满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

. In China he’s known as “the Flying Fis...


In China he’s known as “the Flying Fish”; in America they call him ‘the Baltimore Bullet’.

Whatever you call him, American swimmer Michael Phelps looks destined (命中注定) to become a household name across the world after breaking the Olympic record for most gold medals in a single Games.

Phelps’s total of eight gold medals in Beijing put him one ahead of Mark Spitz’s previous record set in 1972.

Now people are already calling him the greatest Olympian of all time. But whether he is or not, what is it that makes Michael Phelps so good?

A good place to start might be his physique. Phelps has the perfect body shape for a swimmer: his arm span is longer than his height, he has very flexible joints, huge lungs, and his incredibly large feet (size 14 in the US, size 49 in China) act like flippers in the water.

To feed his huge swimmer’s body, Phelps eats an astonishing 12,000 calories a day, six times the average for a man of his age.

He then owes it to a swimsuit which has been making waves in the world of swimming. Designed by NASA, the American space agency, the suit is made of a special material which is said to help athletes swim 2% faster.

Michael Phelps should spare a thought for his mum, who first pushed him into swimming as a way of making friends, and who believed in him when one teacher said he would never be a success.

Whatever the reason for his success, Phelps admits there was perhaps also a bit of luck involved in winning his eight medals.

“I guess eight is a lucky number for me, too, now. The opening ceremony started on 8/8/08. Maybe it was meant to be.” he said.

45. How many gold medals did Mark Spitz's won?

A. 6        B. 7 C. 8 D. 9

46. What makes Michael Phelps so popular?

A. He has broken the Olympic record for most gold medals in a single Games.

B. He is equipped with the best swimsuit which is said to help athletes swim 2% faster.

C. He is a very lucky person and he has the perfect body shape for a swimmer.

D. He has a very good appetiteand he eats an astonishing 12,000 calories a day.

47. According to the passage, how many calories does a man need a day on average?

A. 4,000                     B. 3,000                     C. 2,000                            D. 6,000

48. Which of the following is the reason for his success, in Phelps’ opinion?

a. his physique                                        b. the swimsuit designed by NASA

c. his mother’s encouragement           d. good luck                       e. his confidence

A. a, c, d, e                B. a, b, c, e                      C. a, b, d, e                D. a, b, c, d


45—48  BACD 【解析】略




Mother used to ask me what the most important part of the body is. Through the years I would  ­­21 ­­­ at the correct answer. When I was younger, I thought   22   very important to us, so I said, “My ears, mum.” She said, “No, many people are   23  . But think about it and I’ll ask you again.”

Since making my first   24  , I had often thought over the question. So the next time I told her, “Mum, it must be our eyes.” She said, “You are   25   fast, but the answer isn’t correct because there are blind people.”

26   the years, mother asked me a couple more   27   and always her response was, “No, but you are getting   28  , dear.” Last year, my Grandpa   29  . Everybody was heartbroken, crying. When it was our   __30   to say our final good-bye to Grandpa, Mum asked me, “Do you know the important body part yet, my dear?”

I was   31   when she was asking me. I always thought this was a    32__ between us. She saw the   __33   look on my face and told me “This question’s very important. It shows you have really   34   your life.” I saw her eyes full of tears. She said, “My dear, the most important body part is your   35  .” I asked, “Is it because they hold up your head?” she replied, “No, it is   36   on them a crying friend or a loved one can   __37   their head. I hope you’ll have a shoulder to cry   38   when you need it.”

Then and there I understood the most important body part is not a   39   one. It is being sympathetic(同情的) to the pain of   40  .

21. A. guess           B. believe             C. doubt                  D. notice

22. A. love            B. health               C. sight             D. sound

23. A. blind          B. invisible            C. deaf             D. thoughtful

24. A. discovery    B. decision            C. advice           D. attempt

25. A. thinking       B. learning            C. growing           D. changing

26. A. Over           B. Till              C. Beyond            D. Before

27. A. times           B. things               C. questions          D. ways

28. A. stronger      B. taller            C. nicer             D. smarter

29. A. left out       B. got ill               C. passed away      D. got wounded

30. A. turn             B. duty              C. pity              D. chance

31. A. satisfied              B. shocked             C. interested          D. excited

32. A. test              B. secret            C. match               D. game

33. A. worried       B. regretted           C. puzzled             D. pained

34. A. lived           B. found               C. disliked            D. enjoyed

35. A. feet             B. shoulders           C. hands               D. hair

36. A. how            B. why              C. because             D. whether

37. A. put             B. carry            C. leave             D. rest

38. A. on           B. by                C. above               D. for

39. A. valuable      B. selfish           C. useful           D. precious

40. A. Grandpa      B. the deaf        C. others         D. the blind




Most business letters and government reports are the main situations _________ formal language is used. ^*








. I heard she _________ a book last year, but I don’t know if she has finished it.

A.was writing


C.had written





. Few visitors leave Rio feeling _________.


B.to disppoint


D.being disppointed




He made a big mistake, and _________, he lost his job.

A.as a result

B.as soon as

C.in case

D.even if



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