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Summer is _______ good time for swimming...


Summer is _______ good time for swimming, so you can find a good coach to help you in _______ summer of 2010.

         A. a; the                     B. /; /                                    C. a; /                                   D. /;the


A 【解析】


假如你叫李华,你将代表你的学校,就”Shall a senior school student take a part-time job in holidays?”的主题发表演讲。












Ladies and gentlemen,


That’s all. Thank you.






When we think about education and language learning, we are most likely to think of books. Although there are lots of language learning methods, many people still prefer to learn only by using books. So what are the advantages of learning a language from a book?

Here are its advantages: firstly, you can take language books wherever you go conveniently and you can use them whenever you want. Secondly, they are easy to follow because the courses in them are usually planned for you in strict order starting from the most basic concepts to the more complex. Thirdly, if you are unsure of something, you can continue to work on it as quickly as you like. Lastly, books are likely to have a lot of vocabulary and a lot of topics so you will get great value out of a book with lots of materials in it.

Using books to study a language has disadvantages, too. All textbooks and dictionaries usually include some kind of pronunciation guide. These are helpful when there is no other way to learn, but this can't help you practice your pronunciation. With an audio method, you can compare your pronunciation to that of a native speaker. Besides, some words are spoken faster in one sentence or slower in another, so the pronunciation of a word may change according to the emotion or feeling you want to convey. Also, books can’t actually help you hear the language with its unique rhythms spoken by native speakers. With an audio language learning method, you will be able to hear and understand the language better.

Therefore, if you can supplemental(补充)your book with some other language tools, such as audio tapes, internet radio or resources such as music or television, you will have a much better chance of understanding the books' pronunciation guide and using it to get a good grasp of the spoken language.

Title: One of the Language Learning 81.__________— Using Books


To get a good grasp of the spoken language, we need to combine language learning books with an audio component


*It’s 83. __________ and easy to take books with you. You can use them at anytime.

*It’s easy to 84. __________ books because they are arranged with the most basic information at the start to the more complicated concepts later on.

*You can take your time with a book and use it at our own pace.

*You will get great 85. __________ out of a book which 86. __________ lots of materials in it.


*It can’t help you practice and compare your 87.__________ with that of a native speaker.

*It can’t help you improve your listening 88. __________.

89. __________

We should use other language learning 90. __________ to help us learn a language properly.







71.On a freezing night, the little match girl was f__________ to death in a street corner.

72.It was the first time that he had been on the stage. He could feel his heart b__________ wildly.

73.If you were Expo v__________, what would you do to make contributions to this great event?

74.With the d______of modern society, we have become more and more dependent on advanced technology.

75.I’m interested in business and I’ll run a company of my own after learning some c__________ courses at university.

76.Having prepared for the exam for half a year, he stepped into the classroom and took the exam _________(自信地).

77.People call the USA a “melting pot” because its society is one __________(组成)of people from all over the world.

78.Most American people __________(最初) came from Europe.

79.What is the __________(官方的)language of India?

80.Looking at the volcano through a pair of binoculars, we can hardly imagine how this quiet volcano __________(摧毁)the whole city 2000 years ago.




School kids show talents for charity

Youngsters at Fulwood High School and Arts College in Preston will show their talents to raise money for sick children. It is putting on a wonderful show on Thursday November to support Derian House Children’s Hospice(安养院)near Chorley.

Pupils are planning a night to remember, with a wide range of acts from singers and dancers to a magician. Local band Vox Population, fronted by former pupil Laurence Holt, will be playing following their recent tour of Germany. The best part of the night will be a surprise act by a group of teachers.

Tickets are available from the school priced £1.50 for pupils and £2 for adults. The show starts at 7 pm.

Grants(补助金)aim to boost recycling

Children and community groups across Lancashire have been given help to recycle more. More than 40 schools, organizations and community groups have received Waste Action Grants.

Brinscall Primary School in Chorley has been awarded 500 pounds to provide money for its Infant Fruit Waste project. The money has been used to buy a Roly Pig composter that will turn fruit waste into compost(堆肥).

Carole Lormer, from the school, said, “The children completely love the Roly Pigs. They have been feeding and turning them every day, using leftover fruit.”

For information visit www.globalrenewables.co.uk/wasteactiongrants or call 01172 642885.

Ready when you are

If you’re looking to bag that dream job, your basic maths and English skills need to be good. If you think your basic skills are a little out of practice, try taking Learnerdirect’s “Ready When You Are” challenge.

Hosted by Eamonn Holmes and Johnny Ball, it’s a fun and interactive quiz based on real life situations, which aims to help you decide where you might need to brush up on your basic skills. Log onto: www.learndirect.co.uk/ready

Good luck!

68.What information can we get from the first advertisement?

A. Laurence Holt is the main singer in the band.

B. Teachers will be surprised at the performance.

C. The show is held to celebrate students’ graduation.

D. Parents are expected to offer £2 to each pupil.

69.   How do the students in Brinscall Primary School recycle?

A. They feed pigs on the leftover fruit.

B. They turn waste fruit into fertilizer with a machine.

C. They awarded £500 to those who waste least at school.

D. They raised £500 for the Infant Fruit Waste project.

70.   “Ready when you are” is an advertisement for ________.

A. a good job.                 B. a skill learning course

C. an interactive quiz              D. an interesting website






My father came to the United States as a Ukrainian immigrant (移民)when he was 14 years old. Unable to speak English but willing to do anything to succeed, he learned the language, and became a barber. He put his two daughters, my sister and me, through college during a time when most people thought that women didn’t need an education and that they should be satisfied by getting married and having children.

I was preparing to get married and my father was trying to practice the polka, a must at any Ukrainian wedding. But he couldn’t do it! He had lost the mobility(活动能力)in his leg and suffered a brain tumor(瘤). He was forced to retire as a result of paralysis(瘫痪)of his right arm and leg. Dad had always worked two jobs and spent his spare time working around the house. Now his life came to a sudden stop. Yet never once did he complain. He bought rubber balls and spent his days trying to regain his hand mobility by squeezing those balls over and over.

After his second brain operation, he chatted pleasantly in the hospital room until a nurse flew into the room, waving her finger at me, and yelling, “You’d better tell your father to stay in bed. He is paralyzed and will never walk again. I am sick of picking him up and you’d better warn him to stay put!” My father smiled. He spent a great deal of time on the floor that year, but he eventually got up and walked.

My father lived nineteen more years after that second brain operation. He bought himself a motorized scooter(单脚滑行车)and spent years moving around the streets of Philadelphia. He was proud, free and always smiling.

56.In what way was the father different from most other people in his time?

A. He succeeded immigrating to the US.     

B. He learned the new language easily and quickly.

C. He achieved his life goal by working as a barber.   

D. He tried to offer his daughters the education chance.

57.   The underlined word “polka” in Paragraph 2 probably refers to ________.

A. a song     B. a dance         C. a rubber ball       D. a new language

58.   The author’s father played with rubber balls to ________.

A. kill his too much spare time     B. reduce his work pressure

C. get his hand mobility back       D. recover from the brain tumor

59.   What can we learn from the passage?

A. Love can create wonders.          B. Failure is the mother of success.

C. Father’s love is the most valuable.   D. Never give up your life and dream.



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