满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Don’t worry! Philip is quite used to in ...

Don’t worry! Philip is quite used to                in such busy streets as this.


B.be driving

C.have driven



D 【解析】略

第二节 写作(满分 25 分)

接连发生的酒后驾驶、飙车肇事致死案,引发了社会高度关注。8月15日起,全国行动,重拳整治“酒驾”,各地出台措施,狠扎酒驾痛穴。请你根据以下内容,以Treasure Our Lives为题在你个人博客上发文,奉劝司机朋友珍爱生命,切莫酒后驾车。





1. 关爱生命,关爱社会,关爱家人。

2. 履行公民职责,拒绝酒后驾车。

3. 路人自我防范,避免交通事故。



参考词汇:飙车 drag-race;醉驾drunk driving;路人pedestrian。


Treasure Our Lives

With the number of cars increasing in cities, traffic accidents occur frequently, calling serious attention across the globe and becoming a major concern in our society today.









M="Mike;" J=Jenny

M: Morning, Jenny. Did you(76) e________your weekend?                                          76. ________        

J: Yes. We went to the countryside and had a great (77) t________.                        77.   ________      

M: Where did you stay? In a hotel?

J: No. We camped in the mountains, near Snowdon.

We cooked all our meals over an (78)o _______fire.                                            78. ________        

M: That(79)s________wonderful.                                                                             79. ________        

How was the(80)w________there?                                                                         80. ________        

J: The sun (81) s________brightly. It was really lovely there.                                       81. ________        

M: Did you like the people there?

J: Yes, they were great. We(82) m________some farmers and had tea in their homes.      82. ________        

M: When did you get (83)b________?Last night?                                                        83.   ________      

J: No. This morning. You’ll think we were mad. We got up at 4:30, left at 5:00

and (84)a ________here at 9:00.I’m so tired. What about you? Did you have a good weekend? 84. ________      

M: Yes, but I didn’t do much. I just stayed at home and (85)w________TV.                      85. ________ 



Dear Harry Potter,

Hi! I'm Kevin from India.I really feel lucky to write you a letter.

Though I live far away from your world, I think we are a little alike, You are a great wizard(魔术师) .You have done lots of magical things to be amazed at.Although I don't do magic, I do believe in it.Well, I'm also a wizard at school.And I can often get As, but I am not a bookworm.I like to play jokes in class, which sometimes make my teachers angry.I also have many friends.They often get me into and out of trouble.No matter what has happened, we still get close together.

Oh, I almost forget to tell you that our school is almost like yours, Hogwarts.It's a special one for excellent students.We have modern classes and technology lessons.But when much is given, much is expected, so I often stay up late just to finish my homework.It really makes me tired and bored.

Luckily, I can read your stories in my free time.I feel like I know you.You have a mind of your own.You are young, but you know how to take responsibility for your decisions.Also you think with a clear head even in danger.What a great boy you are ! How I wish I could meet you soon!

May you have a nice time.

yours, Kevin

68.Kevin and Harry are a little alike because_______.

A.they almost have the same experience                 B.their worlds are full of magic

C.their schools are close to each other                            D.they both like the same subjects.

69.In the passage, "a bookworm" means a person_______.

A.who likes keeping worms                            B.who is loved by teachers at school

C.who is nervous of reading books                  D.who enjoys nothing but reading

70.From the passage we know that Kevin_______.

A.is a slow boy in class                                        B.is fed up with much homework

C.doesn't believe in magic                               D.likes to keep quiet in class       

71.Kevin writes to Harry to tell him many things EXCEPT_______.

A.his friends      B.his school life        C.his trouble     D.his family  



You may catch up with others__________you work a little harder.

A.so long as

B.so far as





__________ the students are doing their maths exercises with the help of the teacher.

A.Three score of

B.Three scores

C.Score of




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