满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

----I didn’t see her yesterday. ---- Of ...

----I didn’t see her yesterday.

---- Of course, you ____, because he had gone for a trip..


B.may not have

C.can’t have

D.mustn’t have


C 【解析】略

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


When I was 16 years old,I made my first visit to Disneyland in America.It wasn't the first time I had been _16_.Like most English children I learned French 17_school and I had often been to France,so I  18_  speaking a foreign language to people who didn't understand _19  .But  __20_ I went to America,I was really looking forward to _2l_ a nice easy holiday without any _22_ problems.

_23  wrong I was! The misunderstanding began _24_ the airport。I was looking for a _25_ telephone to give my friend Danny a _26_ and tell her that I had arrived.A  _27  old man saw me looking lost and asked _28_ he could help me.

“Yes,”I said,“I want to give my friend a ring.”“Well,that's nice,”he said,“Are you getting _29 ? But aren't you a bit young?”“_30_ is talking about marriage?”I replied.“I just want to give my friend a ring to tell her I've arrived.Can you tell me  31  there’s a phone box?”“Oh!”he said,“there's a phone downstairs.”

When at last we did meet up,Danny explained the misunderstanding to me.“Don't worry,”she said to me,“I had so many  _32  at first.There are lots of words which the Americans  _33_ differently in meaning from us British.You'll soon get used to  34  funny things they say.Most of the  _35_ , British and American people understand each other!”

16. A.out                   B.away              C.outside                 D.abroad

17. A.from              B.during            C.at                      D.after

18. A.get used to         B.was used to      C.used to                D.used

19. A.English        B.French          C.Russian               D.Latin

20. A.when             B.while               C.if                      D.for

21. A.buying             B.having         C.giving                  D.receiving

22. A.time              B.human         C.1anguage            D. money

23. A. Too                B. What a          C.What                  D.How

24. A.with              B. to                        C.over                         D.at

25. A.cheap             B.popular        C.public                  D.good

26. A. letter               B. ring                  C. news                     D. information

27.A. friendly            B. strange             C. stupid                      D. tough

28.A.how              B. if                     C. where                    D. what

29.A. to marry           B. to be married     C. marrying                 D. married

30.A.You              B.She             C.Who                   D.He

31.A.where          B.in which      C.over there            D.that

32. A.trouble           B.difficulties     C.things                  D.fun

33. A.write             B.speak           C.use                      D.read

34. A.every             B.these           C.some                    D.all the

35. A.chance                 B.situation          C.condition                      D.time



— Did you go to the party last night?

  — Yes. And I’d rather ________. It was so________.

A.not go; tiresome       

B.not have gone; exciting

C.not have gone; tiring      

D.go; interesting



—How long do you think it is ________ he arrived here?

  —No more than half a year, I believe.







Many people watch the news on TV _____ themselves the trouble of reading the newspaper.

save   B. to save C. saving    D. are saving



Who would you rather ________ the watch?

A.have to repair

B.have fixed

C.get repaired

D.get to repair



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