满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

第二卷(一部分,共计45分) 第四部分:写作 (共三节,满分45分) 第一节:单...


第四部分:写作 (共三节,满分45分)



76.They were proud of their children’s ______ (成就).

77.______ (具备) with new scientific farming methods, farmers are able to use less farmland.

78.It was ______(星期三)when we first met each other.

79.The government has banned the use of ______ (化学的) weapons.

80.The boys amused themselves by ______ (滑行)down the ladder.

81.Music is quite______ (不同) any other art form.

82.This is a perfectly ______ (保存) 14th century house.

83.I feel astonished by the fact that Peter, a 16-year-old boy, wears ______ (假的) teeth 3 years.

84.Most Canadians live within a few hundred kilometers of the USA ______(国界).

85.______ (不幸地), France lost its last match against South Africa and went home early.


76.achievements   77.equipped   78.Wednesday   79.chemical   80.sliding   81.unlike    82.preserved   83.false    84.border    85.unfortunately  【解析】略

第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)


On October 16th 1987, southern Britain was hit by a hurricane, the worst storm to hit Britain since 1703.

Twenty years later, Britain is remembering the disaster known as The Great Storm. 15 million trees across the area were uprooted by the wind, and a wet autumn had made the ground very muddy (泥泞的).

The falling trees caused damage to buildings and vehicles, and blocked roads and railway lines, forcing everyone, from adults to schoolchildren to stay at home.

There were also blackouts across the area, as power lines were damaged by falling trees and flying debris (残骸). People used candles and flashlights (手电) for light, and gas stoves and open fires to cook food.

The storm lasted for 4 hours, and killed 18 lives. The bad weather caused so much damage mostly because of the fact that most people were completely unprepared, and be-cause many weather forecasters didn’t think it could cause a problem.

Earlier that week, weather forecasts had predicted severe (严重的) weather, but forecasters thought it would miss Britain and only affect the English Channel. A well-known weatherman, Michael Fish, ever said that the storm wouldn’t happen, though in fact he was talking about a hurricane in Florida at that time.

The unusual storm caused more than £1billion in dam-age, and hundreds of people were injured.

Could the same thing happen today in Britain? Well, as a result of climate change many people think that sudden and severe weather changes are more likely. However, technology has improved, and satellites give us a much more accurate(精确的)picture of future weather. If another Great Storm comes along, the British public will probably be warned earlier and have more time to prepare!

56. The bad weather in 1987 in Britain caused a lot of damage because ______.

A. it caused a great flood                    B. most people were not prepared

C. it happened in the summer                            D. there was no weather forecast

57. Which of the following was NOT one of the effects of The Great Storm?

A. There were a number of deaths and injuries.   B. The electricity went out.

C. It hit Florida first.                                D. Roads and railway lines were blocked.

58. One week before The Great Storm, weather forecasts ______.

A. could not predict severe weather at all

B. had predicted the severe weather, but some weather forecasters thought it would miss Britain

C. showed that the terrible storm would not hit the English Channel

D. showed that The Great Storm would affect both England and Florida

59. We learn from the last paragraph that ______.

A. this kind of bad weather will not happen in Britain again

B. bad weather will happen more frequently in Britain now

C. people will be better prepared if there is bad weather in Britain now

D. bad weather may be stopped with the development of technology





Around the end of my stay in Yellowknife, I had a chance to ride in a dogsled (狗拉雪橇). I went to   36    a man who had   37    dogsled tournaments more than four times. In his house, there were lots of awards on the shelves. I had a girl take my picture in    38   of the awards.

Finally, the time came to take a    39    in a dogsled. The instructor asked me time and time again if the clothes I was    40   were warm enough. Because it wasn’t so   41    outside, I thought I was wearing    42    .

However, my thinking   43    right after the 12 dogs started to    44    the sled on the frozen lake. It was freezing! I don’t know how fast they were running, but I lost all    45    in my hands and feet. Sometimes the snow which the dogs    46    up hit me.

After my ride in the dogsled, I went to see an igloo (圆顶建筑),which is a house    47    snow. There I had a    48    to hear the stories about Eskimos(爱斯基摩人).

Of course, as a person from Japan, I couldn’t    49    what they were talking about.  50   , there was a(n)   51    beside me, so he translated everything the Eskimo was saying. Then the Eskimo kindly    52    me some of the tools that they used. I had    53    seen such strange things before.

He talked about the    54    he needed to learn while traveling in the Arctic, such as how to make an igloo, how to make water from ice, and how to hunt using their inventions. I    55    that I didn’t take pictures of their tools because I didn’t have my camera at that time.

36. A. instruct         B. invite            C. take           D. visit

37. A. beaten           B. won                  C. received       D. defeated

38. A. front           B. need                C. honor         D. celebration

39. A. drive          B. look                    C. ride            D. tour

40. A. buying         B. wearing          C. choosing      D. borrowing

41. A. cool           B. warm              C. cold           D. hot

42. A. enough        B. obviously          C. comfortably    D. fully

43. A. gathered        B. reminded          C. remained      D. changed

44. A. push           B. pull               C. drive          D. carry

45. A. blood                B. temperature        C. feeling        D. movement

46. A. kicked          B. picked            C. turned         D. made

47. A. covered with    B. decorated with      C. made of       D. filled with

48. A. chance          B. time              C. moment       D. message

49. A. hear            B. understand          C. realize       D. admire

50. A. Therefore      B. Otherwise         C. However       D. Besides

51. A. villager        B. teacher             C. instructor          D. translator

52. A. lent           B. showed               C. sold            D. gave

53. A. ever           B. also                     C. usually           D. never

54. A. skills          B. materials           C. experiments    D. conditions

55. A. think          B. consider              C. regret          D. infer



The girl was so happy to find ______ in the garden.

A.a variety of flowers

B.a variety of flower

C.varieties of flower

D.variety of flowers



It’s obvious that his ______ to the problem is wrong, so we’d better try another way to solve it.







Peter phoned to say they had arrived safely, so put your mind ______.

A.with ease

B.by heart

C.in peace

D.at ease



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