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第二卷(非选择题,满分35分) 第四部分:写作(共两节;满分35分) 第一节 对...



第一节 对话填空(本节共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


Jack(J):Where have you been, Laura?

Laura(L): Oh, I’ve just been to a s   76     made           76. ________

by a famous p  77  from Beijing University                77. ________

J: What is it about?

L: He mentioned something c  78    the concept            78. ________

of “harmonious society” in his speech.

J: Oh, that’s something people keep t  79  about             79. ________

nowadays! Then what did he say about it?

L: He said that we should not only get a  80 well with      80._________

other people, but also live in harmony with n  81 .           81._________

J: I’m in complete a  82 with him. While developing        82._________

the economy, we are interfering(妨碍) with the ecology.

L: Yes. It’s high time we c  83  doing something            83._________

to improve the environment p 84  by human beings.  84._________

J: Hopefully, our government is taking m  85  to           85._________

deal with the consequences.


76 speech  77 professor  78 concerning   79 talking   80 along 81 nature  82 agreement  83 considered  84 polluted  85 measures 【解析】略


The world record for fastest text message typing is held by a 21-year-old college student from Utah, but his flexible fingers could mean serious injury later on. Most adults aged 18-21 prefer texting over e-mail or phone calls, and ergonomics(人体工程学) researchers are starting to wonder whether it’s putting the younger generation at risk for some overuse injuries – once reserved for older adults who have spent years in front of a computer. Judith Gold, an assistant professor of Epidemiology at the College of Health Professions and Social Work, thinks this might be the case. At this year’s annual meeting of the American Public Health Association, she presented previous research which suggested that among college students, the more they texted, the more pain they had in their neck and shoulders.

“What we’ve seen so far is very similar to what we see with office workers who’ve spent most of their time at a computer,” said Gold, who directs the Ergonomics and Work Physiology Laboratory. “The way the body is positioned for texting – stationary(不动的)shoulders and back with rapidly moving fingers – is similar to the position for typing on a computer.”

Text messaging is a fairly new technology, Gold says, so this is a new area of research among ergonomists. “But given the similarities in body position, findings from research on overuse injuries from computers could be applied here,” she said.

Current studies on computer use show office workers have the tendency to get involved in such diseases as tunnel syndrome, bursitis, and tendonitis.

In Gold’s lab, she and her team use tools like special cameras, motion analysis and heart rate monitors to study the body’s position in several job-related situations. But given the popularity of text messaging among young adults, Gold wants to explore further into the physiological effects of this latest form of communication.

“Looking around our campus, you see every student on their cell phones, typing away,” she said. “It’s the age group that texts the most, so it’s important to know what the health effects may be in order to learn whether it will cause long term damage.”

64. Which of the following are ergonomics researchers not sure about?

A. A 21-year-old college student holds the world record for fastest text message typing.

B. Most adults aged 18-21 prefer texting over e-mail or phone calls.

C. Overuse of computer will cause injuries to health.

D. Over text message will cause long term damage to health.

65. Current studies on computer use will lead people to believe that ______.

A. office workers are good at texting messages

B. office workers tend to suffer from some kinds of physical problems

C. texting messages seriously damage people’s health

D. e-mails and phone calls will be forbidden

66. When texting messages, college students will ______.

A. keep moving shoulders and back

B. move fingers very fast with shoulders and back still

C. spend most of their time at a computer

D. look around their campus

67. The most suitable title of this passage may be ______.

A. Over text messaging could cause shoulder and neck pain

B. Overuse of computers could cause diseases

C. A new world record for fastest text message typing

D. A new scientific discovery by ergonomics researchers





Fang Wei had planned to study in Britain for his master's degree,but had to keep putting it off. These days,however,Fang is quite happy about the delay since the exchange rate of the British pound against the RMB has been descending.

“The change means I can save a large sum of money for my studies.” said Fang. “I pay a lot of attention to the pound­to­RMB exchange rate every day now.” Last Tuesday the rate broke the 10­yuan mark for the first time since 2005.

So,what is an exchange rate?

This is the standard term for the comparison of two currencies and tells how much one currency is worth when measured by the other. For example,the pound­to­RMB exchange rate last Wednesday was 9.88,meaning that one pound was worth the same as 9.88 yuan.

But how could this affect our lives?

The exchange rate is important for anyone wanting to travel to or study in a foreign country.

A higher RMB value is good news for Chinese tourists and students. That's because any given amount of RMB can be exchanged for a larger amount of foreign money than with a lower RMB value. It therefore buys more abroad.

For example,according to Chinese agencies that handle study abroad,the cost for university study in Britain used to be around 20,000 pounds a year. At the beginning of 2008,when the pound­to­RMB exchange rate stood at 14,Chinese students had to have 280,000 yuan for a year. But now that the rate has fallen to less than 10 yuan,200,000 yuan is enough for a year in Britain.

However,the stronger yuan may be bad news for Chinese exporters. A rising RMB means that Chinese products are becoming expensive and less attractive on foreign markets.

56.Why did Fang Wei have to put off his study in Britain?

A. Because he didn't have enough money.

B. Because the exchange rate of the pound­to­RMB was too high.

C. Because he didn't get the letter from the university he had applied for.

D. The passage didn't tell us.

57.What's the meaning of the underlined word “descending” in Paragraph 1?

A. Turning down.              B. Putting off.

C. Falling down.                D. Going up.

58.If the pound­to­RMB exchange rate was 12, Fang Wei would have paid 240,000 yuan for a year's study. Now the rate is 9.6,how much can he save if he goes to study in Britain?

A.46,000 yuan.                  B.42,800 yuan.

C.192,000 yuan.                D.48,000 yuan.

59 .When RMB has a higher value in the currency exchange market,the following are right except that     .

A. it shows we have a strong economic potential

B. it indicates we have a stable political environment

C. it will help our export business

D. it is beneficial for Chinese students and travelers to foreign countries



It is difficult to ____ one twin from the other. They almost don’t ____ from each other. 

A.differ, distinguish

B.distinguish, differ

C.distinguish, different

D.tell, different



The woman who’s carrying a baby in her arms, ____ aboard fist. Don’t crowd in!







The shop owner didn’t have the camera I wanted but said he would ____ one ____ for me when he had some.

A.set, aside

B.let , alone

C.put, away

D.leave, behind



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