满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Only by working hard and never giving up...

Only by working hard and never giving up       our goals.

A.we can achieve

B.can we achieve

C.will we win

D.we will win


B 【解析】略

.Unfortunately, when I arrived, Mary         , so we only had time for a few words.

A.was just leaving

B.just left

C.has just left

D.had just left



The old vase        the Han Dynasty doesn’t need         .

A.dated from; repaired

B.dating from; repairing

C.dating back to; to repair

D.dated back to; to be repaired



Being extremely angry, the boy         and went out, saying nothing.

A.turned up

B.turned out

C.turned down

D.turned around



五、对话填空 (10分)


J =" John      " R = Robert

J:  I hear that an important meeting is to be ( 76 ) h       in our    76.          

city. What’s it about?

R:  It’s said that its (77) g       is to make clean drinking         77.        

water available to all.

J:   Who do you know will (78) t        part in the meeting?      78.        

R:   Representatives from more than 80 countries, as is

(79) r       on TV.                                     79.      

J:   Could you tell me (80) m       ?                        80.       

R:   Sure! Three things will be (81) d        at the meeting       81.       

—ways of making good use of water, (82) r       water      82.        

pollution and saving water.

J:   That’s good news for people in this area. As you may know,

there are too (83) m       factories around here, which let     83.       

out plenty of poisonous gas and polluted water. So we eagerly

hope that strong (84) m        will be taken to stop the       84.       

water pollution.

R:   I quite agree with you. Let’s hope for the day to come as

soon as (85) p        .                                 85.        




Every child is unique and has interests and wants that are specific to him or her. As parents of many children, it takes a lot of effort to identify the special qualities of each child and use them to be an effective influence in their young lives. What’s more , parents need to work to guide each child into their place in the family and make sure that the child is content and able to grow as a person.

Establishing  tasks in the home for each child helps  begin to lay  relational boundaries  in place. Each child should have an area  that becomes his or hers to maintain. Household chores (家务活 ) fall into this category. However, an order for answering the phone or doorbell can also be a task.  Reward each accomplished task in small ways like a compliment ( 赞扬). Money is not as  effective as personal attention.

Don’t buy a gift or treat for one without including the others. Even on birthdays give every child a small gift that they can enjoy opening while the birthday child opens his or her pile of gifts or larger gift. It’s not a really pricey thing. Our children never felt left out at the other child’s birthday or special occasion.

When buying clothes or other necessities, it can often be too much of a budget strain ( 紧张) to buy everything for all at once.  Make sure every child understands that their turn will come. If you buy back to school clothes, be certain to have each one a new outfit to wear by the first day of school.  Start early so each child can receive  parental attention before heading out.

Don’t fall into the trap of bragging ( 夸耀) on A’s by a smart or overachieving child and ignoring the C’s of a average child. Encourage them to do their best and brag on their best , not the letter grade received.

72. The passage is intended for________.

A. the only child in a family           B. the children who have sisters or brothers

C. the parents with more than one child   D. the parents with only one child

73.According to the passage, if a child does a good job at home, parents should__________

A. buy him /her a gift as soon as possible    B. try to take good care of him /her

C. give him /her some money as a reward    D. give him /her praise

74. On birthdays the author would like to_____.

A. give each child a small gift           B. give the birthday child a gift only

C. give all children gifts except the birthday child

D. give the birthday child smaller gifts than others

75. What does the author mainly want to tell readers in the passage?

A. Children should learn to do housework.

B. Be fair while making each child feel special.

C. Parents should encourage their children as much as possible.

D. Parents should buy their children new clothes before the first day of school.



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