满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

---You seemed to have been impressed by ...

---You seemed to have been impressed by his songs.

---Well, not exactly so. It was his way of singing____ his voice that really impressed me.

A.rather than

B.as well as

C.but also

D.together with


A 【解析】略

“Long time no see”is _______sort of imformal, but it is part of ______language Americans use daily.

A.the; a

B.a; the

C./; the

D.a; a






第二大国家,东西跨越5,500千米,6个时区(time zones);人口29,000,000,首都Ottawa,官方语言法语和英语;气候差异大,北部冬天漫长寒冷,西部沿海冬天温暖;淡水、森林、渔业资源丰富。




M: Can you tell me something about your education?

W: Yes. I’m a g____76___ of Zhengzhou University. I learned business.

M: Did you l____77__ your business course?\

W: Very much, and I’ve done w__78____ in all of them. Here are the results of my examinations.

M: Hm. You were indeed a good student. What about your s___79____ English?

W: I can talk w_____80__ foreigners freely. When I was at college, I often went to the English Corner. We had English teachers from Australia.

M: Hm. We can hire you. We give the employees a s___81____ of 480 dollars a month at the beginning. If you do a good job, you will get a rise in three months’ t____82_______.

W: That’s great. How long should I work every day?

M: Four hours every day and two days o___83_____ in a week.

W: Do you o____84_____ housing to your employees?

M: Not now. My assistant will tell you w______85____ you are interested in.

W: OK. When shall I begin my work?

M: Next week.



A girl with blue eyes is a blue-eyed girl. A man with long legs is a long-legged man. A woman with white hair is a white-haired woman. Children who have good looks are good-looking children. What do you do when you want to buy clothes? You go to a shop. If you can find clothes that are the right size for you, and if they are ready to wear, you will probably buy them. They are called ready-made clothes. If you can not find clothes that are the right size, you will go to a tailor’s shop. A tailor is a man who makes clothes. He will measure you carefully and will then make clothes for you. Such clothes are called tailor-made clothes.

What do we call a man who is dressed badly? We call him a badly-dressed man. A woman who is dressed well is called a well-dressed woman.

What do you wear when it rains heavily? You wear a coat that will keep the rain out. Such a coat is called a raincoat. It is made of waterproof cloth—cloth that does not let water pass through. We have a lot of rain in England. If you come to England, bring a raincoat and an umbrella. You will find them useful.

If the floor, walls and ceiling of a room are made so that sound cannot pass through the wall, we say that the room is sound-proof. There are sound-proof rooms in all broadcasting stations.

1. The clothes which you buy from the supermarket are called________clothes.

A. tailor-made      B. ready-made

C. hand-made      D. mass production

2. If you come to England, bring both a raincoat and an umbrella because________.

A. there is a lot of rain in England

B. there are few umbrellas in the country

C. gentlemen usually carry umbrellas with them in England

D. walking with an umbrella in hand is popular in England

3. On back of a watch we can often see the word “water-proof”. The word means________.

A. water won’t get into the watch

B. you can put water into the watch

C. not putting the watch into water

D. you can see the watch clearly in water

4. What do you think is the best title for the article?

A. The Forms of Compound Words.

B. Compound Words in Everyday Life

C. How to Use Compound Words.

D. Water-proof Cloth in the Best.



On the first day of class, Mr Whiteson gave us a lecture about a creature(生物) called cattytiger, a kind of cat-like animal that completely disappeared during the Ice Age. He passed round a skull (头骨) as he talked, and we all felt interested and took notes while listening. Later, we had a test about that.

When he returned my paper, I was very, very surprised. There was a very large cross through each of my answers. And so it was with everyone else’s in our class. What had happened? Everyone was wondering and couldn’t wait to get the answer.

Very simple, Mr Whiteson explained. He had made up all that story about the cattytiger. There had never been such an animal. So why none of us noticed that and how could we expect good marks for the incorrect answers?

Needless to say, we got very angry. What kind of teacher was this?

We should have guessed it out, Mr Whiteson said. After all, at the very moment he was passing around the cattytiger skull (in fact, a cat’s), hadn’t he been telling us that it completely disappeared during the Ice Age? Clearly he was telling a lie. But we just kept busy making notes and none used his head. We should learn something from this. Teachers and textbooks are not always correct.

1. We failed in the test because we didn’t________.

A. take notes while listening

B. show interest in what Mr Whiteson said

C. listen to the teacher carefully

D. think carefully

2. We got angry because________.

A. Mr Whiteson didn’t tell us the truth about cattytiger

B. we failed in the test

C. we didn’t know why he played the joke on us

D. there was no cattytiger

3. Mr Whiteson gave us a special lesson________.

A. to show his special way of teaching

B. to play a joke on us

C. to help us learn our lessons better

D. so that we would no longer believe him

4. Mr Whiteson meant that________.

A. teachers couldn’t make any mistakes

B. textbooks might be wrong sometimes

C. we should speak up if we thought our teacher or the textbook was wrong

D. we shouldn’t believe our teachers because sometimes they might tell lies



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