满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

. As he has been well trained, this youn...


As he has been well trained, this young man is ________ to be a teacher.

A delighted        B possible         C qualified         D unable


C 【解析】略


---Poor Steve! I could hardly recognize him just now!

---________. He has changed so much.

A Never mind     B No problem    C Not at all    D Me neither




Not only ________ many people's lives by reducing fever, but _______ other things that aspirin can help with.

A aspirin has saved, there also are      B has aspirin saved, there are also

C aspirin has saved, are there also       D has aspirin saved, are there also




1931 was the year ________ a German company began to make the first tape recorders, _______ could record and play sounds on a tape wound around a round object.

A that ---Which    B which --- That     C when---which      D when--- that




--- I didn't attend the meeting yesterday.

--- But you _______.

A ought to   B should to    C ought have    D should have




A small car has the great _____ of being cheaper to run.

A interest         B benefit        C usefulness        D advantage



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