满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

B The following are the results of the t...


The following are the results of the tests done by “Family and Home Magazine” on some Pocket Tape-Recorders on the market now.

Pearlcorder S702 $64

This simple model at the bottom of the Olympus range scored the most points for its excellent quality of recording. Background noise hardly affects the sound and recording from a pocket is perfectly possible, but it doesn’t turn off automatically.

Tape length: 30minutes per side. Weight: 240g.

Sony M9   $49.95

Small and very good looking, Sony’s latest offering scored most for its appearance. Sounds clear, but there is slight machine noise. The big control buttons are a great improvement on some of the complicated little controls on other tape-recorders. It doesn’t switch off automatically, but a red light shows if the machine is still running.

Tape length: 60minutes per side. Weight: 195g.

Sony M400  $115

Lots of little control buttons that make a noise are difficult to use. Recording is good but machine noise loses points. Tape counter and automatic switch-off when tape has finished recording or rewinding are useful.

Tape length: 60 minutes per side. Weight: 230g.

Imperial OEM MC7  $ 29.95

Cheap and simple compared with the rest, but recording is good as long as there is no background noise. Use only its own-make of cassette. No light to show it is on; no fast-forward button and the record button makes a loud noise.

Tape length: 30 minutes per side. Weight: 285g.

Philips 585  $80

Handsome and simple to use, but recording is very poor at more than the recommended distance of 5 cm-designed for dictation. No recording light.

Tape length: 15 minutes per side. Weight: 220g.

46. The machine that produces the best recording with the least unwanted noise is __.

A. Pearlcorder S 702     B. Sony M9

C. Sony M400          D. Imperial OEM MC7

47. If you want a machine which turns off automatically and weighs very little you should choose _____.

A. Pearlcorder S 702   B. Sony M9  C. Sony M400  D. Philips 585

48. Which of the following allows you to record longest but costs you least?

A. Philips 585   B. Imperial OEM MC7  C. Sony M400   D. Sony M9


46-48    ACD 【解析】略

第二部分:阅读理解 (共45分)




If you were to come up with a list of organizations whose failures had done the most damage to the American economy in recent years, you would probably have to start with the Wall Street firms that brought us the financial crisis. From there, you might move on to the automakers in Detroit.

But I would suggest that the list should also include a less obvious nominee(被提名): public education.

At its top level, the American system of higher education may be the best in the world. Yet in terms of its core mission(核心使命)---turning teenagers into educated college graduates--- much of the system is failing.

The United States does a good job enrolling (招生) teenagers in college, but only half of the students who enroll end up with a bachelor’s degree.

So identifying the causes of the college dropout crisis in the world’s largest economy matters enormously, and a new book called “Crossing the Finish Line” tries to do precisely that. Its authors are economists William Bowen and Michael McPherson, and a doctoral candidate Matthew Chingos. The first problem they diagnose is something they call under-matching. It refers to students who choose not to attend the best college they can get into. They instead go to a less selective one, perhaps one that is closer to home or less expensive. About half of the low-income students with an average of at least 3.5 in high school and an SAT score of at least 1,200 do not attend the best college they could have. “I was really astonished by the degree to which well-qualified students from poor families under-matched,” said Mr. Bowen.

In fact, well-off students attend the colleges that do the best job of producing graduates. Meanwhile, lower-income students -–even when they are better qualified—often go to colleges that excel(擅长)in producing drop-outs. “It’s really a waste,” Mr. Bowen said, “and a big problem for the country.” As the authors point out, the only way to lift the college graduation rate significantly is to lift it among poor and working-class students. Instead, it appears to have fallen.

What can be done? Money is clearly part of the answer.

41.Which of the following would people first think of as a factor responsible for the American financial crisis according to this passage?

A. The government.                      B. Public education

C. The Detroit automakers.                       D. The Wall Street firms.

42. What is a big problem with American higher education?

A. It is hard to enroll enough students into college.

B. Many colleges are experiencing low rate of graduation.

C. Many college students stay away from classes.

D. It is hard for many colleges to get financial aid from the government. 

43. The title of the book Crossing the Finish Line probably means______.

A. running to the end of the line                B. going to college

C. finishing college education                    D. working hard in college

44. Why do some students under--match ?

A. Because they have financial difficulty.  B. Because they face ambition crisis.

C. Because they lack confidence.             D. Because they can’t get guidance.

45. The passage is mainly about _______.

A. problems with secondary American education and possible solutions

B. America’s financial crisis, its cause and influence

C. low rate of American college graduation, its cause and its influence

D. relationship between American education and its economy





Cats have no emotions . At least, that's what my husband once claimed. I   21   that my two cats experience emotions. They feel anger, fear, and   22  . He agreed with me, but   23  his opinion that cats don't feel love.  24  , my tuxedo cat, Sebastian, would teach him otherwise.

