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第三节 阅读理解(共20题,每题2分,共40分) President Barac...


第三节  阅读理解(共20题,每题2分,共40分)

6ec8aac122bd4f6ePresident Barack Obama has apologized for a gaffe (失言) in which he described his bowling skills as akin to participants in the Special Olympics, a sports program for people with intellectual disabilities.

Obama made the mistake during an interview on Thursday night on “The Tonight Show” with host Jay Leno, the first time a sitting U.S. president had been on the show.

Talking about living in the White House, Obama said he had been practicing his bowling in the home’s bowling alley and had scored a 129 out of a possible 300.

It was an improvement on the embarrassing 37 he had rolled during a stop on the presidential campaign trail a year ago. “It’s like—it was like Special Olympics or something,” Obama said.

The Special Olympics is a global nonprofit organization serving some 200 million people with intellectual disabilities, with a presence in nearly 200 countries worldwide.

Soon after the Jay Leno interview, Obama telephoned Special Olympics chairman Tim Shriver to apologize.

Shriver told ABC’s “Good Morning America” television show that Obama had apologized “in a way that I think was very moving” and that he said “he did not intend to humiliate (羞辱) the population, didn’t want to embarrass or give anybody any more reason for pain or kind of suffering.”

Shriver said people should gain a lesson from the incident.

“I think it’s important to see that words hurt. Words do matter. And these words in some respect, can be seen as humiliating or a put-down to people with special needs, do cause pain. And they do result in stereotypes,” Shriver said.

White House spokesman Bill Burton said Obama “made an offhand remark making fun of his own bowling that was in no way intended to look down upon the Special Olympics.”

“He thinks that the Special Olympics are a wonderful program that gives an opportunity to shine to people with disabilities from around the world,” Burton said.

1. What does the underlined word “akin” in Paragraph 1 mean?

   A. skillful           B. similar           C. appealing              D. superior

2. Which of the following statements is true?

A. Obama loves sports and is especially gifted at bowling.

B. Obama apologized for his remarks via ABC’s TV show.

C. The Special Olympics are for various disabled people.

D. The Special Olympics don’t intend to make any money.

3. What does Shriver mean by saying people should gain a lesson from the incident?

A. Disabled people cannot be humiliated.             B. One should be careful with his words.

   C. An apology for wrong words is wanted.           D. Words matter even more than actions.

4. The passage is mainly about ________.

   A. Obama receiving a TV interview                            B. Obama looking down on the disabled

   C. Obama apologizing for his gaffe                   D. Obama being attacked for his words


 B  D  B  C 【解析】


第二节  完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,共30分)


学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!In some cities, workaholism (废寝忘食工作) is so common that people don’t consider it unusual. They accept the lifestyle as   36  . Government workers in Washington, D. C.,   37  , frequently work sixty to seventy hours a week. They don’t do this because they have to; they do it because they  38  . Workaholism can be a   39    problem. Because true workaholics would rather work than do anything else, they   40   have no idea of how to relax ; that is, they might not   41  movies, sports, or other types of entertainment. Most of all, they   42   to sit and do nothing. The lives of workaholics are usually stressful , and the tension(紧张)and worry can cause   43    problems such as heart attacks and stomach diseases.   44  , typical workaholics don’t pay much attention to their families. Their marriages may end in   45   as they spend little time with their families. 

Is workaholism   46    dangerous? Perhaps not. There are, certainly, people who work   47   under stress. Some studies show that many workaholics have great energy and interest in work. The   48   is so pleasurable that they are actually very happy. For most workaholics, work and entertainment are the same thing. Their jobs   49  them with a challenge; this keeps them busy and creative.  50   do workaholics enjoy their jobs so much? There are several   51   to work. Of course , it provides people with paychecks, and this is important. But it offers   52   financial security. It provides people with self-confidence; they have a feeling of satisfaction   53  they have produced a challenging piece of work and are able to say “I   54   it”. Psychologists claim that their work gives people an identity(自身价值). After they take part in work, they   55   a sense of self and individualism. 

学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!36.A.strange         B.boring          C.pleasant    D.normal 

37.A.for example     B.on the other hand     C.what’s more     D.after all 

学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!38.A.agree         B.promise        C.dare      D.want 

39.A.slight               B.serious          C.obvious    D.difficult 

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41.A.afford          B.enjoy         C.watch       D.allow 

学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!42.A.dream          B.decide          C.intend       D.hate 

43.A.physical        B.cultural         C.social           D.mental 

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45.A.happiness      B.silence          C.failure      D.surprise 

学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!46.A.sometimes           B.always          C.seldom     D.hardly 

47.A.sadly         B.differently           C.efficiently D.slowly 

学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!48.A.study         B.family          C.life        D.work 

49.A.equip               B.pack            C.provide     D.fill 

学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!50.A.When           B.Why          C.How      D.Where 

51.A.factors          B.advantages       C.steps      D.ways 

学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!52.A.no more       B.more or less     C.no more than    D.more than 

53.A.when         B.before          C.unless       D.until 

学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!54.A.valued          B.failed               C.caught      D.made 

55.A.give          B.lose           C.get        D.need 




 She thought herself _______ to her friends because her family was rich.

  A. superior       B. better           C. richer        D. higher




 I have no _______ to the plan, so long as it would not cost too much.

    A. refusal      B. comment      C. idea       D. objection




       The radiation amount of a mobile phone for two half-hour periods per day is equal to _______ to an X-ray for ten seconds.

     A. expose          B. exposing      C. exposed          D. being exposed




 —Another cup of coffee? That’s your third since lunch.

 —Yeah, well, I ____ all night preparing for my history exam. I can hardly keep my eyes open.

A. stayed up          B. have stayed up          C. have been staying up        D. will stay up



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