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第二卷(共35分) 第四部分写作(共两节,满分35分) 第一节对话填空(共10小...




(J="Jane " F="Flora" )

J: Hi,Flora. It seems that I haven’t seen for you ages, Where have you been ?

F: Hi, Jane . Been to England for a (76) t______.

J: Oh really ? That’s great,. Did someone (77) e_______travel with you?

F: We went on a group tour, You know that would make things easy. You wouldn’t (78) w_______about this and that.

J:Yes. A pleasant time, eh?

F: A really pleasant to me. Everything we saw, Fantastic ! And the guide was a very nice guy; he also (79) l_______ us a deep impression.

J:What’s that ?

F:He once told us about the (80)b______ of his career. He was an Oxford student before. And one day when he went on his (81)w______ to a lecture, a tourist

(82) a_____ him for directions. Since he was going in the same direction,he led the way, telling legends and stories about Oxford. Before they knew it, two hours passed, and the tourist gave him ten pounds for the enjoyable morning. He then

(83) r_______ that he had a gift for making a visit (84)i________and lovely.

J: What an amazing story ! By the way , How did you travel(85)e________ in England?

F: It depends.Sometimes by udnerground or by bus.

J: If only I had such a chance !


76.tour / trip    77.else    78.worry   79.left    80.beginning    81.way    82.asked    83.realized    84.interesting   85.everywhere    【解析】略

In the past decade the popularity of rock climbing has greatly increased, and so has the number of injuries. It has been estimated that rock climbing is now enjoyed by more than 9 million people in the US each year. Study findings revealed a 65 percent increase in the number of patients that were treated in US emergency departments for rock climbing-related injuries between 1991and 2008.

The study, published in the online issue of the American Journal of Preventive medicine,found that about 40,000 patients were treated in US emergency departments for rock climbing-related injuries between 1991 and 2008. The most common types of rock climbing –related injuries were fracture(骨折) and sprains (扭伤)。The ankle was the most common body part to be injured (40%).Climers in the study ranged in age from 2 to 74, with an average age of 26. The study also found that women took up a quarter of the injuries.

Falls were the primary reason for injury with over three-quartes of the injuries occurring as the result of a fall. The severity of related injuries had a lot to do with the height of the fall. Patients who were injured after falling from a height over 20 feet were 10 times more likely to be treated than patients who were injured falling from 20 feet or lower.

“We found that the climbers who fell from heights higher than 20 feet took up 70 percent of the patients treated for a rock climbing-related injury, explained the study author Lara McKenzie, PhD, director at the Center for Injury Research and Policy at Nationwide Hospital. “This trend, combined with the fact that rock climbers have a higher hospitalizaton rate than other sports and recreational injuries, demonstrates the need to increase injury prevention efforts for climbers.

1.Which body part is most likely to get injured for a climber ?

A.The arm        B.The ankle     C. The knee     D. The hand

2.How many women climbers in American got injured while climbing a rock between 1991 and 2008 ?

A.About 40,000   B.About 30,000    C.About 20,000  D.About 10,000

3.The severity of climbers’fall-related injures is mainly related to ______.

A.the height of the fall.           B.the climber’s age.

C.the climber’s health condition    D.the climber’s climbing experience.

4.The underlined word “demonstrates” in the last paragragh can be replaced by ________.

A.demands       B.prevent        C.proves        D.describes




A teenager says he convinced the White House that he was Iceland’ s president and managed to schedule a call with George W.Bush , but was found out before he got to talk to the US president.

“My call was transferred around a few times until I got hold of Bush’s secretary and managed to book a call meeting with Bush the following Monday evening ,” Vifill Atlaso, 16, told Reuters.

Several Icelandic police turned up at his door two days later---the day of the planned call---and took him in for questioning.

“They told me the CIA had called the National Commissioner of the Icelandic Police and asked if the police could try and find out where I received that phone number from,” said Atlason.

The teenager said he was unable to recall where he had discovered the telephone number of the White House.

“I know I’v had it on my phone card for at least four years now and that an Icelandic friend gave it to me, but I don’t remember who,”he said.

