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第五部分 短语翻译(满分10分) 请将下列短语翻译成英语。答案写在答题卡上方为有...

第五部分  短语翻译(满分10分)


81. 看得到,在视力范围之内 _____________     82. 报答、偿还  _________________

83. 在…… 取得进步 ______________        84. 由于…而呆住____________________

85. 期待做某事      ______________        86. 禁不住做某事   ____________________

87. 代表,象征     ______________        88. 充分利用____________________

89. 有意义,有道理    ____________        90. 很可能做某事_____________________


81. in sight      82. pay off      83. make progress in       84. be frozen with 85. look forward to      86. can’t help doing sth        87. stand for 88. make full use of/ make the most of      89. make sense     90. be likely to do sth 【解析】略





Boys do worse in English when there are girls in their class, a research student said. This finding disagrees with the widely held belief that girls always have a good influence on boys in school.

Boys do best with as few girls as possible in English lessons at primary and secondary schools, Steven Proud, a research student at Bristol University, told the Royal Economic Society’s conference.

But when it comes to math and science, both boys and girls at primary schools achieve up to a tenth of a grade higher when there is a greater percentage of girls in the class, Proud found.

Proud kept a record of boys’ and girls’ test results at the ages of 7, 11, and 16 in 16,000 schools in England. He studied the test scores to see whether the percentage of girls made a difference to the results of both boys and girls in math, science and English.

Boys always perform worse when the number of girls they study English with increases, which is especially the case at primary schools. Proud also found that girls are unaffected by the number of boys in their English class.

Proud said boys may do worse in English when there is high proportion of girls in their class because they think that the girls are better than them. It could also be that teachers use teaching styles more appropriate to girls when there more girls than boys in the class.

Proud argues that his results show boys should be taught English in single—sex classes.

However, Professor Alan Smithers, director of the Centre for Education and Employment Research at the University of Buckingham, said, “Boys may be discouraged by how well girls are doing in English, but you can’t say that it means boys and girls should be separated. It has very little practical importance to schools.”


Boys may do ___71____ in English in a class with a higher percentage of girls.

Widely held


Girls always have a good influence on boys in school.

Proud’s _____73_______

when there are more girls

both boys and girls at primary schools perform better in math and _____74_____.

when the number of girls ____75_______.

boys perform worse in English

When the number of boys changes

Girls are ___76____ in an English class.

Possible ____77____.

Boys think that the girls are better than them.

Teachers use ____78____ styles more appropriate to girls.

Proud’s suggestion

Boys and girls should be taught English in ___79_____ classes.

Alan’s opinion

Don’t ________ the boys and girls.



Here’s a quick reminder to all of you when you get stuck in a moment. Yesterday I skipped breakfast because I got up late. Because of the busy school work, I forgot my lunch. When I was finally thinking of buying my lunch, a person in need asked me if I could spare him some cash, so I decided to give him some money.

Then later in the evening, I was heading home anxiously for dinner. However, I got a call from my mom. She said that she had to work late and wouldn’t be able to prepare dinner for me. Even though there was no food in the house, I told my mom not to worry as I would surely find myself something to eat.

While I was still processing this sudden set of changes in my food choice for the day, I passed a young man with a broad smile handing out samples of crackers(薄脆饼干) at the gate of a supermarket. He gave me a packet and then said, “How about you taking some more for school tomorrow?” In response to that, I returned a warm smile to him and opened up my bag. He gladly filled it. I was excited.

Whether you call it luck or fate, I just wanted to say that somewhere out there somebody came along carrying a pocket of hope in his heart and shared a piece of with me! Somebody out there will one day do the same for you.!

1. The author anxiously went home for dinner in evening because __________.

A. his mother was waiting for him to have dinner

B. his mother promised to prepare dinner for him

C. he hadn’t had breakfast or lunch

D. he didn’t like food in restaurants

2. What’s the time order of the following events that happened to the author?

a. Gave money to person in need

b. Learn he had to organize his own dinner

c. Went home hurriedly for dinner

d. Got a lot of crackers

A. b—d—a—c    B. a—c—b—d      C. a—d—b—c     D. d—c—a—b

3. The purpose of the passage is to _________.

A. advise us to study hard at school.     B. show that life is full of unexpected things

C. suggest that people take three meals every day   D. tell us there is always hope



Liam Fitzptrick

Liam Fitzptrick was born in Hong Kong and educated at Christ Church, Oxford, graduating with a First in Modern History. He wrote for several regional and international publications before joining Time in 2003. he edits Global Adviser for Time Asia, and is also Time Asia’s senior writer. Liam is married with two daughters and lives in Hong Kong’s New Territories.

