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第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文...



About five years ago I started at a new school, when my family moved to Iowa.I was just a little  36  ,but I worried I would never  37  in with the other sixth graders.

Lucy,a girl in my class, who I thought was not 38  for change,didn’t  39  me from the start.In fact,I was  40  sure she hated me.I would ask her a 41 ,and I could tell she thought I was a total  42 .

My teacher made us sit by each other for the last semester. Lucy was 43 .

I didn’t wear 44 ,and I didn’t wear those  45   bell-bottom pants.I didn’t exactly 46  the coolest girl. But, I kept smiling at her, though she  47  her eyes, and I kept telling her she looked  48  ,even if she sighed in anger.

49  ,Lucy let me talk to her,even  50  her“cool”friends. She started telling me how beautiful I looked. I still remember that first time when she 51 at me saying that, and I smiled right back, telling her 52 . Lucy ,invited me over to her house for sleepovers ,and talked to me all the time instead her other friend.Lucy,the girl who  53  me ,called me her best friend .After that, we still were good friends a whole year later . I will never forget Lucy . She was a great friend .I love a 54 by A braham Lincoln: “Am I not   55 my enemies when I make friends of them?”

36.A.surprised                B.nervous                      C.excited                       D.amused

37.A.study                     B.fit                              C.contact                       D.perform

38.A.ready                     B.appealing                    C.classic                        D.close

39.A.dislike                   B.help                        C.observe                      D.like

40.A.pretty                    B.hardly                        C.scarcely                      D.never

41.A.reason                    B.leave                          C.question                     D.favour

42.A.genius                    B.fool                           C.pretense                      D.beggar

43.A. happy                   B.relaxed                       C.fascinating                  D.horrified

44.A.make-up                B.grown-up                   C.stand-by                     D.go-between

45.A.attractive                B.preferable                   C.cheap                         D.awesome

46.A.pretend as              B.turn out                      C.turn up                      D.look like

47.A.scratched               B.closed                  C.opened               D.rolled

48.A.beautiful                B.ugly                           C.fat                             D.gorgeous

49.A.Happily                 B.Fortunately                 C.Eventually                  D.Helplessly

50.A.in honor of          B.in sight of                   C.by means of               D.in case of

51.A.cried                     B.shouted                      C.smiled                        D.laughed

52.A.thanks                   B.jokes                         C.nuisances                   D.worries

53.A.forgave          B.hated              C.beat                D.contacted

54.A.letter                     B.warning                      C.book                          D.quote

55.A.destroying              B.respecting                   C.worshiping                 D.promoting


36---55    CBADA   CBDAD   DDABB   CABDA   【解析】略

The young man’s dream ______ true in 2009 when he was offered a role in a romantic comedy.

A.was come

B.would come

C.has come




.The parents suggested ______in the hotel room but their kids were anxious to camp out during the trip.


B.to sleep


D.having slept



-----What happened here yesterday?                          

-----An adventurer was walking at the foot of the mountain ______ suddenly a stone fell and hit him on the head.







The teacher refused to have his daughter study in his class, ______ showing favour to her.

A.in need of

B.instead of

C.for fear of

D.regardless of



. ______ by the earthquake, the city of Port-au-Prince(太子巷) had to be rebuilt.

A.Having badly damaged

B.Having been badly damaged

C.Been badly damaged

D.Beening badly damaged



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