满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I feel sure that ______ qualification, a...


I feel sure that ______ qualification, ability and experience, you are abundantly suited to the position we have in mind.

A. in defence of        B. in spite of      C. in terms of     D. in favour of


C 【解析】


 Susan was expecting her favourite singers, but to her disappointment, _______ appeared.

A. some                  B. none                C. everyone                D. no one  




______ 2010 Shanghai World Expo is a perfect opportunity to get ______ panoramic (全景的) view of the whole world without traveling thousands of miles.

   A. /; the     B. The; the     C. The; a     D. /; a






New research says 35 percent of child deaths worldwide are caused by hunger. The research comes from poor to middle-income countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America.

Robert Black from the Bloomberg School of Public Health at Johns Hopkins University in Maryland is the lead writer of the research. He says more than 3.5 million mothers and children under five die in poor countries each year because of hunger.

He says about two million children die from underdevelopment, either before or after birth. Millions of others who survive face a lifetime of disabilities or early death and the effects are not just physical. Poor mental development also results from hunger as children grow. Then the

cycle of poverty and hunger often continues for their children.

Doctor Black says hungry children can have conditions like high blood pressure and heart disease as a result of hunger. He says the studies show that food programs need to place the greatest importance on the first two years of life. Hungry children can suffer their whole life damage from age two.

It is high time their diets were improved. Diets should include foods rich in vitamin A and other vitamins and minerals. The researchers say early help such as this could reduce child deaths by 25%.

This research has also faced some criticism. A medical aid group says the researchers underestimate(低估) the number of child deaths due to hunger. The researchers say there are findings that support this treatment but more studies are needed to compare it to hospital care.

(71)  ▲  is children’s biggest killer.


The general introduction

﹡Of all child deaths throughout the world, 35 percent (72)  ▲  from hunger.

﹡The children in poor or middle-income countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America are faced with such a situation.

﹡Each year hunger causes (73)  ▲   3.5 million mothers and children under 5 in poor countries to die.

The negative (74)  ▲   of hunger on children

﹡Around two million children die of huger before or after they are

(75)  ▲  .

﹡Millions of the survivors will be disabled all their lives or die at an early (76)  ▲  .

﹡Hunger can also result in children’s bad mental development.

﹡Hunger can (77)  ▲  to high blood pressure and heart trouble, too.


(78)  ▲ 

to save children

﹡Food programs must realize the period between the birth and the age of two is the most (79)  ▲   for children’s physical development.

﹡Diets should be improved.

﹡Diets should contain food with (80)  ▲  vitamins and minerals.




“So, Mr. Banks, you’re going on holiday with your family to Bournemouth,” said the police officer. “You left Brandford early this morning and came down the motorway. Then you left the motorway near Tewkesbury and stopped to buy a paper at a little place called Stanway. It was 11 o’clock. Then you stopped about fifteen minutes later here, in Stow, and went into the back of your Somna—Mobile (家庭旅游车), but your wife wasn’t there.”

“That’s right, officer.”

“Perhaps she got off at Stanway,” the policeman said.

“We didn’t hear mum,” Vicki said, “I think …”

“I want my mum,” Eddie said. He began to cry.

“We’ll find her, sonny(宝贝)” the policeman said kindly.

※                ※                  ※             ※

“So, Mrs. Banks,” the man said, “Your husband stopped here, in Stanway, about fifteen minutes ago and you went into the supermarket to get some coffee. Your husband didn’t know you weren’t in the back of the Somna and …”

“Perhaps he knew she wasn’t there,” the woman said.

“Quiet, Matilde. He didn’t know and must have driven away. Then we stopped and our Somna is exactly the same as yours. So you got in and made coffee.”

“I’ve lost my husband and my children,” Fay said.

“Don’t worry, Mrs. Banks,” the man said kindly. “We’ll find them. I suppose they are traveling south”.

67. How many people took park in the conversations?

A. Eight  B. Seven C. Six     D. Five

68. Which of the following statements is true?

A. Matilde lost her husband and children.

B. Mr. Banks dropped his wife halfway to Brandford.

C. Mr. Banks lost his wife halfway to Bournemouth and he went to the police for help.

D. The police officer knew where Mrs. Banks was.

69. Fay was now        .

A. in Matilde and her husband’s Somna          B. at the supermarket

C. in the police station   D. in a bar

70. What mistake did Fay make to cause the trouble?

A. She went to the supermarket during the trip.

B. She got in another Somna without telling her husband.

C. She got in a wrong Somna.

D. She shouldn’t have bought the coffee.



Compared to the whole development of history, your life could be like a candle which is lit and then blown out immediately. In other words, life is short —very short. Missing any of the joys life offers is terrible.

So don’t let fears conquer your short and valuable life. If your life is being controlled by your fears, you are most certainly cheating yourself. Courage is the mental (精神上的) muscle that conquers fear. Like all muscles, the more you use it, the stronger it will become. Courage is not something you are born with. That is to say, it must be developed. It has been said that if you face the thing you fear bravely, your fear will leave you.

For years I believed that courageous people had no fear. I was wrong. Eddie Richen Bacher put it very well when he said, "There is no courage without fear." We all have fears; however, not everyone gives in to their fears easily.

There is, very likely, something you have wanted to do for years —move to another city, start your own business, apply for a better position, or go wherever you like. Whatever it is, you should do it. Remember, life is not a practice run. This is it. A little courage leads to more.

Observe those poor people who have no courage. They only tiptoe (蹑手蹑脚地走) through life, hoping they can make it safely to death. You and I never meant to live that way. Learn to live the way you like by no longer living as you dislike. Make good use of your day and have courage. That’s life!

64. We can learn from the passage that courage _______.

A. can be developed quickly                 B. needs to be used more often

C. is formed when one is born                D. makes one very excited

65. What new opinion did the author develop?

A. All courageous people have fears.           B. Those who are brave have no fear.

C. There is no fear without courage.           D. A brave person can live a safe life.

66. What would be the best title for the passage?

A. A Person’s Life Is Short                   B. Don’t Fear Anything

C. Never Give Up Easily                    D. Courage Conquers Fear



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