Ling Woo Liu

Ling Woo Liu grew up in California, where she was a self—employed writer for Asian—American print and broadcast media. She worked as a television reporter in Beijing and California before earning graduate degrees in Journalism and Asian Studies from the University of California, Berkeley. In 2006, Ling moved to Hong Kong to report for Time Asia.

Bill Powell

Prior to his current post, a senior writer for Time in Shanghai, Bill Powell was Chief International correspondent for Fortune based in Beijing and then New York. He also served as Newsweek bureau chief in Moscow, Berlin and Tokyo. Bill is married to Shanghai native Junling Cui. They have one daughter and live in a house they recently purchased in suburban(郊区)Shanghai.

Austin Ramzy

Austin Ramzy grew up in Iowa. In 1996 he studied Mandarin in Harbin, China, and graduated from Middlebury College with a degree in Asian Studies in 1997. after working as a newspaper reporter in Washington state, he completed journalism school at the university of California, Berkeley has been a reporter for Time Asia in Hong Kong since 2003.

1.The passage is mainly written to ____________.

A. advertise Time Asia       B. introduce the publishers of Time Asia

C. introduce the development of Time Asia  

D. introduce some of the authors and writes of Time Asia

2.It’s ___________ who majored in History but worked as a writer.

A. Bill Powell    B. Liam Fitzpatrick   C. Ling Woo Liu    D. Austin Ramzy

3.It’s clear that __________ graduated from the same school.

A. Liam Fitzpatrick and Ling Woo Liu     B. Bill Powell and Austin Ramzy

C. Ling Woo Liu and Austin Ramzy      D. Liam Fitzpatrick and Bill Powell

4.Which is TURE about Bill Powell?

A. He lives in Hong Kong with his family   B. He is Time Asia’s senior writer

C. He once studied Mandarin in Northeast China

D. He once worked for Newsweek bureau in New York





Who owns the sea? The ships of all countries sail in the open seas. Not long ago, all countries could fish and hunt in the oceans as they pleased. But now, the countries using the sea must work together to protect the animal life in the seas.

In 1870, there were millions of valuable fur seals in the Berling Sea. Ships came from all over the world to kill them.

Man wanted the animals’ fur and their oil from their bodies. By 1930, only about 130,000 seals were left there in the seas and the oceans. Even the hunters themselves knew that something had to be done to protect them, otherwise the seals would die out or disappear from the earth forever.

Four countries owned the land near the seals’ northern home. In 1911, these countries began plans to control seal—hunting. The governments of these four countries, Japan, Russia, Canada and the United States, where the animals rested and gave birth to their young, formulated a policy that only male seals that didn’t have mates were to be divided among the four governments.

Today, large herds of seals swim in the Berling sea again. By working together, the four countries mentioned above have saved the seals in the seas they share.

1..The passage is mainly about ________.

A. the governments of the four countries       B. protecting seals

C. the seals’ northern home—the rocky island    D. the Berling Sea

2.Why did people hunt or kill seals in the open seas?

A. People wanted to eat the meat.     B. The seals were eating too many of the fishes.

C. Their fur and oil were very valuable   D. The seals were did much harm at that time

3.The four countries worked together __________.

A. in order to kill more seals       B. so as to protect the seal

C. to protect the seals’ rocky island—their northern home

D. in order to kill any seal that was alive in the open sea

4.According to the short passage, which of the following is true?

A. It is important to protect wildlife   

B. No more seals can be seen in the Berling Sea

C. Only one country could hunt or kill seals  

D. There are no seals in other parts of the world besides the Berling Sea



. _______ the fact that he was seriously ill, he still decided to come to the meeting.







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