满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

---- I'd like to open a current account....


---- I'd like to open a current account.

---- _________

A. Please jump the queue.                              B. Please open an account.

C. Please fill out these forms.                             D. You are slow.


C 【解析】


The doctor is trying to save the patient by every means _______ .

A. imaginative        B. imaginable        C. imaginary       D. imagination




.According to some experts, the GM rice certificates, ___are based on fair safety evaluation, won’t mean it would immediately be commercially planted.

  A. what              B. that             C. which            D. when




.A 78-year-old retired engineer has built a capsule hotel for Beijing’s “ant tribe”. Among the 6 volunteers to try out the apartments on April 3____ Sun Changyun, a college student from Shenyang.

A. were           B. are          C. was           D. is




I’d like to think decades from now, a young Chinese person ______ inspired by Expo 2010 to one day visit where I grew up, just as I’ve finally gotten to experience China in person.

  A. will have           B. has had            C. has been          D. will be




 _____ the three deaths in the region, one person was also left missing from the April 25 sandstorm.

A. In spite of          B. Apart from         C. Separate from      D. Regardless of



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