满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

A computer costs nearly 5,000 yuan, but ...

A computer costs nearly 5,000 yuan, but I have saved _______800 yuan.

A.not more than

B.no less than

C.no more than

D.more than


C 【解析】略

He was made______ the old lady________ breaking her window.

A. to apologize to; for           B. to be apologizing to; for

C. apologizing for; to            D; apologize for; for



----Why not turn to your uncle for help?

---- ____________.

A.That I’m too busy.

B.I’m terribly sorry.

C.That’s a good idea.

D.It doesn’t work at all.





WB: Hi, Carl. Have you ordered yet?

Carl: No, I’m just looking at the (76) m______. Are you hungry?

WB: Yes, I sure am. I got up late and went (77) w______ breakfast. Right now I could eat an ox.

Carl: Ok. I’ll (78) g______ the waiter.

A few moments later

Waitress: Just let me wipe your table and then I’ll take your (79) o______. Ok?

Carl:And I’ll have a ham salad, please.

WB: And I’ll have a hot dog, (80) w______ a potato salad.

Waitress: Anything to (81) f______?

Carl: Banana ice cream with hot chocolate sauce for me, please.

WB: I’ll have apple pie with ice cream and jam sauce.

Waitress: Ok.

Carl: So how are you, Wang Bing? Are you excited about your new job?

WB. Yes, I’ll start work at the Farm Institute next month, I’m looking forward to that. My only (82) r______ is that it’s quite a long way from all my friends.

Carl: All the (83) s______, I expect you’ll enjoy coming into town now

and (84) a______.

WB: Yes. I’d like to invite you to dinner at my (85) f______ before I move.

Carl: That would be nice. Let’s fix a date.















  A vegetarian(素食者)diet may help to protect people against cancer, a UK study suggests. Analysis of data from 52,700 man and women shows that those who did not eat meat had significantly fewer cancers than those who did.

Published in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the findings were worth looking into .Although it is widely recommended that people eat some fruits and vegetables every day to reduce their risk of cancer and other diseases, there is very little evidence showing that a vegetarian diet can surely reduce cancers .

But surprisingly, the researchers also found a higher rate of colorectal(直肠的)cancer – a disease connected with eating red meat – among the vegetarians.

Study leader Professor Tim Key, a researcher at the University of Oxford, said no previous study had looked at the diet in this way and that there had been a lot of confusion about the issue.

“It’s interesting – it suggests there might be some reduction in cancers in vegetarians, but we need to look carefully at that”, said the professor.

More work is needed to show the connections between diet and cancer but such studies are very hard to do. Dr Joanne Lunn, a senior nutrition scientist at the British Nutrition Foundation, said the findings highlighted the fact that cancer is a complex disease and many different lifestyle factors play a part in determining a person’s risk.

73. What would be the best title for the passage?

A. Reasons for getting cancers.

B. Vegetarians get fewer cancers.

C. Tips on avoiding cancers.

D. A surprising discovery on colorectal cancer.

74. Why are the findings worth looking into?

A. They can encourage healthy eating.

B. They show that cancer is a complex disease.

C. they show a brand new discovery.

D. They have been published in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

75. We can learn from the passage that _________.

A. people eating red meat are unlikely to get colorectal cancer

B. the diet is one of the many factors that determine a person’s health

C. the connections between a vegetarian diet and cancer are clear through the research

D. scientists will soon figure out the relationship between the diet and cancer



  When scientists set out to explore the roots of human laughter, some apes(类人猿) were just tickled(胳肢)to help. That’s how researchers made a variety of apes and some human babies laugh. After analyzing the sounds, they concluded that people and great apes inherited laughter from a shared ancestor that lived more than 10 million years ago. Experts praised the work, it gives strong evidence that ape laughter and human laughter are related through evolution(进化).

Scientists have noted that apes make characteristic sounds during play or while being tickled, especially to signal that they’re interested in playing. It’s been suggested before that human laughter grew out of primate(灵长类动物) roots. But ape laughter doesn’t sound like human laughter. It may be slower noisy breathing. So what does that have to do with the human ha-ha? To investigate that, Marina Davila Ross and her colleagues carried out a detailed analysis of the sounds made by tickling three human babies and 21 other primates, apes included.

After measuring 11 features in the sound from each species, they tried to find out how these sounds appeared to be related to each other. The result looked like a family tree. Significantly, that tree matched the way the species themselves are related, the scientists reported online in the journal Current Biology. They also concluded that while human laughter sounds much different from ape laughter, their typical features could have come from the same ancestor.

Panksepp, who studies laughter-like responses in animals but didn’t participate in the new work, called the paper exciting. Panksepp’s own work concludes that even rats produce laughter in response to playing and tickling, with sounds that can hardly be heard by people. Robert Provine, a scientist, who wrote the book, Laughter: A Scientific Investigation, said the new paper showed some important clues, like ape sounds that hadn’t been realized before.

69. Why did the scientists analyze the laughter made by tickling human babies and apes?

A. To try to discover if they can make characteristic sounds.

B. To see if they interested in playing.

C. To find out if the laughter of apes and humans is related.

D. To find out the differences between humans and apes.

70. Based on Paragraph 3 we can know that researchers measured the features in the sound to ________.

A. find out ape sounds that hadn’t been realized before

B. find out relations among primates’ laughter

C. see what a family tree from each species looks like

D. make a report online in the journal Current Biology

71. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

A. Panksepp spoke highly of the new research.

B. Rat laughter is likely to be related to ape laughter.

C. Robert Provine provided some new clues for the researchers.

D. Humans don’t enjoy listening to ape laughter.

72. What would be the best title for the passage?

A. Ape study explores evolution of laughter.

B. Apes like to laugh when being tickled.

C. Human laughter and ape laughter are different.

D. Laughter: A Scientific Investigation.



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