满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Educators and explorers Will Steger, Joh...

Educators and explorers Will Steger, John Stetson, Elizabeth Andre and Abby Fenton joined four Inuit hunters on a 1,200-mile, four-month-long dog-seld expedition (考察队) across the Canadian Arctic’s Baffin Island.

The expedition is travelling with four Inuit dog teams over traditional hunting paths, up frozen rivers, through steep-sided bays, over glaciers and ice caps, and across the sea ice to reach some of the most remote Inuit village of the world.

The travelers wake up early around 6 a. m . During the course of the day they are able to travel about 17 miles. They hope to be able to travel 25 miles or 30 miles per day. They manage their body temperature by adding or taking off layers depending on their level activity.

Team member Elizabeth Andre had to leave the expedition because of frostbite(冻伤) . She was disappointed to miss part of the expedition, but leaving the field was the right decision to protect her fingers from any more damage. She will rejoin the expedition in Pangnirtung, the next village. Elizabeth feels how tough the weather condition can be in the Arctic. She is beginning to appreciate how much skill and knowledge of the environment the Inuit people have.

The expedition team plan to eat a combination of country foods from Iglulik, fresh meat hunted on the trail, and dried food packed out from Steger’s homeland in Minnesota.

The expedition members have already begun to notice the effects of global warming. Theo, a native Inuit traveling with the team, points out that “Looking at what we saw today -we saw that there haven’t been caribou(驯鹿) tracks for a long time. Usually, you look out of your window in Iqaluit and you see them. Now numbers are down”. Theo was born in an igloo(冰屋)and has lived in Inuit for most of his life.

49. The main purpose of the expedition is to_______.

A. experience the hard life of Inuit

B. appreciate the beautiful environment of Inuit village

C. do some research about the Inuit’s life style

D. explore the effects of global warming

50.          of the expedition team members didn't miss any part of the expedition.

A. Four       B. Six       C. Seven      D. Eight

51. The author gives an example of the caribou to show that_______.

A. global warming has had bad effects on the environment there

B. caribous are dying out because of the cold weather

C. the Inuit hunters have killed too many wild animals

D. good measures haven’t been taken to protect wild animals

52. From the text we can learn that_______.

A. the expedition team will walk across the Arctic

B. the expedition members only eat their packed food

C. the final stop for the expedition team is Pangnirtung

D. traveling to Inuit villages needs skill and knowledge of the environment.


 D  C  A  D 【解析】略

This is the first time your child will be away from home for a period of time. We understand that this can be an exciting and anxious time both for parents and students. In this part,we hope to give you a better idea of what to expect in the areas that matter most to you. If you have any question that we have not answered here, please call us at 618-353-1398 or e-mail us at buhssumr@bu. edu.

Housing and Dining

Housing and dining is provided for all High School Summer Program students. Students should live on campus. The dining room in Warren Towers offers a variety of food options. Summer Program includes 19 meals a week, of which five lunches are included in the program fee. Visit www. bu. edu/housing-dining for more information.

Family Visits

If a parent is in town and would like to spend time with his child, he needs to plan the visit during the student’s free time when there are no activities planned. The parent also needs to send written permission to the Summer Term office forty-eight hours before the student is planning to leave campus. The parent can either e-mail or fax a letter of permission including details to buhssumr@bu. edu or 617-353-5532.

Fitness and Recreation

Students may buy membership cards of the Fitness & Recreation Center as long as they are at least 15 years old and have a Permission Form signed by their parents. We suggest that you fill out the forms even if you do not buy membership cards. We have some planned activities at the Fitness & Rercreation Center and student should have the signed Permission Form. Visit www. bu. edu/fitrec to learn more about it .

45. The passage is most probably taken from________.

A. a newspaper                B. a travel guide

C. a health magazine            D. a school website

46. If you want to know more about Summer Program. You could_______.

A. call 617-353-5532

B. call 618-353-1398

C. visit www. bu. edu/housing-dining

D. visit www. bu. edu/fitrec

47. If a parent wants to spend time with his child, he________.

A. can go to the Summer Term office for permission

B. can email to buhssumr@bu. edu after the student leaves campus

C. has to plan the visit and ask the Summer Term office for permission

D. must call the Summer Tern office at 617-353-5532 ahead of time.

48. If a student goes to the Fitness & Recreation Center, he______.

A. needs a Permission Form signed by his parents

B. must buy a membership card

C. can be of any age.

D. should buy tickets first.



第二部分 阅读理解


第一节  阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

It was a spring day for end-of-the-year conferences. Mrs. Lake reminded everyone that both parents and students should take part in these important progress report, 20minutes for each family.

