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In Victorian times, certain flowers expr...

In Victorian times, certain flowers expressed meanings because the flower selection was limited. Therefore, flower as a gift was an effective tool in social communication. With so many choices today, we have no rules in flower choosing. However, people tend to give a certain flower their own personal meaning--- maybe it can remind them of some particular friends or events. Here I would introduce the traditional meanings of some gift flowers as a reference for your flower choosing.

Carnation(康乃馨) is a good gift for your female teacher or mother, but not all kinds of carnations mean respect and love. Different colours have different meanings. Generally, carnation means “fascination and woman love”. Specifically, pink carnation means “I’ll never forget you” and red carnation says “I admire you”. But some carnations have very negative meanings. If you want to say goodbye to your girlfriend, you can send her a bunch of striped carnations or yellow ones, because it means “Sorry I can’t be with you. You disappointed me.”

Rose is no doubt the best gift for girls in love. Basically, it relates to the love between men and women, but roses with different colours stand for different stages of love. Red rose is man’s best friend when he wants to show his love to a girl. In the peak of his love, pink rose is more suitable because it means “perfect happiness and please believe me”. While the love gets into trouble, yellow rose seems to be the best symbol. It means “the decrease of love and jealousy”.

Though you are free to choose any kind of flower as long as it is beautiful, I think this brief introduction can help you avoid making mistakes. Besides, the receivers must be happier if he or she gets to know the good will you convey in flowers.

1. Why do we choose certain flowers as gifts?

A. Because they are the best gifts for you. 

B. Because flowers all look beautiful

C. Because different flowers smell good.  

D. Because they can express specific meanings.

2. In different stages of love, ________.

A. roses of different colours show love to a girl.

B. you can choose red rose at any occasion

C. yellow rose is the best symbol for your love

D. pink rose implies that your love comes to maturity(成熟).

3. What does the passage mainly talk about?

A. Carnation is better than rose            B. Like the carnation, like the rose

C. Different flowers have different meanings  D. Flowers of different colours


 D  D  C 【解析】略

We lived in a technological society where most goods are mass-produced by unskilled labor. Because of this, most people think that craft(手艺) no longer exists.

One of the ways these people wrongly support their view is by pointing to 100-year-old homes which are still solid, and arguing that it is the craftsmanship that is responsible for their durability(持久性). “Homes in those days were well-built,” they say. No doubt these homes were well-built, but what these people have done is mix up the quality of material used in the house with the quality of the craftsmanship.

Homes today could be built to last just as long as those old homes if people were willing or able to pay the price. For example, more people can no longer afford solid oak stairways, although they were once fairly common in older homes. Nor can they afford the high labor cost of employing a carpenter to build the stairway. Yet if someone can pay the high cost, there are still plenty of carpenters around able to make those stairways. And not only would these carpenters know how to build them, they would probably do a better job than carpenters of old.

One thing the modern carpenter has which enables him to do a better job is much more advanced tools. Such tools as laser beams and power planes help them lay out a house better and make more precision cuts on the wood. Also, it is not uncommon any more to find carpenters with college degrees and carpenters with a solid knowledge of mathematics, which would enable them to deal with more difficult house designs.

The problems of modern quality, then, really  boils down to the problem of material, for the modern carpenter is just as able to produce craftsmanship as the carpenter of fifty years ago, but only if given proper material.

1. Compared to the carpenters in the past, modern carpenters are _______.

A.more successful

B.more learned

C.more imaginative

D.more hardworking

2. What does the underlined word “they” (paragraph 2) refer to?

carpenters who are fond of oak stairways.

carpenters who have college degrees.

people who think highly of carpenters of old.

people who think that modern material is of low quality.

3. What does the third paragraph mainly discuss?

People in the past preferred to use oak to build stairways.

It is now expensive to employ a carpenter.

Modern houses last as long as the old one.

Good carpenters still exist in modern times.

4. What would be the best title for the text?

Is Craft Dead?

Craft, Back to life?

History of craftsmanship

Carpenters Today and Yesterday



第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)


Michael was always in a good mood. He was a natural motivator(乐天派). One day I asked him, “How can you be  36   all the time.” Michael replied, “Each morning I   37   up and say to myself, ‘Mike, you have two  38   today. You can choose to be in a good mood  39   you can choose to be in a bad mood.’ I choose to be in a good mood. Each time something  40   happens, I can choose to be a victim or choose to learn from it. I choose to learn from it. I choose the positive side of life.”

Later, I heard Michael was  41  in a serious accident, falling off 60 feet from a tower.

After 18 hours of  42   , and weeks of intensive care, Michael left the hospital with rods(钢棒)  43  in his back. I saw Michael about six months after the  44 . I asked him what had  45  his mind as the accident took place.

“As I  46  on the ground, I remembered I had two choices: I could choose to live or I could choose to die. I chose to live.” “Weren’t you  47 ?” I asked. Michael continued, “They kept telling me I was going to be fine.  48   When they wheeled me into the operation room and I saw the  49  on the faces of the doctors and nurses, I got  50  scared. In their eyes, I read ‘He’s a dead man’. I knew I  51    to take action. ‘What did you do?’ I asked. Well, a big nurse asked me if I was allergic(过敏) to  52 . ‘Yes,’ I said. The doctors and nurses stopped working as they     53  my reply. I took a deep breath and cried, ‘Gravity.’ Over their laughter, I told them, ‘I’m choosing to live. 54  on me as if I am alive, not dead.’”

Michael  55 ,thanks to the skill of his doctors, but also because of his amazing positive attitude.

36.A. negative          B. passive                C. positive               D. native

37.A. wake              B. pick                    C. stay                    D. turn

38.A. ways               B. jobs                    C. lives                   D. choices

39.A. and                 B. or                       C. besides                D. nor

40.A. good              B. bad                     C. lucky                  D. urgent

41.A. involved         B. divided               C. separated             D. packed

42.A. work              B. rest                     C. surgery               D. flight

43.A. placed             B. lain                     C. cut                      D. removed

44.A. incident          B. event                  C. item                    D. accident

45.A. got through     B. broken through    C. seen through        D. gone through

46.A. lay                 B. laid                     C. lied                     D. stood

47.A. excited            B. thrilled                C. afraid                  D. encouraged

48.A. So                  B. But                     C. Otherwise            D. Therefore

49.A. impressions     B. expressions          C. attractions           D. tears

50.A. really              B. slowly                 C. even                   D. slightly

51.A. used               B. supposed             C. dared                  D. needed

52.A. nothing           B. something           C. anything              D. anybody

53.A. called for        B. ran for                C. waited for           D. rushed for

54.A. Operate           B. Turn                   C. Search                D. Jump

55.A. disappeared     B. endangered          C. died                    D. survived



---Mike, you know, I have read the book twice!

---______? I have read it so many times that I can recite it now.

A.How come

B.What do you reckon

C.What for

D.So what



______ is expected, according to the online survey, is _______ prices of houses

will not go up an more.

A.What; that

B.As, that

C.It, what

D.Which, that



_________ sweet, the flowers in the botanic garden attract the visitor.


B.To smell

C.To be smelt




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