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书面表达(满分25分) 请根据下列提示的要点,以What will life b...


  请根据下列提示的要点,以What will life be like without animals为题,介绍保护珍稀(rare)动物的意义及必要性。







One possible version: What will life be like without animals Animals are close friends of human beings. Their existence, especially the existence of rare animals makes the whole world lively and colorful. Unfortunately, we heard such news recently that rare animals, even kept in the zoo, couldn't escape being hurt and killed, at which we can feel nothing but shocked. The reason why it happened is that some people lack understanding about these animals and caring for them. Therefore, we should study and publicize the information about rare animals, and keep it in mind that protecting animals is the duty of everyone. At the same time, we should take active and effective measures. After all, protecting animals is protecting ourselves. (115 words) 【解析】略




   M: I must say, I'm w___76___about this i___77__.                76      


  W: Why? You are the r___78___ person they are looking for.         78      

  M: I know, but I haven't had much e___79___.                     79      

  W: I don't think that m___80___. You are sure to get the job.          80      

  M: I r___81__ need it. And there's another thing.                    81      

I don't think I'm good at l____82___.                                82      

  W: But your German is really good. I was i___83___by the way        83      

you talked to those people we met on holiday last year.

  M: It's very nice of you to try to c___84__ me up, but I still            84      

don't think I'm going to get the job.

  W: Well, we’ll just have to wait and see, w___85___we?              85      



People will be encouraged to eat healthy food, ________ and to drink less beer and wine.

A.not to smoke

B.don’t smoke

C.not smoke

D.not smoking



We should spend the money ______ something _____ everyone.

A.in; that benefit

B.on; which benefit

C.in; which benefits

D.on; that benefits



Her brother ______ be at home now, because he was seen playing basketball in the stadium just now.







“In only six days I lost seven pounds of weight.”

“Two full inches in the first three days!”

These are the kinds of statements used in magazine, newspaper, radio and television ads, promising new shapes and new looks to those who buy the medicine or the device. The promoters(推销员) of products say they can shape the legs, slim the face, smooth wrinkles, or in some other way to beauty or desirability.

Often such products are nothing more than money-making things for their promoter. The results they produce are questionable, and some are dangerous to health.

To understand how these products can be legally(合法地) promoted to the public, it is necessary to understand something of the laws covering their regulation. If the product is a drug, FDA(Food Drug Administration)can require proof (证明) under the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act that it is safe and effective before it is put on the market. But if the product is a device, FDA has no authority(="right)" to require premarketing proof of safety or effectiveness. If a product already on the market is a danger to health, FDA can request the producer or distributor to remove it from the market voluntarily(主动地), or it can take legal action, including seizure (查封) of the product.

One notable case a few years ago involved an electrical device called the Relaxacisor, which had been sold for reducing the waistline. The Relaxacisor produced electrical shocks to the body through contact pads. FDA took legal action against the distributor to stop the sale of the device on the grounds that it was dangerous to health and life.   

Obviously, most of the devices on the market have never been the subject of court proceedings (法律诉讼), and new devices appear continually. Before buying, it is up to the consumer(消费者) to judge the safety or effectiveness of such items.

72. It can be inferred that ads mentioned in the text are _________.

A. objective              B. costly(昂贵的)             C. unreliable          D. illegal

73. FDA can ask for the proof of safety and effectiveness of a product _________.

A. if it is a drug                                                                 B. if it is a device

C. if its consumers make complaints                          D. if its distributors challenge FDA’s authority

74. The Relaxacisor is mentioned as _________.

A. a product which was designed to produce electricity

B. a product whose distributor was involved in a legal case

C. a successful advertisement of a beauty product

D. an example of a quality beauty product

75. The author intends to _________.

A. make consumers aware of(意识到) the promoters’ false promises

B. show the weakness of the law on product safety

C. give advice on how to keep young and beautiful

D. introduce the organization of FDA



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