满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

In the garden there are a lot of flowers...

In the garden there are a lot of flowers ______ I don’t know the names.

A.of which

B.from which

C.to which

D.about which


A 【解析】略

_______ basketball, the girl students are also encouraged to play football.

A.As good as

B.As long as

C.As many as

D.As well as



---The boy looks ____.

---I know.He failed the exam, and now he is looking_____at his father.















3.参考词汇:state of mind心态

Dear Xiao Wang,

I have received and read your letter,in which you mentioned that you wanted to lose weight by  dieting.



Li Hua




Support for renewable energy technology to figllt global warming is weakening in the face of

worldwide economic problems and the true scale of the carbon reductions required,a survey pub-

lished today has suggested.

Figures presented at the UN climate talks in Poznan,Poland,show that climate experts have

less faitll in alternative energy than they did 12 months ago.

The survey shows less support for wind energy,solar power,biofuels,biomass and hydrogen

energy as technologies with“high potential”to reduce carbon levels in the atmosphere over the next

25 years.

Eric Whan of Globesean,which carried out t}le survey of“climate decision makers”.said.

“As the climate crisis deepens they could be becoming less optimistic that individual technologies

may be able to solve the problem.’’

The survey,supported by groups including the World Bank,the United Nations Environment

Programme and the Pew Center for Global Climate Change,questioned l,000 senior figures across

governments,pressure groups and companies in 1 15 countries over the last few weeks.

Almost three—quarters of the experts agreed in the survey that“equitable(公平的,平等的)e—

eonomic growth and development and significant progress in combating(与…斗争)climate change

Call be achieved at the salne time.’’

Asked to rate the likely Success of low—carbon technologies in the mid—term,they showed

less confidence than a similar survey 12 months ago.Support for offshore wind farms,was down

61%from 65%last year.Solar electricity generation was rated as having high—potential by 66%of  respondents,down from 74%.Support for hydrogen power was 32%,down form 36%in 2007.

The respondents also warned that a deep recession(衰退)would make a new global deal on climate harder to achieve.Some 44%agreed that the current economic crisis will significantly delay orcompromise the“achievement of effective climate change agreements.’’

72.Which of the following is NOT the alternative energy?    ·

A.Wind energy.    B.Solar power.    C.Hydrogen energy.D.Conventional energy.

73.Which of the following altemative energy sees the most remarkable reduction in support'?

A.Offshore wind farms.    B.Solar electricity.

C.Hydrogen power.       D.Natural gas.

Why is support for renewable energy technology to fight dobal warming weakening?

A.The technology has no use at  all.

B.People don’t want to use the technology.

C.Nothing can be done to reduce carbon levels in the atmosphere.

D.The current economic crisis iS to blame.

75.What’S the best title of the passage?

A.Experts Lost Faith in Renewable Technology  B.Global Environment Is Worsening

C.Who Is to Blame f.0r tIle Environment  D.What Can Be Done to Save the Earth




As school fl,tats again,there’s SO much mole for an American parent to nag(唠叨)about,like

homework,bedtime and lost hours on the Intemet.But in the age of digital childhood,Jacky Long-well,45,of McLean,Virginia,often text—messages(发短信)what she OnCe told her children bymouth_"Be nice to your brother;walk the dog;remember your reading.

This is the world of the modem family,in which even reminding children to do something has

become electronic.

There  are changes in how parents nag and in what they nag about and in the frequency of their


With technology,“you nag more,and you are a little bit more:precise with your nagging.’’said

Reginald  Black,46,of Woodbridge,Virginia.

For many young people,electronic nagging is part of the experience of growing up.Charles Flowers,17,131.$enior at St.John“College High School in Washington.says his mothel-reminds him about everything from laundry,being Oil time to baseball practice and mowing the lawn by text.

When she uses capitals he knows she is serious:GET HOME!

Some say technology has made nagging less annoying.

Jaeky Longwell thinks texts ale less emotional than spoken messages and less likely to be resisted by teenagers.

It’s not as painful for them to hear it by text.It becomes grouped with the friendly communication,”she said.“They can’t hear the nagging.”

She thinks a good way to do it is to mix friendliness with nagging.A parent Call always start by

saying hello.

Not all parents like the new electronic r,agging.Joyce Bouehard,51,a mother of four in Fairfax,Virginia,texts her 14一year—old son but says that for many  things — chores,homework— the

old—fashioned way works better.Nagging by text has risks,she notes:I always think,if you are texting them something and they are with their friends,they ale getting a big laugh out of it.’’

68.We can conclude from the first two paragraphs that————————.

A.American children often stay up late studying

B.Jacky Long'well had a happy aigital childhood

C.American parents pay too much attention to their children’s studies

D.American parents think a lot about their children’s characters

69.The example of Reginald Black is used to show readers————————.

A.that her nagging is thoughtful

B.how the amount and kind of nagging have changed with the arrival of the digital age

C.the kind of skills a parent needs to nag effectively

D.that she likes nagging her children very much

70.We can infer that—————————.

A.It’S better for parents to nag in a friendly,way

B.whether、nagging is e]ectronic or not,it is annoying

C.American parents generally don’t like to nag

D.American parents like to llse capital letters in messages

7 1.The main idea of the article is———————一.

A.the subjects American parents like to nag about

B.the reaSOliS American parents like to nag their children

C.that electronic nagging is becoming commoll in the U.S

D.how American parents began to nag their children by text messages



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