满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

. Food is life. It gives us the nourishm...


Food is life. It gives us the nourishment we need to stay alive and be healthy. Usually, we eat because we are hungry or need energy. Brian Wansink, a professor at the University of Illinois, says we also eat certain foods because they make us feel good, and remind us of happy memories. Wansink calls this kind of food comfort food. For some people, ice cream is a comfort food. For others, a bowl of noodle soup makes them feel good.

How does a food become comfort food? Professor Wansink believes that we connect food with important times, feelings, and people in our lives. “ When I was a child, my mother made a delicious soup ; I loved it. Now, I often eat this soup when I am tired or worried, and it helps me feel better, ” says one of Wansink’s coworkers.

Do men and women choose different comfort foods? Wansink’s research at the University of Illinois says “yes.” In his study, the favorite comfort food for both men and women was ice cream. After this, men usually preferred hot, savory foods like soup or noodles. Women liked sweet things such as chocolate and cookies. Men and women like to eat comfort foods when they are happy, but women eat these foods more when they are sad or worried.

Not all comfort food is junk (垃圾) food. About 40 percent of the comfort foods in Wansink’s study were healthy main dishes or soups and vegetables. It shows, says Wansink, that a comfort food can taste good and be good for you.

54.The best title for the passage would be         .

A.How to Feel Good                    B.How to Keep Healthy

C.Healthy Foods Make You Feel Good  D.Comfort Foods Make You Feel Good

55.Which of the following is the favorite comfort food for men?

A.soup B.ice cream   C.noodles       D.cookies

56.We can infer from the passage that         .

A.your feeling is connected with what you eat

B.your feeling has nothing to do with what you eat

C.you will feel good if you have noodles

D.you will feel good if you have chocolate

57.The research done by Brian Wansink shows that          .

A.all comfort foods are good for health

B.all comfort foods have bad effects on health

C.women choose the same comfort foods as men

D.women eat more comfort foods when unhappy


54---57   DBAD   【解析】略





Getting around in Canada is fairly easy. Most cities have urban transportation systems, including buses, streetcars, and trains, and some of the larger cities also have subways. You can board these systems at regular stops along their routes. Some let you pay with cash while others require tickets. If you don’t have a ticket for the bus, you must pay with the correct amount of money. This is because the driver does not carry any change. If you plan to stay in a city for a long time, you may want to buy a monthly pass or a package of tickets to save money. You can buy subway tickets at any subway station.

If you have to take several buses or subways for a single trip, you do not need to pay money each time. Simply ask the driver for a transfer (换乘) ticket, or take one from the machines on the subway platform.

If you are not sure where to board the bus or the streetcar, just ask someone or follow the crowd. People can usually only board at the front of the bus where you show your pass to the driver. When using public transportation, Canadians line up. First come, first serve, is a common approach to many activities in Canada, and it is considered to be extremely rude to cut in any line.

Maps of routes and schedules are usually available from the public transit (运输) company in your area, and there is also a telephone information line. You may ask someone for the name of the transit company in your area, and then look it up in the telephone book.

46. What is this passage mainly about?

A. How to use public transportation in Canada.

B. How to save money when traveling.

C. Where to find subways in larger cities.

D. How public transit companies work.

47. If you pay the bus fare in cash, _____.

A. you may be given some change

B. you can exchange money with the driver

C. it might cost you a little more

D. you must have the exact amount of money

48. By buying a monthly pass or a package of tickets, you can ______.

A. take a bus whenever you want      B. go wherever you like

C. save money                     D. find comfortable seats

49. If you have to change subway lines on a single trip, _____.

A. you have to pay each time

B. you should buy another ticket from the machine

C. you must ask for the driver’s permission

D. you just need to pay once






Before my recent graduation,the last project of the term was called “Smile”.The class was asked to go out and  26  at three people and record their  27 .

Soon after we were given the  28 ,my husband and I went out to McDonald’s one cold morning.We were standing in   29 ,waiting to be  30  ,when suddenly everyone around us began to back away.A feeling of  31   rose up inside of me as I wondered what happened.

As I   32   around I smelled a horrible dirty smell.Behind me were two poor homeless men.As I looked at the short man close to me,he was smiling and his blue eyes searched for   33 .

He said“Good day”as he   34  the few coins.The waitress asked him what they wanted.He said,“Coffee is all,Miss.”That Was all they could   35 .

I   36   felt the urge and actually hugged him.That was  37   I noticed all the eyes in the restaurant were set on  38 .I smiled and asked the waitress for two more breakfast meals on   39  trays.I then walked to the table that the men had   40   as a resting spot.I put the trays on the table and laid my  41  on the short man’s cold hand.He said“Thank you” with tears in his eyes.

I  42  this story as my project.My instructor read it and said, “Can I  43  this with classmates?” I nodded.At that moment I found something more  44  than a simple smile.I graduated with one of the most important  45 I would ever learn-unconditional acceptance.

26.A.stare          B.aim          C.smile            D.shout

27.A.experiences         B.behaviors   C.reactions      D.feelings

28.A.task           B.degree     C.information            D.advice

29.A.public         B.turn          C.road          D.line

30.A.served            B.called     C.paid           D.checked

31.A.excitement    B.panic      C.satisfaction    D.disappointment

32.A.got             B.moved     C.turned        D.stayed

33.A.pleasure         B.attention      C.service          D.acceptance

34.A.counted         B.begged         C.saved        D.collected

35.A.accept                B.afford     C.drink        D.find

36.A.eagerly           B.probably      C.hardly           D.really

37.A.why           B.when       C.where        D.how

38.A.me             B.him          C.my husband   D.the waitress

39.A.separate         B.usual      C.clean         D.large

40.A.booked          B.hidden          C.chosen          D.ordered

41.A.meal          B.money     C.bill             D.hand

42.A.made up        B.handed in    C.went through  D.put away

43.A.believe           B.improve       C.share        D.evaluate

44.A.cheerful         B.practical      C.reasonable    D.valuable

45.A.courses           B.lessons         C.skills         D.rules




She was late for the meeting because her car ______.

A.broke up

B.broke out

C.broke down

D.broke in




It’s far away from here and it’s certainly not _____ walking distance.








We all know the truth ________there is a will,there is a way.



C.that where

D.where that



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