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第五部分 书面表达(满分25分) 当前环境问题日益突出,“低碳经济”“低碳生活”...


第五部分  书面表达(满分25分)















One possible version: Now, more people have become aware of the importance of protecting our environment. However, there are many people not realizing it. As is shown in the pictures, some students often forget to turn off the lights when they leave the classroom, which is a waste of electricity. What’s worse, paper cups and disposable chopsticks are often used, causing harm to our environment.    In my opinion, living a low carbon life is necessary. We can take measures and call on people around us to protect our environment. Well goes a saying that together, individuals can make a difference. For one thing, not only can we save electricity but also we can plant more trees as well as use both sides of paper. I believe what we do is bound to contribute to our environment. For another, the government should make some effective laws.    Only when everyone lives a low carbon life can we protect our environment. 【解析】




第Ⅱ卷(非选择题 两部分 共35分)

第四部分 :任务型阅读(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


6ec8aac122bd4f6eThe expo theme, "Better City, Better Life", highlights the new thinking, new technologies and new practices for achieving healthy and sustainable urban living. Guided by these concepts, the New Zealand Pavilion will follow the theme, "Cities of Nature, Living between Land and Sky".

The aim of the pavilion is to present a welcoming vision of a nation that is working hard to bring its cities into a sustainable balance with nature; a country in which natural beauty, the inspiration that it brings, and the lifestyles that it permits, can exist alongside and contribute to a modern and creative first world economy.

In its form and content the pavilion takes inspiration from the Maori creation story in which the god Tane separated his parents, the Sky and the Earth, to create space both for the natural world and for human beings.

The location

The pavilion will be located in one of the prime sites at the expo, close to the host country's pavilion and alongside the enormous theme pavilion. It will neighbor on the main walkway and will be seen by virtually every visitor to the expo.

The design

Designed and built by international project management company Coffey Projects, the distinctive wedge-shaped pavilion will have a projected capacity of 40,000 visitors per day. It will cover approximately 75 percent of a 2000- square-metre corner site, close to both the China Pavilion and the China Theme Pavilion, and beside the main elevated walkway.

Two of the visitor experience areas:

Cities of Nature

Experiencing Inside the wedge, visitors will walk along a winding ramp(斜坡) that gradually rises up, taking them through a "day in the life" of a New Zealand family in a composite New Zealand city in a natural setting: from the mountains to the sea, past farmlands and bush and back towards the mountains, through a beachhouse, a school classroom and an office building.

Garden and wild places walk

Visitors will exit the Cities of Nature experience near the top of the wedge, and will then walk back down towards the corridor area through a garden planted with New Zealand trees and flowers, and making use of sculptural elements, audio and lighting.



71   to New Zealand Pavilion


Cities of Nature, Living between Land and Sky


To  73  a welcoming vision of a beautiful, harmonious and modern country.


74   to the host country’s pavilion and main walk way.


An international project management company designed and built it, which looks like a  75 . It can hold 40,000 people per day.

76   areas

In this indoor experience, visitors will be  77  along a gradually rising ramp to visit a New Zealand family   78  in nature.

After  79  out of the Cities of Nature experience, visitors will finally walk down through a garden   80  of New Zealand trees and flowers.




If you're 70 and overweight, you may live longer

A few extra pounds might help you live longer if you're past your prime(壮年) but otherwise healthy, a new study finds.

    Physicians routinely follow guidelines issued by the World Health Organization. Because weight depends on height, they use a standard measure called body mass index (BMI), which is calculated as the weight in kilograms divided by the height in meters squared.

    Healthy weight is defined as a BMI anywhere between 18.5 and 24.9 in adults, whereas 25 to 29.9 is overweight and 30+ is obese.

    The new study suggests that in the elderly, these boundaries may be too narrow. While no one is questioning that extra fat poses health risks in young and middle-aged adults, it may reduce the impact of frailty and old age, geriatrician(老年医学专家) Dr. Thomas Yoshikawa told Reuters Health.

    So far, nobody knows exactly how BMI affects lifespan in older people. Some researchers speculate that it acts as an energy reserve that can help the elderly cope with illness.

