满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

It was the news ____ the movie star woul...

It was the news ____ the movie star would come to our school ____ let us understand the meaning of the word “fanaticism(狂热)”.

A.that; which

B.when; that

C.what; so

D.that; that


D 【解析】略

. ____ I am concerned, we should be brave and we will reach the top of the hill at last ____ we try our best to climb the hill.

A.So long as; as long as

B.As far as; as longer as

C.So long as; as far as

D.As far as; as long as



Jack’s business is not as good as before, so he has to __________ the expenses(开销) of his company.

A.cut off

B.cut away

C.cut up

D.cut down



When all the pupils and ________,Miss Brown gave out the new reading books to them.

A set off      Bsettled down  C gone ahead    D brought up



My sister met him at the Grand Theater yesterday afternoon, so he ______ lecture.

A.mustn’t have attended

B.needn’t have attended

C.couldn’t have attended

D.shouldn’t have attended



________ something wrong with the machine, I am afraid.

A.There seems to have

B.There seems to be

C.He seems to be

D.It seems to be



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