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Blue Collar Graduates from China's " blu...

Blue Collar

Graduates from China's " blue-collar " vocational schools have an employment rate of 95. 6 percent, but many lose their jobs because of unrealistic expectations, according to a senior official with the Ministry of Education(MOE).

MOE figures show a total of 3. 64 million students graduated from vocational schools last year, of whom 3. 48 million found jobs. The employment rate for these students was 95. 6 percent.

"The employment rate for blue-collar workers has stayed high since 1999 and above 90 percent since 2002," Wang Jiping, the MOE's deputy head of vocational education section, said on Wednesday. "However, the figure is not the cause for optimism because it only indicates that people get employed. "

He said many students find jobs, but are unable to stay in the posts for reasons such as overly high expectations for salaries or poor performance.

Wang said vocational school graduates needed more guidance to find jobs that could use their skills and meet "rational" demands for wages (工资), so that they can stay in the posts.

"The government is to set up a national information platform to better show market demand for blue collar talents", he said.

MOE figures show 73. 23 percent of the 3. 64 million graduates from vocational middle schools found jobs in companies and factories, 10 percent started their own businesses, and 16. 37 percent went on to further study.

Wang said the demand for highly skilled workers boosted the development of vocational education. _____________ , the MOE called for vocational schools to set up more market-oriented training courses with which students could easily find jobs.

55. Many vocational school graduates lose their jobs for the following reasons EXCEPT _________according to the text.

A. their high expectations for salaries          B. their poor performance

C. their lack of working experience                  D. their unrealistic expectations

56. The underlined word boosted in the last paragraph can be replaced by _______.

A. improved         B. prevented              C. ended         D. started

57. Among the vocational school graduates last year about ________took up their own business.

A.540,000             B360,000                          C.150,000             D.70,000

58. Which of the following is the best sentence to be put into the blank of the last paragraph?

A. To develop vocational education                   B. To build up graduates' own business

C. To offer graduates more jobs                         D. To meet the demand


 C  A   B  D 【解析】略

Most people think the first pies were made by early Romans. They may have learned about pie making from the Greeks. These pies were sometimes made in"reeds (芦苇叶)", which were used for the purpose of holding the filling (馅 ), and were not eaten.

The Romans spread the word about pies around Europe and the word"pie"became a popular word in the 14th century. The first pie recipe (食谱) was also published by the Romans.

Pies first appeared in England as early as the twelfth century. The early pies were mostly meat pies. There was actually more crust(皮)than filling. Often these pies were made from fowl ( 家禽) and the fowl's legs were left to hang over the side of the dish and used as handles. Fruit pies were probably first made in the 1500s. It is said that Queen Elizabeth I made the first cherry pie.

Pie came to America with the first English settlers. The early settlers cooked their pies in long narrow pans. As in the Roman times, the early American pie crusts were often not eaten, but simply used to hold the filling during baking(烘焙).

Over the years, pie has become what it is today --- "the most traditional American dessert". Pie has become so much a part of American culture that we now often use the phrase "as American as apple pie".

51. Which people might probably first grasp the skill to make pies?

A. The Romans.     B. The Greeks.    C. The Englishmen.    D. The Americans.

52. Which of the following is NOT true about pies?

A. English settlers brought pies to America.

B. Early Romans ate not only pies but also the crusts.

C. The Romans first published pie recipe.

D. The word “pie ” became popular because of the Romans` efforts.

53. What can best show pies have become part of American culture?

A. Americans use long narrow pans to cook pies.

B. People use "as American as apple pie" to show something about American characteristics.

C. Americans don't eat crusts but use them to hold the filling during baking.

D. Pies are the most traditional American dessert.

54. The best title of this passage is "______________".

A . The History of Pies                        B. Pies, the Delicious Food

C. Pies, American Dessert                D. How to Make Pies



完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

Once upon a time, there were two men. One was hard-working and had a lot of   31   and perseverance (坚定不移), while the other was   32   and never did any work. One night, they decided to have a competition between them. The contest was simple: the   33  person to see daylight would be the winner, and the winner would  34   a prize. Both men agree to do it, and the competition started.

The hard-working man immediately  35  and ran towards the west after the sun, while the lazy man just sat there and   36 . The hard-working man, looking at the competitor,  37  at his foolishness and kept going at his quick pace. Running through the jungles, swimming  38   the rivers and seas, and he kept running and running,  39  that he would reach his goal sooner or later. Meanwhile, the lazy man was still sleeping.

The hard-working man had been   40  for 6 hours already, and he was surprised that he still had not   41   daylight. Thinking it would be just around the corner, he  42  on running until he finally came back to where he started, 24 hours   43  . Upon arriving, he saw the lazy man seated there, smiling and waiting for him, holding the  44  he earned.

The hard-working man was   45   how this lazy man could earn it ---he hadn't done anything at all! Then the lazy man said," You are   46  a persevering and patient man, but you were running towards the   47  , running after the sun that kept moving away from your  48   whereas I just waited for the sun to come to me. You were lucky. If I had decided to  49   you and not to tell you, you would be continuing this pursuit (追赶) till your death." The hard-working man knew in his heart that the lazy man was right.

Sometimes, perseverance can   50  you from the truth that what you are doing is wrong.

31. A. hobbies            B. ideas                      C. patience               D. money

32. A. lazy                B. patient                 C. kind-hearted             D. hard-working

33. A. last                B. first                         C. second                D. only

34. A. accept                B. keep                       C. win                   D. defeat

35. A. set in               B. set aside               C. set up                 D. set out

36. A. worked              B. drank                      C. slept                  D. played

37. A. laughed               B. glared                    C. stared                D. looked

38. A. across               B. through                 C. over                   D. past

39. A. representing         B. believing                C. emphasizing            D. complaining

40. A. swimming            B. jumping                 C. resting                 D. running

41. A. admired             B. invented                C. found                  D. realized

42. A. commented          B. carried                            C. figured                 D. depended

43. A. before               B. later                       C. next                  D. further

44. A. money             B. medal                     C. prize                  D. gold

45. A. believing             B. recognizing           C. discussing               D. wondering

46. A. true                B. indeed                    C. certain                 D. hardly

47. A. west                  B. east                        C. north                 D. south

48. A. ears                   B. hands         C. sight                           D. mind     

49. A. hide from             B. learn from      C. keep from              D. come from   

50. A. make                  B. let             C. blind                          D. protect  



 _____ I shouted at the top of my voice _____ turn his head.

A.Not until; did he  

B.Not until; he did

C.Until; he did not  

D.Until; did he not



—How did you find him out?

—I ______ his name by chance on the list.  

A.came down

B.came about

C.came up

D.came across



---Is there any present for me ?

---Of course .This necklace __you .

A.is short for

B.is named for

C.is intended for

D.intended to



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