    For the study, Australian researchers followed more than 9,000 men and women who were between 70 and 75 years old at the beginning. The participants reported their height and weight as well as various factors related to health and lifestyle. About 33 percent of the women and 44 percent of the men were overweight.

    Over 10 years, more than 2,000 of the participants died. Women who had an active life and didn't smoke were the most likely to be alive at the end of the study.

    But neither health nor lifestyle could fully explain why overweight people of both sexes survived longer than their normal-weight peers, who fared no better than obese individuals. In terms of survival, the best BMI was between 26 and 27, well within the overweight range.

    The new results agree with earlier research showing that fat may be beneficial in old age.

1.We can learn from the passage that_________.

A. the heavier one is, the better             

B. we shouldn’t lose weight when old

C. one should keep his weight within the recommended range

D. we shouldn’t worry about our weight if we are slightly fatter than normal when old 

2.According to the passage, if a person is 1.5 metres in height and 67.5 kg in weight, his BMI is________.

  A.30            B.25           C.45         D. 28

3. What does the author want to tell us most?

A. Fatness has little to do with diseases in old age.        

B. Fatness is not always bad.

C. Fatness may be beneficial instead of harmful in old age.

D. Overweight people of both sexes survive longer than their normal-weight peers.




The Grand Canyon (峡谷) in Arizona extends four hundred fifty kilometers. The canyons look as if they formed as the earth split apart. They were actually cut by rivers.

Looking at the Grand Canyon is like looking back in time. Forty million years ago, the Colorado River began cutting through the area. At the same time, the surrounding land was pushed up by forces deep within the Earth. Rain, snow, ice, wind, and plant roots rubbed away at the top of the new canyon. Below, the flowing river continued to uncover more and more levels of ancient rock. Their appearance changes endlessly -- with the light, the time of year, and the weather.

6ec8aac122bd4f6eThe Grand Canyon has several weather environments. The top is often much different from the bottom. On some winter days, for example, you may find cold winds and snow at the top. But at the bottom, you may find warm winds and flowers.

The Grand Canyon is known as one of the seven wonders of the natural world. About five million people visit the canyon each year. Most visitors walk along paths part way down into the canyon. Some visitors ride mules to the bottom and back.

There are several other ways to visit the Grand Canyon. Hundreds of thousands of people see the canyon by air each year. They pay a helicopter or airplane pilot to fly them above and around the canyon.

About twenty thousand people a year see the Grand Canyon from the Colorado River itself. They ride boats over the rapid, rocky water. These trips last from one week to three weeks.

Visitors can see the Grand Canyon in still another way. A huge glass walkway, called the Skywalk, extends from the edge and is hanging above the bottom of the canyon.

Some people say the Skywalk is an engineering wonder. However, other people have criticized the Skywalk and future development. They say it harms a national treasure and reduces the enjoyment of nature in the Grand Canyon.

1. We can learn from the first paragraph ____________.

A. the Grand Canyon is the most beautiful place in America

B. the Grand Canyon is four hundred fifty kilometers long

C. the Grand Canyon used to be a dried river 

D. the Grand Canyon used to be a deep opening in the earth

2. According to the passage, people can visit the Grand Canyon in ______ ways.

A. 3                B. 4            C. 5           D. 6

3. We can learn that the author of the passage hold a(n) ______ attitude towards the Skywalk.

  A. positive       B. negative       C. objective      D. critical

4. All the following are true about the Grand Canyon EXCEPT ____________.

  A. The top of the Grand Canyon is always cold.

  B. The Grand Canyon displays different colors in different times.

  C. The Grand Canyon is as old as forty million years old.

  D. Every year more people see the Grand Canyon by air than by boat.




Many of the employees think their career path and plans begin during their employment or when they already secured a job. But basically, if we look at what becomes of a person, you can root it from the upbringing of the person, to be more specific, from childhood.

