满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

——What do you think of your step—mother?...

——What do you think of your step—mother?

——There are some things that are not easy to______,but on the whole she is a good mother.

A.come up with

B.put up with

C.break up with

D.get along with


B 【解析】略

一You’ve made great progress in your survey, haven’t you?

——Yes,but some problems among the youngsters still remain——.



C.to settle

D.to be settled



“A Red,Red Rose”,_____romantic poem,is written by Robert Bums,quite a few of whose

works are involved in _______ nature.







第五部分 书面表达(满分25分)















Magic is popular these years. And disclosing the magic tricks or not is becoming a hot topic. Opinions are divided on it.




A massive earthquake and tsunamis killed 350 people in one Chilean coastal town, doubling the total death number on Sunday as the government tried to get aid to hungry survivors and stop looting(抢劫).

President Michelle Bachelet said at least 708 people had been killed and called for calm as people desperate for food and water looted stores in some areas worst hit by Saturday’s 8.8-magnitude quake, one of the world’s biggest in a century. The earthquake that shook Chile on Saturday morning was “50 times bigger than the one of Haiti.” The earthquake in Chile was far stronger than the one that struck Haiti last month - yet the death number in Haiti, a Caribbean nation, was much higher.

The reasons are simple. Chile is wealthier and infinitely better prepared, with strict building codes, robust emergency response and a long history of handling seismic catastrophes. No living Haitian had experienced a quake at home when the Jan. 12 disaster crumbled their poorly constructed buildings.

Television images showed houses washed away by swirling waters, cars tossed into shattered buildings and boats lifted into the streets in coastal towns including Pelluhue and Constitucion, where 350 deaths alone were reported.

“It’s an enormous disaster ... there’s a growing number of missing people,” Bachelet said, adding that food and medical aid was being sent to help the roughly 2 million people affected by the quake. Chile is making great efforts to deal with a formidable task caused by the earthquake how to provide temporary shelter for so many people.

A lack of water, food and fuel sharpened the hardship for the hundreds of thousands of people left homeless, and widespread disruption to the power supply threatened to hamper (妨碍) Chilean industry’s recovery. In the hard-hit city of Concepcion, about 310 miles south of Santiago, the government imposed a night-time curfew (宵禁令) in Concepcion and the Maule region on Sunday in a bid to stop looting.

Police used tear gas and water blast guns to disperse a crowd of looters carrying off food and electrical appliances from one supermarket in Concepcion. Television images showed people stuffing groceries and other goods into shopping trolleys. “People have gone days without eating,” said Orlando Salazar, one of the looters at the supermarket. “The only option is to come here and get stuff for ourselves.” On the second day of the most serious natural disaster to hit Chile in decades, rescuing survivors from the ruins had been quickly replaced by the hard challenge of helping them. People overseas have been deeply impressed by earthquake relief efforts by the Chilean government.

1. There are several reasons why the loss of lives in the Chile earthquake was comparatively low EXCEPT __________.

A. improvements had been made in the constructed buildings.

B. Chile is always well prepared for the coming earthquake.

C. large number of Chile residents had gone oat for a holiday.

D Chile has rich experience in dealing with this disaster.

2. The underlined word “formidable” in the fifth paragraph probably means ________.

A. difficult          B. glorious                       C. light                     D. original

3. According to the passage, what is the most pressing task in the earthquake-hit areas?

A. rescuing survivors

B. providing temporary shelter and food for the victims

C. burying dead bodies

D. clearing away the ruins

4. The author’s main purpose in writing the passage is to ____________.

A. call on international aid agencies to go to Chile to help.

B. tell us how to deal with the coming disaster.

C. show how the people of Chile rebuild their country after the big disaster.

D. tell us something about the enormous earthquake in Chile.



Custom tattooed fish (纹身鱼) may be big sellers at markets, but an animal expert say it is a cruel and potentially lethal practice.

In Laitai Flower and Fish Market near the Lufthansa Center in Beijing, four of over 20 fish stores sell marine ornamental fish that are tattooed using laser (激光)  guns with beautiful images in order to make them more attractive to customers. Many people just love these kinds of fish, which gives them a unique visual impression. The price of these fish ranges from 50-100 yuan. Some customers are willing to pay an additional 100 yuan to have Chinese characters tattooed on to the fish. The most popular characters are “zhaocai” (attracting fortune) and “ill” (blessing).The color of tattooed fish won’t fade away, and the fish can be cared for as regular fishes:

But Ye Zhenjiang, a professor from the Ocean University of China, said “the practice would damage a fish’s mackerel scale, which is its protective layer Although I haven’t done any research on the impact of the laser on mackerel scale, it is obvious that the mackerel scale may be infected or even destroyed under the exposure of laser,” Ye said. “It’s like tattooing a human being’s body, and it breaks the physiological balance of the fish and damages: the skin’s protective surface, It may even cause death among fishes which have thin mackerel scale.”

A specialist in aquatic(永生的) animal study surnamed Xu from the Beijing Fisheries Research Institute, said, “We have no specific regulations to prevent fish from being tattooed. An official surnamed Bai from the Fishery Surveillance and Administration Bureau(FSAB), said there is no study showing that the laser threatened a fish’s health. He said a regulation on small animal protection, to be passed in the near future, doesn’t include regular aquatic animals. He said the institution is only responsible for aquatic animals that are on the verge of extinction. He said tattooed fish are mainly from south China’s Guangdong province because Beijing does not have the laser technology to tattoo a fish.

“It’s too brutal to tattoo pictures or characters on fishes, even if it makes them more beautiful,” many tropical fish buyers told METRO yesterday. “We would never buy fish like that and we prefer them with natural beauty.”

1. Which of the following is NOT true according to the text?

A. Tattooed fish look more attractive to customers.

B. Tattooed fish give people a unique visual impression

C. Tattooed fish can be harder to raise.

D. The color of tattooed fish will stay for ever

2. From Ye Zhenjiang’s talk, we know that _________.

A. It is illegal to tattoo fish by laser.

B. The mackerel scale offish is easy to destroy.

C. People can tattoo fish in other parts except mackerel scale

D. It may be a disaster for fish to be tattooed.

3. It can be inferred from the passage that ____________.

A. The price of tattooed fish is much higher than that of regular fish.

B. The FSAB will pass a regulation on tattooed fish.

C. Beijing did not have the laser technology to tattoo a fish.

D. The youth would buy tattooed fish the moment they see them.

4. This passage most probably comes from

A. a newspaper       B. a novel         C. a fairy tale      D. a magazine



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