Lauri’s name was at the end of the list. But it didn't matter much to her. Despite the many phone calls her teacher had made, Lauri knew her parents would not be coming. Her father always got drunk , and her mother could do nothing but cry and quarrel with him.

Now Lauri watched all day long as each child went to the door leading into Mrs. Lake’s office, where parents would greet their sons and daughters with proud smiles. Lauri imagined how it might feel to have her parents greet her at the door. When at last everyone else’s name had been called, Mrs. Lake opened the door and signed for Lauri to come in. Silently Lauri went in and sat down on a chair. As she felt rather uneasy that her parents had not come, she looked down. Mrs. Lake had Lauri raise her face so she could see her in the eye. “First of all,” the teacher began, “I want you to know how much I love you ,”Lauri saw things she’d never seen: kindness.

“Second,” the teacher continued, “you need to know-it is not your fault that your parents are not here today.” Again Lauri looked into Mrs. Lake’s face. No one had ever talked to her like this. No one.

“Third,” she went on, “you deserve(应得)to hear how well you are doing and how wonderful I think you are. ”In the following minutes, Mrs, Lake held a conference just for Lauri. She showed Lauri her grades, papers and projects, praising her efforts. She had even saved a pile of watercolors Lauri had painted.

Lauri didn’t know exactly when, but at some point in that conference she heard the voice of hope in her heart. And somewhere a change started. It was then that Lauri realized, for the first time in her life, that she was lovable.

1. Parents were required to take part in the conferences to           .

A. see how important it was to encourage their children

B. learn how their children had performed in their studies.

C. report to the teacher how their children were doing at home.

D. see how their children were getting along with their classmates

2. Lauri’s name was at the end of the list probably because_______.

A. she was shy and didn’t have courage to meet the teacher first

B. Lauri’s parents were always the last to come to the conference

C. Mrs. Lake knew that only Lauri didn’t care about it

D. Mris. Lake wanted to leave time to have a good talk with her

3. How did Lauri feel at the end of the conference?

A. Encouraged   B. Ashamed  C. Satisfied  D. Disappointed.

4. We can learn from the text that______.

A. Lauri didn't expect her parents to attend the conference

B. Lauri was not a hard-working student before

C. Mrs. Lake filled Lauri with hope and self-respect

D. Mrs. Lake was more strict with lauri than any other student,



第三节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)


I have a love-hate relationship with 8 o’clock classes. I like to get   21   that early; most students don’t . They drag in late and look sleepy and  22     at that early hour.

One day I got really angry with it. I was  23   about the topic (history of Indians),but no one else seemed to be. I moved  24     the classroom. I told stories and tries   25   . I got theatrical(表演似的). It was useless. Students’blank looks didn’t seem to  26    . I was about to start a major topic when I   27  down at my watch. It was already past the scheduled end of class. So I just ended   28    .

Watching the students running out of the door, I  29    my books, notes and papers and stepped out into the hall. I was tired and a bit  30     . I had put everything I knew into that classroom   31    but it had seemed good for nothing. Then  32    I started across the hall, a student coming out of the back door of the classroom  33    me . It was Randy. I thought he wanted to ask  34   I didn’t have those test papers   35    or maybe he wanted   36   to hand in a late paper or …However , It was   37  of that. With his eyes sparking(闪亮). Randy said “This is the first time I’ve not    38  a college class to end. ”

The tiredness lifted. I had done  39    than I thought. I don't know if Randy will ever40    how much he did for me that day.

21. A. changed         B. started    C. caught       D. asked

22. A. dull   B. lazy  C. dirty        D. strange

23. A. sure   B. curious    C. excited    D. worried

24. A. into   B. from       C. forward   D. about

25. A. luck         B. humor    C. experiment     D. success

26. A. change      B. loose       C. appear     D. think

27. A. broke       B. put   C. took        D. glanced

28. A. carelessly         B. hurriedly        C. suddenly        D. naturally

29. A. got through      B. took away       C. picked up       D. went over

30. A. anxious    B. delight     C. sick  D. discouraged

31. A. lesson       B. discussion      C. performance   D. content

32. A. as        B. because    C. if    D. till

33. A. ran after    B. shouted at      C. got along with        D.caught up with

34. A. when        B. why        C. whether   D. who

35. A. taken        B. passed     C. graded     D. checked

36. A. excuse       B. information     C. promise   D. permission

37. A. none  B. nothing   C. all   D. anything

38. A. attended   B. asked      C. wanted    D. chosen

39. A. better        B. worse      C. more       D. less

40. A. care         B. understand      C. think       D. forget



—I hear your favourite star Jack Chou has already left.

—Oh, no!__________.

A.That’s ok

B.I was looking forward to seeing him.

C.Forget it

D.It doesn’t matter



Mark, Mrs. White         . Would you please drive her to the airport?


B.has left


D.is leaving



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