满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

China will have to consider _____ it wan...


China will have to consider _____ it wants to be viewed by the rest of the world when it exercises its influence as a major power.

A. when              B. how              C. what           D. which


B 【解析】


 Easter Island, which was almost uninhabited when it was discovered on Easter Day in 1722 by a Dutch captain, is covered with hundreds of giant statues, each _______ several tons.

  A. weighing           B. weighs          C. weighed          D. to weigh




 After living in America for over 20 years, Brother Sway said to a reporter the other day, “I ________ done bigger things, had bigger achievements had I stayed in China.” .

A. must do           B. could do        C. could have done      D. must have done




 The mayor of Zhuanghe City was ordered to resign because of his refusal to ________ when more than 1000 villagers got down on their knees before the city government office building, begging for his help.

A. break up          B. link up           C. fill up          D. show up 




 On April 14, 2010, many people dressed in black with white flowers ______ their chests observed three minutes of silence in memory of the victims in Yushu Earthquake .

A. pinned in           B. pinned to        C. being pinned in      D. to be pinned to




Born in Barcelona on July 17, 1920, Juan Antonio Samaranch enjoyed success as ______roller skater and led _______ Spanish team to the world title.

A./; a               B. a; a             C./; the          D. a; the



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