a story

61. If you are busy, which activity can you choose?

A. Download some beautiful paper crafts on the internet.

B. Buy your kid an animal coloring book.

C. Give your kid an unforgettable moment to visit many animals in a place.

D. Buy your kid a story book.

62. According to the author, what matters most in whatever activities you design for your children?

A. fun                                    B. joy                  C. imagination                   D. creativity



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