满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



1. result      A. moment     B. double         C. super           D. musician

2. pleasure      A. noisy     B. usually   C. sugar           D. sailor

3. headache     A. league    B. queue    C. technique     D. choke

4. follow    A. crowd     B. shower       C. town          D. show

5. polite      A. police      B. exit            C. island         D. promise


1—5 BBCDC   【解析】略




1.model         A. globe             B. collar         C. handsome    D. motor

2.course         A. biscuit      B. cause          C. choose       D. cheese

3.glance         A. grand             B. planet        C. grammar     D. advance

4.trousers         A. southern    B. courage      C. soup        D. pronounce

5.hungry         A. singer       B. hang         C. language     D. length





要求:1. 词数:100左右;










Dear Sir/Madame,

My family are planning visit to Hong Kong Disneyland this            76. ____________

summer vacation. I’ve got some informations about the ticket              77. ____________

price and now I’m writing for something in detail.                     78. ____________

I wonder whether children under 3 need to pay on a ticket             79. ____________

and that what is the difference between a Peak Day Ticket and a            80. ____________

Special Day Ticket. Is there possible for us to get a discount if             81. ____________

we purchase tickets as a group? Can you book tickets through             82. _____________

the Internet? However, I’d like to know whether we are allowed           83. _____________

to calling off our ticket booking if we can not make the tour               84. ____________

for our personal reasons. Your reply will quite appreciated.               85. ____________




 第一节 单词拼写(共10题,每小题1分;满分10分)


66.Will that _______(发型) suit my face?                               66. _________

67.Marketing takes a day to learn. __________(不幸), it takes a life to master.  67. ________

68.He's been ________(实验) with bamboo since 2005.                   68. _________

69.His _______(高尚的) example inspired the rest of us to greater efforts.    69._________

70.Please help yourself to some _________(饼干).                      70. ________

71.This middle school is ________ (附属于)to a teachers' college.          71. _______

72.The plants changed their _____(外表) and adopted to the new environment. 72. _______

73.Children like _________(户外) activities.                           73. ________

74.He never ______(赞美) his wife, just takes her for granted.              74. _______

75.As he finished his speech, the audience ______(突然发出) into applause.  75. _______




W: Do you know what time you'll be back this evening, Eric?

M:   61  It depends on how long the interview lasts. Oh, dear, 62  I know I can do the job, but the question is how to get this message across to them.

W: Just relax.  63  Don't get yourself worked up. Remember, you've got to make them believe that they need you, and you are not going to let them down. Have some more bread; it will make you feel much better. Er, pass me the milk, will you?   64  

M: 2:30.

W: Make sure you have a proper lunch. More coffee? And don't get there too early or you'll have to hang around.   65  You'll manage OK, I'm sure.

A.I hope everything will go just fine.

B.What time is your appointment?

C.I'm not sure.

D.I'm afraid they won't come.

E.Er, don't get yourself worried too much.

F.When will you go to the airport?

G.Everyone has his first time.



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