When my next-door neighbour moved in, he had a she cat named Juliet. She was an indoor lady, always watching   25   through the window.

Then one day when I   26   my cat to the backyard for his playtime, Sebastian   27   Juliet gazing at him behind the window. It soon became   28  that they were attracted by each other. So every day thereafter, whenever I let Sebastian out, he would rush   29__to the backyard next-door and they would sit gazing   30   at each other through the screen, she inside, and he outside. Even my husband watched   31 , and he would murmur, "But cats can't feel love... can they?"

Five months later, my neighbour had to   32   because of work. My heart sank. I wondered how Sebastian would   33   to Juliet's leaving.

For months after Juliet moved away and the new neighbour moved in, I often   34   Sebastian sitting by Juliet's window, looking into the apartment   35   his lady. The new neighbour didn't mind having the "Peeping Sebastian" after I   36  his reason for being there.

Sebastian   37   the small area outside that window as his territory.  Other male cats were allowed in the   38  , but not near Juliet's window, which he guarded until his   39 .

Even now, when my husband and I walk through the backyard and see that window, he   40   me of the lesson Sebastian taught him... that cats do indeed fall in love.

21. A. argued                B. quarreled                  C. suggested                 D. discussed

22. A. energy                B. power                  C. strength                    D. happiness

23. A. referred to          B. prepared for                C. stuck to                    D. approved of

24. A. Therefore           B. However                  C. Besides                    D. Meanwhile

25. A. the environment  B. the sky                        C. her owner                 D. her boyfriend

26. A. forbade               B. prevented                 C. accompanied             D. left

27. A. called attention to       B. caught sight of       C. took charge of          D. paid a visit to

28. A. ambitious            B. doubtful                   C. skeptical                   D. obvious

29. A. secretly               B. straight                    C. quietly                            D. worriedly

30. A. lovingly                 B. angrily                            C. hungrily                   D. greedily

31. A. in trouble            B. in sorrow                 C. in amazement           D. in horror

32. A. settle                  B. travel                       C. apologize                 D. move

33. A. react                   B. reply                        C. reduce                      D. replace

34 A. took                    B. caught                      C. met                          D. sensed

35. A. in place of          B. on the basis of          C. in search of                     D. on account of

36. A. explained            B. requested                  C. blamed                     D. asked

37. A. discovered          B. reformed                  C. preserved                 D. marked

38. A. street                  B. backyard                  C. window                    D. village

39. A. birthday                     B. departure                  C. death                       D. arrival

40. A. reminds                     B. informs                    C. tells                         D. Accuses



第一部分:英语知识运用 (共三节,满分50分)


1.washed   A.wondered      B.decided  C.treated   D.watched

2.sink       A.season    B.usual      C.promise  D.pleasant

3.police       A.magazine      B.line        C.hesitate  D.medicine

4.dangerous  A.any       B.magic    C.behave   D.travel

5.violin     A.period    B.biology  C.idiom     D.pioneer






1. 应该每天进行体育锻炼。

2. 锻炼能增强体质,预防疾病。

3. 锻炼能使学习效果更好。





Recently we’ve had a discussion about whether students of Senior 3 should take physical exercise.





I am writing to thank you for your great hospitality.

I have a good flight home and my parents and sisters                             76.              

were waiting for the airport to meet me. There was so                          77.               

many news to tell them that we stayed up talking until                         78.                

long after a midnight. They were interested to see my                            79.             

photograph, especially the one of you and your family.                        80.               

I learned a lot of English while staying with you.                                      81.                

I am planning to write you regularly like a way of                                     82.                

practicing. It would be real helpful if you could correct                             83.                

my mistakes. But l do hope you’ll visit us next year.                                    84.                

I’m sure we will get very well with each other.                                          85.                

I am looking forward to your good news.



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