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第二卷 第三部分写作(共三节, 满分55分) 第一节单词拼写 (共10小题; 每...


第三部分写作(共三节, 满分55分)

第一节单词拼写 (共10小题; 每小题1分, 满分10分)

根据下列句子及所给汉语注释或首字母,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式. (每空只写一词)

66. Hehasn’tgivenanyanswertoyourinvitation.Itis _________ (显而易见) thathedoesn’twanttocometotheparty.

67. We should________ (结合)study and entertainment to make our lives more enjoyable.

68. Shesettleddowninherchairwithalong _____ (叹气) of relief after a day’s hard work .

69. Herparentsdon’t p_________ hertogooutaloneatnight.

70. Aftershemadeherselfup , she a___________herself in the mirror.

71. The three sisters decided to hold a family party to c_______their parents’ silver wedding.

72. Many people s________to death in the earthquake as a result of the delay of the supplies.

73. You have been sitting on my hat and now it is badly out of s_______.

74. The captain g_______all the soldiers before him , telling them to get ready for the fight.

75. Martin was once a_______the tiltle of’’Advanced Worker’’for his excellent work in his comany.


66.obvious    67。Combine  68。Sigh       69。Permit    70。Admired   71。Celebrate  72。Starved   73。Shape    74。Gathered   75。Awarded   【解析】略

第二节根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项.选项中有两项多余选项. (共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)( 答案涂在答题卡71-75的位置)

一welcome back!I didn’t see you in the history class on Friday.

一__61__.My geography class went on a field trip to look at some of the different rocks.   

一Really? ___62__!Where did you go?  

一A desert.It gets hot during the day,but it cools off very quickly at night. ___ 63__.

—Well,did you enjoy the trip?

--Of course I did.Since there are so few plants growing there,it’s very easy to see different rocks.

— ___64___.You must call me if you have the Chance to go there again.

一No problem. _65__ .

A.I really want to go there

B.That sounds excellent

C.I will be your guide next time

D.It is very dry there after the sun goes down

E.I’m tired of this trip

F.I wasn’t here on Friday

G.We learnt a lot from this trip




If there is something that appears most frequently on Chinese dining tables, it is doufu—beancurd. Beancurd looks like soft cakes and it’s made from dried soybeans. Beancurd used to be considered a favourite of the poor because of its low cost. Beans have high yields (产量) every year with their short growing period and suitability for various (各种各样) soil both dry and wet.

Historical records show beancurd was invented by Liu An, Prince of Huainan and uncle of Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty(206BC—220AD). He had a dream of finding the pill for longevity (长寿). He traveled all over the country and found soybeans, which looked much the same as gold in terms of colour. He collected soybeans, put them in the water and crushed them into pulp (浆). It got solidified and became known as doufu. Although it’s not able to keep longevity, it’s really good for one’s health with high protein and low fat.

With a long history, beancurd is rooted deep in Chinese culture. People eat more meat and fish than beancurd. But they are encouraged to have beancurd every once in a while for it’s really good for health. Most Chinese people still keep beancurd as one of their favourite dishes.

58. What appears more often on the dining table in poor areas?

A. Meat.      B. Fish.     C. Eggs.         D. Beancurd.

59. Why did Liu An travel all over the country?

A. He had a dream.

B. He wanted to find something that could make people live longer.

C. He wanted to invent beancurd.

D. He wanted to find gold.

60. How long has beancurd been invented?

A. It’s about 1 700 years.   B. It’s less than 2 000 years.

C. It’s 500 years.          D. It’s more than 2 000 years.




Mr. Frank shot well and once he had come in fourth in a competition.

Then he went to a big city on business. There he joined the local rifle club. The club had a very good team, which used to take part in a lot of important shooting competitions. One of these took place while Frank was with them. But one of the members of the club's team suddenly fell ill just before the match. The captain had heard of Mr. Frank. He therefore invited Mr. Frank to take the sick man's place.

Mr. Frank felt greatly happy to be asked to shoot for such a good team, but he also felt very nervous, because he was afraid of making a fool of himself.

