满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

In America it’s a mistake to think of Fl...

In America it’s a mistake to think of Florida only the place for vacation ________its tourist attractions.

A.in honour of

B.in term of

C.in the name of

D.in the eyes of


B 【解析】略

一Your brother is very careful and honest.

一I agree.What he has just done_______itself.

A.speaks for

B.thinks of

C.speaks out

D.thinks out






Mr Green was made_____general manager of the IT company last week.Look, ______new manager is coming.

A.a; the



























参考词汇:东方夏威夷 the Oriental Hawaii

天涯海角 Corner of the Earth

三亚湾 Sanya Bay

民族村 Folk Village

Ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome to Hainan. Would you like to know something about it?__________________________






76.Even though the team’s best player was injured and they had to use a s___ player, they still won the match.

77.Peru has a_____ plants from desert grasses to vast areas of jungle.

78.More importantly, I am now a more a_____ learner.

79.That evening I fell happily into bed. It was such a _____(殊荣) to have spent a day with Tombe’s family.

80.Thanks for your letter, which took a ____ (两周)to arrive.

81.Claire thought it was ridiculous to be offered ____ (同情)by a robot.

82.Just accept them for who they are, and give them ____(鼓励)to live as rich and full a life as you do.

83.The few who cannot see the real person inside my body do not make me a_____, and I just ignore them.  

84.Every possible ____(手段)has been tried, but in vain.

85.LiMing was e_____ our monitor for his excellent leadership.

86.In China ,there is no r____ difference.

87.He has twenty head of _____(牛) on his farm.

88.N____ can you find such a beautiful place.

89.Three in ten students were for the new plan. That is to say, the m____ of the students were against it.

90.He caught the ball, and then it _____(滑动)through his fingers.




THE situation seemed hopeless.

From the day he started at my junior-high,Willard P.Franklin lived in his own world,shutting out his classmates and me, his teacher.My attempts at establishing a friendly relationship with him were met with complete indifference(冷淡).Even a “Good Morning Willard” received only a very low grunt(咕哝).I could see that his classmates got on no better Willard was completely a loner who seemed to have no desire or need to break his barrier(障碍)of silence.

Shortly after the Thanksgiving holiday,we received word of the annual Christmas collection of money for the less fortunate people in our school district.

“Christmas is a season of giving,” I told my students.“There are a few students in the school who might not have a happy holiday season.By contributing to our Christmas collection,you will help buy food,clothing and toys for these needy people.We start the collection tomorrow.”

When I called for the contributions the next day,I discovered that almost everyone had forgotten,except for Willard P. Franklin.The boy dug deep into his pants pockets as he walked up to my desk.Carefully, he dropped two quarters into the small container.

“I don’t need any milk for lunch,” he said very quietly. For a moment,just a moment, he smiled.Then he turned and walked back to his desk.

That night,after school.I took our meager contributions to the school principal(校长).I couldn’t help sharing the incident that had taken place.

“I may be wrong,but I believe Willard might be getting ready to become a part of the world around him,”I told the principal.

“Yes, I believe it sounds hopeful.”he nodded.“And I think we might do well to have him share a bit of his world with us.I just received a list of the poor families in our school who most need help through the Christmas collection.Here, take a look at it.”

As I gazed down to read.I discovered Willard P. Franklin and his family were the top names on the list.

72. From the second paragraph, we can see that the teacher___________

A. established a friendly relationship with Willard

B. tried hard to pull Willard out of his own world

C. found Willard got on better with his classmates

D. was positive that Willard would gradually open his heart

73. What do we learn about the collection of money at Christmas?

A. It is intended for the poor families in their school district.

B. Everyone except Willard was willing to contribute to the Christmas collection.

C. Students were encouraged to buy food, clothing and toys for needy people.

D. It is collected every year to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday.

74. What does the underlined word 'meager' in Paragraph 7 mean?

A. Great.     B. Generous.      C. Huge.      D. Small

75. Which of the following can best describe Willard?

A. Poor but proud.        B. Lonely but loving.

C. Indifferent and sad.     D. Bright and hopeful.



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