满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

.____that the weather was to be very hot...

.____that the weather was to be very hot this Sunday.

A.It was said in the newspaper

B.As was reported on the newspaper

C.What the weather report said

D.It was said in the newspaper was


A 【解析】略

-----Is there any news for the missing boy?

------Yes, he was observed _______computer games at 8o’clock  yesterday.



C.to play




She _____her watch and left in a hurry.

A glanced at       B. stared at        C. looked          D. glared at





101. I have reached a point in my life where I am supposed to make decisions of my own. _______.

102. I found the wallet where you left it. _________________.

103. She sang as she walked home all the way. _________________.

104. Many people, as you know, are learning foreign languages. _________________.

105. He set out to work the moment he got to the office. _________________.

106. This is the reason he gave me. _________________.

107. The news that our team has won the game was true. _________________.

108. I met some foreigners yesterday, two of whom are from the USA. _________________.

109. The news that he told me was not true. _________________.

110. It was obvious that you’ve made a big mistake. _________________.

111. He will talk to us about what he saw in the school. _________________.

112. He looks as if he was going to cry. _________________.

113. Give me your promise that you will come to our party this evening. _________________.

114. What can be done has been done. _________________.

115. The question is who is responsible for what has happened. _________________.

116. I don’t think they will win the game. ___________________.

117. Whatever you do, you must do it well. _____________________.

118. Whatever I have now will be yours in the future. _________________.

119. The book can be of help to whoever wants to do the job. ________________.

120. It remains doubtful whether this is an important discovery. ________________.





91. 观察v _________________           92. 距离n __________________

93. 临时地adv _____________           94.. 感觉;感官;意义n; 感觉到vt. __________

95. 避开v _________________           96.日常的,每天的adj _______________

97. 自信的adj _____________            98. 忽视v  ___________

99.贡献vi. & vt ____________            100. 志愿者n ______________



第五部分  短语翻译(满分10分)


81. 看得到,在视力范围之内 _____________     82. 报答、偿还  _________________

83. 在…… 取得进步 ______________        84. 由于…而呆住____________________

85. 期待做某事      ______________        86. 禁不住做某事   ____________________

87. 代表,象征     ______________        88. 充分利用____________________

89. 有意义,有道理    ____________        90. 很可能做某事_____________________



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