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书面表达(满分25分) 进入高中以后,同学们的学习任务加重,对于参加课外活动,同...


进入高中以后,同学们的学习任务加重,对于参加课外活动,同学们有着两种不同的看法。请以After-school activities 为题,用英语写一篇120 词左右的短文。要点如下:





After-school activities

When it comes to after-school activities, students hold different views…


(one possible version) After-school activities When it comes to after-school activities, students hold different views. Some students take an active part in the activities. In their opinion, learning from textbooks is not their only task and they should take every chance to get some practical knowledge. Besides, they think they can get relaxed by participating in after-school activities after long hour’s study. On the contrary, the other students take little interest in after-school activities. They believe that they should make full use of time to study and that after-school activities have little to do with the exams. As far as I am concerned, I’m in favor of the first view. On the one hand, we can learn a great deal from other students through after-school activities. On the other hand, the modern society needs youths of many qualities and “bookworms” can’t keep pace with the time. 【解析】略


L: I’m terribly sorry to trouble you, but I’d like to ask you some questions.  

O: Please go (76)a________.                                         

L: I find English really difficult to learn. It’s (77)u_________ that I have worked

hard but have achieved so little.                   

O: In what way?

L: Remembering new words is rather difficult. I looked at the vocabulary but I couldn’t remember them. It is (78) o_______ that I have no

(79) g______ for English.           

O: I don’t think so. Things may not sound like what you say. You’d better try different (80)w_____ to remember them and try

to make it interesting. For example, you can write the words on a card in English on one side and Chinese on the (81)o_____.                          

L: And how I can (82)i_____ my reading ability?                      

O: Well, as(83)f_______ that, you should do a lot of reading. You know practice

makes perfect. If time(84)p_____, you can read novels written by some                  

famous(85)w_____ such as Mark Twain, Charles Dickens and so on.

L: Thank you. I’ll have a try.

O: Gook luck with your English study in the future.














Are you a student in Pickering? Do you like to write? Can you imagine Pickering in the year 2025? If you say yes to these questions then you should enter the “In Your Words ”writing contest. You can write an essay, story or a poem on the topic “Imagine my diverse community in the year 2025”

Guidelines :

1. Students are to submit a piece of writing (e.g. poem , story , essay ) on the topic.

2. Entries will be separated into three categories : Elementary : Grades 2-5, Elementary : Grades 6-8, Secondary: Grades 9-12.

3. Entries should speak to issues of diversity(差异/多样性), equality and or race relations. Entries that speak to personal experiences or personal thoughts about the topic are recommended(推荐/建议).

4. Entries are to be 600 words at most . Typed. Double spaced . Size 12 front.

5. First, second and third places will be chosen for each category to award an “Honourable Mention”.

6. One submission per student will be accepted.

Timelines :

All entries must be submitted(上交) by 4:00 pm on December 3,2009.

Only mailed or hand-delivered original submissions will be accepted ( no faxes or emails ).

Judges will review entries and select winners in each category by February 2010.


Contest winners will be invited to share their submissions at the Race Relations Forum hosted by the Pickering Advisory.

Winning entries will be displayed in the lobby of the Pickering Civic Complex and featured on the city of Pickering website for the month of March 2010.

The winners of each category will have their entries printed in the News Advertiser and other possible publications.

72. Which of the following is NOT a topic of the writing contest ?

Family responsibilities                  B. Social justice(正义)

C.  Relationship between different races       D. Various races in the same community(社区)

73. According to the passage, if you join in the contest, you_______.

A. must base your writing on your personal experiences

B. should write an article of at least 600 words

C. can submit several pieces of writing

will be free to choose a writing style

74. If an entry is awarded, it will be ______.

A. advertised in a newspaper                        B. used as learning material

C. posted on the Pickering website                  D. presented at an international forum

75. How many contestants at least will be awarded in all ?

A. 1                 B. 3                        C. 6                        D. 9



It was two years ago in winter when I went with my family to Engadine in Switzerland. The journey by car was pleasant until we reached the bottom of the Julier Pass(尤里尔隘口) when it began to snow.

Suddenly, the weather became very bad and soon we found ourselves in a storm. On the top of the pass, the visibility(能见度) was almost zero and we had to guess where the crash barrier(防撞护栏) was. It was terrible, the snow turned into ice and stuck to the windows despite the heating being set at full blast. Several times I had to get out of the car to clear the ice from the windshield(挡风玻璃).

But the way down towards Silvaplana was less stressful and we knew that we would arrive in paradise(乐园). It snowed without interruption the first day of our holidays and not being used to this natural weather, we found it simply magical to watch so much snow falling down on the mountains.

The following day, in this large, amazing area made up of frozen lakes and rivers between white mountains, we discovered a little hut next to the cross-country ski tracks, close to a farm. There was a fridge in this heated wooden cabin that contained milk, cheese and yoghurts for self-service. There was a list of prices for each item. You took what you wanted, then wrote down the total on a notebook what you had taken and put the money into an open box and if necessary took the change.