At a White House news conference on Monday, Bush’s spokeswoman Dana Perino said her understanding was that Atlason had called a public line “that anybody can call”, according to a transcript(记录).

Jon Buartmarz, Chief Superintendent at Iceland’s national police headquarters, said Icelandic police had not spoken to their US counterparts about the matter. He declinced(拒绝) to say how police were tipped off (通告) about Atlason’s call.

“As far as we’re concerned, there will not be any further investigation, and I don’t know if the American government is taking any action because of this,”he said.

1.According to the passage, when did Atlason call the White House ?

A.On Friday      B. On Saturday     C. On Sunday    D. On Monday

2.What does the underlined “it ”refer to ?

A.The telephone number of the White House.

B.The telephone number of his friend.

C.A White House news conference .


3.How did Atlason get the telephone number of the White House ?

A.From a newspaper   

B.From Bush’s secertary

C.From an Icelandic friend  

D.By calling the National Commissioner of the Icelandic Police.

4.What is the main idea of the article ?

A.An Icelandic teenager tricks the the White House

B.CIA found out the truth of a trick.

C.A teenager pretended to be the Icelandic president.

D.The telephone number of the Whiite House is known by public.





One summer morning, I was walking in the street when I ran into a stranger passing by , “I’m  36  !” was my reply, Then he said,“Excuse me, too, I even didn’t notice you.” We were very  37  , this stranger and I. Then we went on our   38   after saying good-bye.

But at home,  39  story is told. How we treat our loved ones, young and old. Later in the kitchen,  40  I cooked our meal, my daughter walked up to me, very still. When I turned round, I nearly  41  her down. “Get out of the   42  !” I shouted with a frown. She stepped away  43  , with her little heart broken. I didn’t realize how rudely I had spoken.

That night, when I lay awake in bed, God’s quiet voice spoke to me and said, “While 

44   with a stranger, you are    45   and polite, but with those you love, you are quick to get   46  ---- Go and look around the   47  floor, you will find some flowers she brought for you. She   48  them herself --- pink, yellow, and your favourite blue. She stood there quietly , and you   49   saw the tears in her eyes.”

By this time my   50   had begun to fall. I quietly went and knelt by her bed, “  51 , my dear, ” I said, “Are these the flowers you picked for me ?” She smiled , “  

52   them in a napkin(纸巾)just for you. I knew you’d like them, especially the   53

.” I said , “ I’m so sorry that I  54  them today ---- And I  55   have shouted at you that way.”

36. A.angry         B.sorry        C.excited         D.surprised

37. A.calm          B.happy        C.polite          D.careful

38. A.road          B.talk         C.argument        D.way

39. A.a different     B.the same    C.a surprising    D.a moving

40. A.after          B.as           C.before          D.if

41. A.put           B.turned       C.knocked         D.threw

42. A.way           B.line         C.place           D.road

43. A.hurriedly     B.silently       C.angrily         D.excitedly

44. A.going         B.fighting      C.talking         D.meeting

45. A.excited       B.calm         C.quiet           D.pleased

46. A.moved         B.angry        C.puzzled         D.surprised

47. A.bedroom       B.dining room  C.sitting room    D.kitchen

48. A.bought        B.picked       C.stole           D.made

49. A.almost        B.hardly       C.never           D.even

50. A.hair          B.flowers      C.tears           D.daughter

51. A.Get up        B.Stand up     C.Wake up         D.Sit up

52. A.put           B.wrapped      C.tied            D.found

53. A.red           B.pink         C.blue            D.yellow

54. A.destroyed     B.forgot       C.noticed         D.missed

55. A.shouldn’t    B.couldn’t      C.mustn’t        D.needn’t



— Do remember to take this medicine three times a day with warm boiled water.

— _________.

A.Put it

B.Made it

C.Got it

D.Taken it



---You seemed to have been impressed by his songs.

---Well, not exactly so. It was his way of singing____ his voice that really impressed me.

A.rather than

B.as well as

C.but also

D.together with



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