满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

President Hu Jintao urged every effort _...

President Hu Jintao urged every effort _____ to rescue and treat the injured when the earthquake happened in Sichuan in 2008.

A.is made

B.must be made

C.be made

D.should make


C 【解析】略

---This is my book.

---_____________ It has my name on it.

A.Here you are!

B.How do you find it?

C.It’s hard to say.

D.You must be joking!





Chinese Vice-Premier called on Thursday for _____ all-out effort to ensure _____ food and drug safety.

A.an; a


C.the; the





W: Hello. May I speak to Mr. Johnson, please?

M: Speaking. Who’s calling, may I speak?

W: This is the Town Job Center. We have r___76___ your email and we are quite interested in you.

M: Can you tell me more about it? What kind of job? Where?

W: Well, a college wants to find some laboratory a___77___. It’s a kind of job you would like to do, a___78__ we can see from your email.

M: Yes, I did put that in my email.

W: Yeah. They also want a person who knows how to o___79_____ the computer. So we think you are just the r___80___ kind of person for the job.

M: What about the pay and the work time?

W: I am c___81____ to that. The pay that they have o___82___ is satisfactory, but the work time is a little c___83___: sometimes early in the morning or sometimes late in the afternoon.

M: Well, I am interested in it, but I need more d___84___ about the work time so that I can talk over with my wife.

W: W___85___ don’t you come over here tomorrow?

M: Ok, I’ll do that. See you tomorrow then. Bye!






Hillary ,Clinton, 59, with her famous “I’m in, and I’m in to win.” 2008 Race, began her e-mail to supporters, saying “I want you to join me not for the campaign but for a conversation about the future of our country. Let’s talk.1et’s chat.”

Mrs.Clinton said that she would focus on “practical changes” in foreign, domestic, and national security policy, such as finding “a right end”to the Iraq war , expanding health insurance, pursuing greater energy independence and strengthening Social Security and Medicare, which satisfies many American people.

In her statement, Mrs Clinton also frankly talked about an issue that worries her a lot. Whether she can , in fact, win the presidency, some voters sti1l associate her most with the Clinton government.

“I have never been afraid to stand up for my beliefs,”Mrs.Clinton said on the Website.“After nearly $70 million spent against my campaigns in New York and two wins, I can say I know how Republicans think, how they operate, and how to beat them.”

If successful, she would be the first female nominee(被提名者)of a major American political party, and the first wife of a former president to seek a return to the White House.President Bill CIinton left office in 2000 after two terms rnarked by economical expansion and a series of official examinations of his personal life and the CIintons’ busincss dealings.But the successes and shadows of those years will likely affect Mrs.Clinton.who was once an important adviser and caused some disagreements in his government.

Yet Mrs Clinton has become a major political figure in America.

56. By saying “I’m in to win.” Hillary probably means that ______.

A. she is online to get people’s support to run for presidency

B. she is going to run for election and work hard to win

C. she is online to get more support and she is sure she is to win

D. She has decided to run for president and work hard to win

57. It can be inferred from the passage that _______.

A. Clinton left office only because of his personal life

B. Hillary was once deeply involved in her husband’ government

C. all her voters strongly support her and believe in her

D. the whole election campaign costs Hillary nearly $70 million

58. What many American people are deeply concerned about is _______

A. how to solve the energy problem

B. when and how to find a proper solution to the Iraq war

C. what practical things Hillary will do for them

D. how to strengthen Social Security and Medicare

59. The author’s attitude toward Hillary is ________

A. critical        B. positive     C. negative       D. objective



As we all know, every minute, ____full use of____our lessons , will do good to our students.

A.when made;to study

B.which makes;studying

C.that is made;study

D.that is made;studying



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