In fact, he was so nervous that he could not keep his hands from trembling while he was shooting, with the result that he did very badly in the competition. When he took his score card to his captain, he said:" After seeing my score, I want to go outside and shoot myself. " The captain looked at the card for a few seconds and then said, "Well, you'd better take two bullets with you if you want to do that. "

53. Mr. Frank once__________-in a competition.

A. joined the fourth team            B. took the fourth place

C. was the fourth to start shooting     D. shot with the other three

54. Why did Mr. Frank feel nervous to be asked to shoot for the team? Because_______.

A. actually he was not good at shooting

B. he thought the captain and the other members would fool him

C. he was afraid of losing face before so many good shooters

D. he would lose a lot of money if he should fail

55. When Frank said, "After seeing my score, I want to go outside and shoot myself", he meant to say that___________

A. he wants to practice shooting all by himself

B. he wanted to find out the reason for his failure

C. he was too shamed of himself to remain inside and face the captain and the other members

D. he wanted to kill himself with the rifle

56. By saying "You had better take two bullets with you if you want to do that", the captain actually meant to say

A. "We haven't got so many bullets for you to practice shooting."

B. "You can't improve your shooting with only one bullet."

C. "I don't believe you can keep your hands from shaking this time."

D. "you are such a bad shooter that one bullet is certainly not enough to end you life with."

57. According to this passage, which of the following is wrong?

A. He fired several shots and they all missed the target.

B. The captain wasn't satisfied with Frank and laughed at him.

C. In the big city Frank was admitted to the local rifle club.

D. Frank could have done better in the competition.




第一节 阅读下列短文,从媒体所给的四个选项(A,B,C,D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)


A beggar followed a lady and asked her for some money. She refused, so he turned away sadly and said he must do what he had made up his mind to do.

At this word, the lady was greatly frightened for she was afraid for his life. So she called him back and gave him a dollar. The beggar took the money, put it into his pocket, and thanked her a great deal. “You have saved me from a terrible fate,” he said. The lady asked him what he meant. The beggar replied, “Madame, I have been begging all day, but only you have taken pity on me. Without this dollar you gave to me, I should have had to go to work now.

41. Before meeting the lady, the beggar ________.

A. had already received some dollars already

B. had been thinking of taking his own life

C. had received no money for that day

D. had acted as if he was looking for a job

42. If the woman had understood the beggar’s words correctly, she would probably _____.

A. have given him one more dollar

B. have persuaded him to give up begging

C. have gone away without giving him any money

D. have offered him some work

43. In the story, “a terrible fate” means _______

A. to beg     B. to go to work    C. to die   D. to live a hard life

44. The best headline(标题) for the story is ______.

A. How to Beg              B. Money before Everything    

C. Anything except Work     D. Work for Money





When I was a boy, every holiday that I had seemed wonderful. My 21 took me by train or by car to a hotel by the 22  . All day, I seem to remember, I  23   on the sands with strange   24  children. We made houses and gardens, and  25   the tide destroy them. When the tide went out, we  26  over the rocks and looked down at the fish in the rock-pools.

In those days the  27   seemed to shine always brightly  28  the water was always warm. Sometimes we left beach and walked in the country,_ 29  ruined houses and dark woods and climbing trees. There were 30   in one’s pockets or good places where one could  31   ice creams. Each day seemed a lifetime.

Although I am now thirty-five years old, my idea of a good  32   is much the same as it was. I  33  like the sun and warm sand and the sound of  34  beating the rocks. I no longer wish to  35   any sand house or sand garden, and I dislike sweets. 36 I love the sea and often feel sand running through my fingers.

Sometimes I  37 what my ideal (理想的) holiday will be like when I am  38  . All I want to do then, perhaps, will be to lie in bed, reading books about  39  who make houses and gardens with sands, who watch the incoming tide, who make themselves  40   on too many ices…

21. A. teacher      B. parents      C. nurse           D. younger sister

22. A. sea         B. lake         C. mountain       D. river

23. A. played      B. slept         C. sat            D. stood

24. A. moving     B. exciting      C. anxious         D. nervous

25. A. made       B. brought       C. watched        D. heard

26. A. rolled       B. jumped       C. turned         D. climbed

27. A. light        B. sun          C. moon          D. lamp

28. A. and         B. yet          C. but            D. or

29. A. exploring    B. examining    C. repairing        D. measuring

30. A. sweets      B. sand         C. ice-creams      D. money

31. A. make       B. sell          C. buy           D. offer

32. A. house       B. holiday       C. garden         D. tide

33. A. hardly      B. almost        C. still            D. perhaps

34. A. waves      B. tides         C. hands           D. feet

35. A. destroy     B. fix           C. use           D. build

36. A. But        B. However      C. Otherwise      D. Besides

37. A. wonder     B. feel          C. understand      D. believe

38. A. strong      B. weak         C. young         D. old

39. A. children    B. boys          C. girls           D. grown-ups

40. A. happy      B. tired          C. sad            D. Sick



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