Where else could you find such trust? As I’ve already told you, Engadine is a paradise.

69.The author and his family were caught in a storm when they_______.

A. began the visit to Engadine                          B. were in Silvaplana

C. were passing the Julier Pass                         D. crashed into barriers

70. According to the passage, in the little hut________.

A. foods were offered to tourists for free    B. tourists had to serve themselves

C. tourists had to enjoy their own food       D. there were several persons on duty every day

71. What may impress the author most?

A. The white mountains.                  B. The Julier Pass.

C. The frozen lake .                            D. The little hut.



While scientists are worried that humans are causing higher temperatures on the Earth, a Maryland man, Ace, thinks we can save the world by spraying(喷射)huge amounts of water into the air.

Ace told the McClatchy News Service that at least 1,000 places should be chosen to spray water. The water would be sprayed between 20 and 200 feet into the air. Thousands of tons of seawater would be sprayed for years at a time.

The 1,000 sites would be picked after more studies. They would be mostly in the Northern Hemisphere(北半球). Ace says he would avoid tropical(热带的)areas of the globe. He says water turns to rain too quickly in these areas for his plan to work.

The water would be changed into vapor. That process requires heat. The water vapor would rise above the Earth. The water vapor would form clouds. The clouds would help in several ways. They would cool the Earth by reflecting sunlight. They would later turn into rains. The rains would provide another way of cooling the Earth.

Ace’s plan has gotten some support from a limited scientific study. Kenneth Caldeira is a climate scientist. He works at the Carnegie Institution’s Department of Global Ecology at Stanford University in California. Caldeira tested some of the Ace’s figures on a computer program. The computer model is used by top scientists to study global climate change. The model showed that the plan might work.

“More tests are planned in 2009. Ideas like Ace’s should be considered carefully and with an open mind,” Calderira said. “Every brilliant(卓越的)invention in the history of technology looked a little bit mad when first put forward.”

65.What’s the purpose of Ace’s plan?

A. To reduce air pollution.                      

B. To make summer cooler.

C. To offer dry areas more rain.                  

D. To solve the problem of global warming. 

66.According to Ace’s plan,___________.

A. planes would be used to spray water.       

B. it would be best to spray water on rainy days.

C. seawater would be sprayed high into the sky

D.1,000 sites in the Southern Hemisphere would be chosen.

67.Why wouldn’t Ace spray water in tropical areas?

A. Water is changed into vapor too quickly.      

B. Water turns to rain too quickly.

C. It is hard for vapor to form clouds.           

D. It is bad for local plants to have too much rain.

68. It seems that Caldeira ____________.

A. takes Ace’s plan seriously                 

B. thinks Ace’s idea too crazy

C. doesn’t believe the computer’s result        

D. agrees to carry out Ace’s plan right away



   Arguing with your parents is totally natural for teens. From your hairstyle to your friends, to your marks at school, to your television habits, to your future plans, it might just seem like you argue with your parents about everything. While this is not generally a pleasant state of affairs, it is normal and it will most likely pass.

Argue fairly

Arguments between teens and parents generally come about when both parties believe that they know what is best for the teen. Parents have been caring for their teens for over a decade, but teens are quickly becoming adults and believe that they are able to take care of themselves. If you must agree with them, argue fairly by: Allowing each person to speak their mind. Refusing to interrupt others when they are speaking. Sticking only to the topic at hand.

Argue respectfully

No matter how heated things may get during an argument, try to remember that your parents still are worthy of your attention, respect and love. During arguments, be respectful by: Keeping your voice lowered at all times and refusing to shout. Sitting still and staying calm. Refusing to engage in angry actions such as kicking, throwing or hitting anything. Reasonably explaining the reasons for your opinions.


There is a thin line between having a discussion and engaging in an argument, but smart teens know that keeping their interactions with their parents at the discussion level practically guarantees that they will be taken more seriously. No one likes to argue, and the parents of teens can be especially weary of it, so keeping things at the discussion level will work to everyone's advantage.

Arguing with parents is practically a sign of the teenaged years, but out-of-control arguments don't serve anyone well. Before arguing with your parents, decide what type of teen you want to be and what compromises (��Э)you are willing to make in order to achieve your goals. You never know, you might just avoid an argument all together.

60.This passage mainly tells teens______.

A. arguments don't solve any problem

B. arguing with parents may hurt them

C. some tips on arguing with parents

D. how to avoid arguing with parents

61. When arguing with your parents, you should______.

A. make up your mind not to give in

B. show your respect for them

C. express your opinions through actions

D. make full preparations for it

62. Which of the following is proper for the blank in the passage?

A. Take discussion seriously                  B. Argue seriously

C. To be smart teens                     D. Argue only when needed

63. The underlined phrase "be weary of "in the passage probably means_  ___.

A. be proud of   .                      B. be interested in

C. be tired of                      D. be satisfied of

64.It seems that the author thinks teens' arguing with parents is_______

A. normal        B. practical         C. shameful          D. impolite



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