满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The MCA Youth has expected more particip...

The MCA Youth has expected more participants to join the trip to the Expo 2010 Shanghai ________ from May1 to October31 this year to explore the world.

A.being held

B.to be held

C.having been held



B 【解析】略

----Can we borrow books from the library when it is completed ?

----Of course. It is _________ to every citizen only if you get a special card.







I guess you could say that I am “one in a million”______, there are not many people like me.

A.In a word

B.In other words

C.What’s more

D.Believe it or not



It came as _____ great shock to us that many people lost their lives in _____ latest earthquake in Northwest China’s Qinghai Province.

A.a; a

B.a; the

C./ ; the

D.the ; /






认真阅读下面对话, 并根据各题所给的首字母的提示,在标有题号的右边横线上写出一个英语单词的完整、正确形式,使对话通顺。

M: Hi, Rebecca, haven’t seen you for (76) y_____! You seem to have lost a lot  76. _________

in the weight.

W: Yes, I have. I have been on a (77) d______ and exercising a lot.            77. ________

M: There will be a baseball game in the stadium this afternoon. Would you

like to (78) w ______ it ?                                           78. ________

W: No, I think baseball games are (79) b______.                           79. _________

M: Do you like volleyball?

W: Yes, I do, but I (80) p   ___ soccer to volleyball.                       80. _________

M: Did you (81) e___  _ play soccer in high school?                      81. _________

W: Yes, I was on the school team. We were required to (82) p______ four      82. ________

hours a day.

M: Did you often play (83) a______ other school and play well?             83. _________

W: Yes, we often did. We almost always won the championship.

M: You (84) m______ have had very good teamwork.                      84. _________

W: Yes, we did. Teamwork is the most (85) i______ element(因素)in winning.  85. __________



For the most part, schools are designed to produce people who fit into society, not people who set out to change it. However, schools, particularly universities, may not only spread culture; they may add to the cultural heritage(遗产). Today American society places a good deal of emphasis on the development of new knowledge, especially in the physical and biological sciences , medicine, and engineering. In the recent years, the nation’s leading universities have increasingly become research centers.

An emphasis(强调)on research has led universities to judge professors not by abilities as teachers, but as researcher. promotions(提升), salary increases , and other benefits have long been dependent on research and publication. However, the most important is no longer publishing. To be successful these days, professors have to bring in money provided by government and private industry. Critics claim that academic(学术) success is most likely to come to those who have learned to“ignore”their teaching duties to pursue research activities. Defenders say that even when students themselves are not involved in research projects they benefit from such an emphasis on research.

Major research universities like the Massachustts Institute of Technology have also cooperated with industrial companies to develop technology and products with commercial potential(潜能).With university-industry ties continuing to grow, debate(辩论)has increased about the consequences for basic science, academic openness, the control of information, the direction of research, and the influence on students.

1. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT emphasized by today’s American society?

A. Physical science.          B. Biological science.

C. Engineering.            D. Computer science.

2. In the present standard, a successful professor is one who can____.

A. teach well             

B. get financial support for research

C. get the highest salary    

D. have many publications

3. Supporters of the present emphasis on research argue that_____.

A. it involves more students in it.

B. it does good to students anyway.

C. it has a direct good effect on teaching

D. it earns a lot of money for a university

4. The author seems to be_____ the move of emphasis to research.

A. totally against   B. sorry to see      C. in favor of    D. neutral (中立) about



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