满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Ever wondered why some businesses fail a...

Ever wondered why some businesses fail and others seem to go from strength to strength(越来越兴旺发达)? One of the major reasons for success or failure in any business is the choice of location. The ABS can be of great help in choosing the most likely place to set up your business. Whether it’s simple or a complex business.

Case study one

A Sydney doctor specializing pediatrics(小儿科) was hoping to set up a practice outside the metropolitan area, probably on the northern coast of New South Wales. He was unsure of the best place in this region and came to the ABS for help. The ABS was able to put together a report containing details of the proportion of the children in particular areas, along with information on regions with the highest birth rates. This enabled the doctor to work out where future demand for his services would be.

Case study two

A suburban retailer(零售商)in Perth owned a shoe store which stocked a wide range of shoes for men, women and children. There had been an increase in the number of similar shoe stores in the suburban shopping center and the owner wanted to assess the possibility of switching to selling imported shoes and handbags for women only. In order to ensure whether there was a market for these products, the retailer needed to obtain details of income by age, sex, and occupation for all the women in the city of Perth. Using information from the 1996 Census(普查)of Population and Housing, the ABS was able to provide this type of information in a detailed report. With the information, the retailer was able to believe that there were enough professional working women in the area with middle to high incomes, which makes his business possible.

1. What information did the Sydney doctor get from the ABS about the northern coast of New South Wales?

A. The number of medical practices there.

B. The detailed information about the children.

C. Its present and future economic situations.

D. The ideal place to start a practice there.

2. The retailer wanted to switch to selling imported shoes and handbags for women because________.

A. there were more and more working women

B. he wanted to enlarge the original store

C. there were more and more shoe stores

D. imported products were popular

3. What does the ABS do for its customers?

A. Doing research work in the fields.

B. Suggesting the most potential market.

C. Providing considerable amounts of data.

D. Predicting the possible consumer goods.

4. This passage is most probably a(n) _____________.

A. handout for management           B. income report

C. advertisement                   D. plan for a project


 B  C  C  C 【解析】略


US first lady Michelle Obama is among the world’s 100 most powerful women on a list topped by German premier Angela Merkel for four years in a row, according to a Forbes ranking released recently.

Michelle Obama debuted(初次露面)at No.40,coming in ahead of talk show host Oprah Winfrey at 41 and Britain’s Queen Elizabeth at 42.

Sheila Bair, chair of the US Federal Deposit Insurance Corp, which insures bank deposits,remained NO.2 after debuting on the Forbes list last year. She has gained increased fame as the US recession(经济衰退) lasts.

The list is based on factors such as economic impact, media reach and career accomplishments. Former US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice fell off the list after leaving office in January. Rice’s successor (继任者),Hillary Clinton, came in at NO.36, dropping from No.28 last year when her presidential bid made her the woman with the highest public profile on the list.

“women im power are rising to leadership positions in business, government and philanthropy (慈善)by making daring and unconventional moves,”Forbes said.“Gone are the days of women feeling they must stick with one employer and patiently wait for promotions.”

“Highly ambitious women… are moving across companies and industries, making big leaps with each change, and repositioning themselves for opportunities that allow them to gain a breadth of experience,” the business magazine said.

Merkel,55, became the first female premier of Germany in 2005 and succeeded in retaining(保留) power in a federal election not long ago.

Michelle Obama,45,has won fans for her down-to-earth personality, her support of causes including healthy eating and the arts.

1.Condoleezza Rice is not included on the list probably because_______________ .

A. she exercises less influence

B. she keeps her new job a secret

C. she has become an ordinary woman

D. she is silent after leaving office

2.Hillary Clinton was ranked No.28 last year because_____________

A. she was the former first lady

B. she was running for president then

C. she frequently appeared in public

D. she got support from her husband

3. We learn from the passage that powerful women today_____________

A. change their jobs more frequently

B. are better political leaders than men

C. are not content with being housewives

D. have changed their traditional concept

4. What would be the best title for the passage?

A. The most powerful women in the world

B. Women in power are rising to leadership postitions

C. Forbes: Germany’s Merkel again most powerful woman

D. Forbes: The rise and fall of the women in power

D. The latest source of biofuel



If it isn’t him, who________ it be?







.---Ugh! I’m really cold then really hot,then cold again.I’m getting the flu.

-----__________? Maybe you should go home and get some sleep.

A.Are you

B.Do you

C.Have you

D.Will you



.Since we have failed many times, why not take  a new _________to solving the problem?







.This printer is of high quality and very expensive. ________, we would buy __________.

A.Should the price of it be brought down; one

B.If the price of it be brought down; one

C.The price of it was brought down; it

D.Brought down; it



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