    As parents, we usually groom our children’s future according to what we are or what we wanted to be. We buy them toys and educational materials according to what we dream our children would become someday. For example, we know that becoming a teacher means a lot of sacrifices and lots of time worked but the pay is not satisfying. Thus, if we see this profession not favorable financially, we discourage our children from becoming teachers. However, the earliest exposure of children is usually in the medical field profession (every time they visit the hospital for consultation or any medical requirements) and the education or teaching profession (by the time they start attending classes). Information other than the two professions mentioned came from the parents and later exposure or experiences when they grew up and learn of their interest according to their special skills.

    In career pathing, the parents’ role plays a major part for the individual’s success in identifying their chosen career. The best way is to support the child’s interest and not forcing them to take courses that the parents wanted for themselves. Support can be provided by helping them read materials on their field of interest, exposing them to the career and providing information as to the advantages and great efforts that one may take to accomplish their chosen field. This is not difficult nowadays. The internet and the publications are now very affordable and even the media provides the information for the different careers that our children may take. There are shows and programs that can provide a picture of the different field. But before you go to your television and change the channel of what your child is watching, check first if the program is fit for their age and maturity.

1. The underlined word “groom” in the second paragraph can be replaced by ___________.

  A. take care of         B. prepare         C. expect          D. feed

2. Why does the parents’ role play a major part for the individual’s success in identifying their chosen career?

  A. Because the best approach is to support the child’s interest.

  B. Because parents can help them read materials on their interest.

  C. Because parents can provide them with needed information.

  D. Because parents’ help and support is extremely important.

3. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

  A. The earlier, the better                     B. Work from childhood

  C. Career Path Begins During Childhood        D. Parent’s support in choosing a career

4. It can be inferred that __________.

A. parents play a major part in helping their children choose their career

B. parents have a great effect on their children’s life

C. one’s early education is very important

D. getting information about jobs is not difficult nowadays because of the internet






6ec8aac122bd4f6eThe competition for Hollywood's highest honors has begun with the announcement Tuesday in Los Angeles of this year's nominations(提名)for the 82nd Academy Awards. 

As expected, James Cameron's Avatar received a Best Picture nomination. And Cameron's former wife, Kathryn Bigelow, was nominated for The Hurt Locker, a war film set in Iraq.  Bigelow would be the first female director to win Best Picture.

    Hollywood author Tom O'Neil says the race between the former couple adds more drama to the competition.  "We have a classic David-versus-Goliath battle here for Best Picture at the Oscars. The most successful movie ever made, Avatar, up against a movie that lost money, The Hurt Locker - directed by the former Mrs. Goliath, Kathryn Bigelow. This race has all kinds of dimensions(程度) to it," he said.

    For the first time since 1943, 10 films are competing for the Best Picture award.

    Entertainment reporter Sam Rubin says that means greater interest in the Academy Awards ceremony March 7th.  "The Oscars are a television show," he explained. "So the idea is to increase ratings and interest in the television show."

   District Nine represents another departure -- a tale of science fiction -- like the box office hit Avatar.

    "No science-fiction movie has ever won Best Picture. Only two have been nominated in the past: Star Wars and E.T. Two are nominated for Best Picture now," O'Neil said.

    Best Picture nominee Precious is a drama about the struggles of an inner-city teen, and its director, Lee Daniels, is also nominated in the Best Director category. He is first African-American director to get a Best Picture nomination. 

    The other Best Picture nominees are An Education, The Blind Side, Inglourious Basterds, A Serious Man, and Up in the Air.

    Over the past 20 years, the film with the most nominations has won best picture 15 times --making Avatar and The Hurt Locker the favorites. 

1. According to the passage, the director of the film __________might be the first female director to win Best Picture.

 A. Avatar       B. The Hurt Locker     C. Star Wars     D. The Blind Side

2.How many films have been nominated for the Best Picture Award of the 82nd Oscars?

A. 2           B. 6                C. 8             D.10

3. Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?

A. The nominations for the 2009 Oscar Best Picture Films

B. The competition for Hollywood's highest honors has begun

C. The race between a couple                 D. Best Picture Award for the Oscars

4. Which of the following is TRUE about Avatar?

A. It is the most successful movie ever made.

B. It’s the only science-fiction movie that has ever won Best Picture.

C. It was directed by James Cameron                    D. It’s a war film.



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