满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

We ______ last night, but we went to the...


We ______ last night, but we went to the concert instead.

A.must have studied     B.might study

C.should have studied  D.would study


C 【解析】


第一节 语音知识(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)


例:have         A.gave                            B.save                              C.hat                            D.made


1.female    A.secret                 B.remember           C.serious                        D.refer

2.opposite                                      A.woman                 B.notebook                      C.opinion       D.hospital

3.physics    A.discuss               B.excuse                  C.industry                       D.practise

4.society    A.field                      B.friend                     C.achieve                         D.quiet

5.cousin       A.mountain           B.cough                     C.country                         D.thought




高二同学将要举行一次以演讲比赛,请以“ Good habits contribute to success”为题,写一篇演讲稿。谈谈好习惯对你的成功所起的重要作用。






W="Wanghai    " L=Lihua

W: I lived with three Americans in a big house while I was

an international education (76) s________ in the USA.                                                  76.                     

L: Then you must have (77) got t________ many                                                          77.                     

interesting things.

W: Certainly! We had a good time.

L: Come on, tell me more about what happened.

W: The American seemed to be(78) d________ a lot from each other,                             78.                     

while we Chinese seemed to have more in common.

L: Give me more (79) d________.                                                                                          79.                     

W: One of the Americans came with a lot of plans. Tow or

Three anyone could accept, (80) b_______ he brought                                                        80.                     

more than one hundred. When I offered to help, he

(81) r_________ me. I didn’t know why.                                                                                    81.                     

L: What about others?

W: One other guy was crazy about china and Chinese culture.

He kept (82) a_________ me to have more food                                                            82.                     

the way we do at home.

L: Really? Well, it’s great that he would be (83) i___________                               83.                     

in our culture. And the third?

W: he was my best friend. he was in favor of slowing

everything down. He could (84) s________ a whole day                                              84.                     

reading or writing in a local café.

L: how exciting!

W: he taught me that it’s not (85) h_________ to live a                                                        85.                     

peaceful life, and that most of the things we think are necessary aren’t so at all.



 Of all the things that have effects on your future, I believe that personal growth is the greatest. Many people talk about sales growth, profit growth, and possession growth, but none of these will happen without personal growth. In fact I’d like to have you memorize a most important sentence. It is “The key to your future is you yourself.”

There are many things that will help you better your future. If you belong to a strong, dynamic(充满活力的)and progressive company, that will help. Good training will help. Strong leadership will help. If the neighbors stay civil(文明的), that will help. If your relatives don’t trouble you, that will help…All these things will help. We can go on and on with the list; but remember, the things that I’ve covered above just play minor(次要的)roles in helping you reach a good future. The major cause doesn’t lie outside. It lies inside.

Strangely enough, when two different men work in the same company, the first person may earn $1,000 a month, while the second may earn $10,000 a month. What causes the difference when they have the same job, use the same tools, and get the same training?

The cause of the difference lies in believing, in trying, in accepting failures, in thinking, in a smile at people around, and in the ways of dealing with problems. All of these can be major causes of your good future. You can see all these come from inside. In fact, the real difference is you yourself. You are the key to your future. Teens are the most wonderful and important period in life. If you want a great future, begin to improve yourself from now on!

72. Among all the things mentioned, which one is the most important in the author’s opinion?

A. Sales growth.           B. Profit growth.               C. Possession growth.     D. Personal growth

73. Which of the following may play a main role in influencing you future?

A. Being determined.                     B. Working in good companies.

C. Having rich relatives.           D. Getting leaders’ help.

74. All may cause the two men’s different earnings EXCEPT that_______.

A. the second person buys expensive houses or cars.

B. the first person treats others badly.

C. the second man has a positive attitude to problems.

D. the first man gives up after failures.

75. The passage is mainly written for_____.

A. old people                  B. adults                     C. teenagers             D. babies



A wife’s level of education positively influences both her own and her husband’s chances of having a long life, according to a new Swedish study.

In the study, researchers from the Swedish Institute for Social Research in Stockholm found that a woman’s level of education had a stronger connection to the likelihood of her husband dying over education. What’s more, they discovered that a husband’s social class, based on his occupation,  had a greater influence on his wife’s longevity(长寿)than her own class.

“Women traditionally take more responsibility for the home than men do, and, as a consequence, women’s levels of education might be more important for determining lifestyles-for example, in terms of food choices-than those of men,” say Srs. Robert Erikson and Jenny Torssander of the Swedish Institute for Social Research in Stockholm.

The results show that a husband’s level of education does not influence his longevity, but that men with partners who had quit studying after school were 25 per cent more likely to die early than men living with women hodling university degrees. In turn, those married to women with university degrees were 13 per cent more likely to die early than those whose wives had post-graduate qualifications.

According to the researchers, a woman with a good education may not marry a man who drinks and smokes too much or who drivers carelessly, and men with such habits may not prefer highly educated woman. Drs. Erikson and Torssander also suggest that better-educated woman may be more aware of what healthy eating and good health care consist of.

The findings suggest that education has a huge impact on how long and how well people live. It also reflects social factors, since educated individuals usually have better jobs, which allow them to afford healthier diets and lifestyles, as well as better health care.

68. In this passage the author intends to_______.

A. encourage women to get higher education

B. present the results of a study.

C. analyze the relationship between education and life

D. discuss why women usually live longer than men

69. A wife’s education has more effect on a family than a husband’s because______.

A. women make more sacrifices to their families than men do

B. most women have higher degrees than their husbands

C. most men marry women with higher degrees

D. women have a leading role in the home life of most families

70. A woman with higher education is likely to_____.

A. choose a husband with a higher degree than hers.

B. marry a man without many bad habits

C. earn more money than her husband

D. teach her children well

71. We learn from the passage that_______.

A. a man with a lot of education live longer than one with little.

B. a man’s longevity depends on not only his wife’s level of education but also his own.

C. educated wives tend to choose healthy lifestyles for their families.

D. highly-educated women don’t marry uneducated men.



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