满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

A nine-year-old girl named Arwa lives wi...

A nine-year-old girl named Arwa lives with her parents and six brothers and sisters in an old, two-roomed house. She knows nothing of wealth and power but, in her own way, she has helped make history.

Arwa was the youngest of three Yemeni girls who recently went to court complaining they were married against their will and asking for a divorce(离婚). It forced the government to change its law on early marriage.

Her father Abdul Ali described how a stranger asked him in the market if he knew some marriageable girls. After visiting their home and seeing Arwa and her 15-year-lold sister, he chose the younger child. Abdul Ali said the man had promised he would wait for the girl to reach puberty(青春期)before calling her to his house but then changed his mind.

So why did he sell his daughter to a stranger? “He gave me $150 and promised another $2,000. I was really in need of money and thought it was a solution for the family,” he explained.

When Arwa fought against her husband, she was beaten. The pain only came to an end when her husband and father quarreled and Abdul Ali allowed her to seek outside help. Then she went looking for a neighbor to lend her money for the journey to court. The judge at court took pity on her and gave her freedom.

Yemen’s Minister for Social Affairs, Professor Amat al-Razak Hammed, recognizes that the government needs to make a change and will personally decide on a legal age of 16. She says that both fathers who marry their children off early and officials who sign the marriage contracts should be punished.

Arwa’s courage to seek a divorce was inspired by another young girl from the capital, Sana’a who has become a national famous person.

60. What does the underlined part in Paragraph 1 refer to?

A. Arwa’s behavior influenced the government to change the law on early marriage.

B. Arwa was the first girl to fight for the right of women to have freedom of marriage.

C. Arwa worked together with the government to draw up new marriage laws.

D. Arwa set a good example to other girls who have similar problems.

61. How much money did Arwa’s father probably get in total by selling her?

A. $150.          B.$2,000.      C.$2,150.             D.$3,000.

62. Which of the following statements about Arwa is NOT true?

A. She is too young to know anything about wealth and power.

B. She got the money for the journey to court from her father.

C. She was one of the Yemeni girls who used the law to seek a divorce.

D. Her husband treated her very badly.

63. According to the new marriage law in Yemen, _______.

A. girls can’t get married until they are 20 years old

B. girls can get married without their parents’ permission

C. officials are forbidden to sign marriage contracts

D. fathers who marry their children off early will be punished


 A  C  B  D 【解析】略



After graduation from college, I started to sell. Soon I discovered that the  36  expression I had been wearing since childhood meant sure  37 .I knew it wasn’t going to be easy to   38  that expression on my face left by so many years of hardship. It   39   a complete change in  my view on life. Here is the   40  I tried.

Each morning during a fifteen-minute bath, I  41  to cultivate(培养)a big, happy  smile. I found out,   42  , that it couldn’t be a forced smile  43  just for the purpose of putting dollars in my   44 . It had to be an honest-to-goodness smile from down deep   45 ,an outward expression of happiness from within!

Let’s see  46  starting with a good fifteen-minute workout of the smile muscles    47    me during the day. Before entering an office I  48   think of the many things I had to be  49  for, work up a big smile and then enter. Seldom did it fail to get the same smile    50   from  the person I met. I also found that it   51  people when passed them on the street to give them  a   52   smile.

Give every living soul you meet the best smile you have    53   smiled in your life, and  see how much better you  54   and look. It’s one of the best ways I know to  55   worrying,and start living. When I began doing this, I found I became more welcome everywhere.

36.A.happy        B.worried          C.curious             D.surprised

37.A.success      B.friendship         C.failure              D.wealth

38.A.wear         B.show            C.change           D.see

39.A.made up       B.brought in          C.turned over          D.called for

40.A.way         B.example          C.idea                D.thought

41.A.determined    B.hurried           C.failed               D.pretended

42.A.therefore      B.however           C.instead            D.otherwise

43.A.introduced     B.developed        C.discovered          D.left

44.A.opinion       B.honor             C.bill                 D.pocket

45.A.outside       B.upward           C.inside              D.forward

46.A.when        B.how              C.whether             D.why

47.A.helped       B.upset            C.satisfied          D.disappointed

48.A.could        B.might             C.should             D.would

49.A.ready        B.eager            C.thankful            D.famous

50.A.in general     B.in public              C.in return          D.in advance

51.A.greeted      B.pleased          C.puzzled           D.welcomed

52.A.cheerful      B.forced            C.strange           D.bitter

53.A.never        B.just              C.already            D.ever

54.A.prove         B.appear                    C.feel               D.remain

55.A.keep         B.stop             C.hate              D.protect



My mother always _______ the importance of mixing well with my classmates in school.

A.reminds of me

B.impresses on me

C.strikes me

D.stresses me



Though what she had been doing went against the tradition of the family, she ________to make them change their minds.

A. succeeded    B. persuaded   B. managed   D. tried



Rather than ______ to a secure life, the young man prefers wandering about in big cities, enjoying himself. 

A.settle down

B.to settle down

C.settling down

D.settled down



Quarrels often _______ between the wife and husband but they both wish to take measures to prevent them ______ happily.

A.break out; from living

B.break up; to live

C.happen; to live

D.take place; from living



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